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King of Babylon

Hilprecht’s line art for the Marduk-aḫḫē-erība kudurru[i 1]
Reign ca. 1046 BC
Predecessor Adad-apla-iddina
Successor Marduk-zer-X
Royal House 2nd Dynasty of Isin

Marduk-aḫḫē-erība, “Marduk has replaced the brothers for me,”[1] ca. 1046 BC,[2] ruled as 9th king of the 2nd Dynasty of Isin and the 4th Dynasty of Babylon, but only for around 6 months.[nb 1] According to the Synchronistic Kinglist[i 2] he was a contemporary of the Assyrian king Aššur-bêl-kala.


The only contemporary source is a kudurru[i 1] (line art pictured),[3] or gray limestone boundary marker, in a private collection in Istanbul, which records a land grant to a certain Kudurrâ, a “Ḫabiru” and servant of the king, in a region of northern Babylonia called Bīt-Piri’-Amurru.[4] The term Ḫabiru may represent a socio-economic rather than ethnic designation as the name Kudurrâ is possibly not linguistically of semitic derivation. The field was surveyed[nb 2] by a diviner, a scribe named Nabû-ēriš the son of (i.e. descendant of) Arad-Ea, an administrator and a mayor.[5]

It has been suggested that he is the 5th king represented in the Prophecy A[i 3] by the single line, “A prince will arise, and his days will be short. He will not rule in the land.”[6] This is a late Assyrian tablet found at Assur and first published in 1923, which narrates a sequence of 12 Babylonian kings.

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Kudurru BE I 2 149.
  2. Synchronistic Kings List A.117, excavation reference Assur 14616c, ii 22.
  3. Prophecy A, tablet VAT 10179 (KAR 421) obverse ii 19.


  1. The Kinglist A, tablet BM 33332, iii 2 gives 1 year 6 months together with the beginning of his name, mdŠÚ-ŠEŠ-
  2. Termed rēš eqli našû, to lift the head of the field.


  1. J. A. Brinkman (1968). A political history of post-Kassite Babylonia, 1158-722 B.C. Analecta Orientalia. p. 44. 
  2. J. A. Brinkman (1999). "Isin". In Dietz Otto Edzard. Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Ia - Kizzuwatna. Walter De Gruyter. p. 184. 
  3. H. V. Hilprecht (1896). Old Babylonian Inscriptions Chiefly from Nippur, volume I part II. Philadelphia: Amer. Philos. Society. pp. 65–67.  text 149.
  4. J. A. Brinkman (1999). Dietz Otto Edzard, ed. Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Libanukasabas – Medizin. Walter De Gruyter. p. 374. 
  5. Eleanor Robson (2008). Mathematics in Ancient Iraq: A Social History. Princeton University Press. pp. 169, 174. 
  6. Tremper Longman (July 1, 1990). Fictional Akkadian autobiography: a generic and comparative study. Eisenbrauns. p. 161. 
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