Manin–Drinfeld theorem

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In mathematics, the Manin–Drinfeld theorem, proved by Manin (1972) and Drinfeld (1973), states that the difference of two cusps of a modular curve has finite order in the Jacobian variety.


  • Drinfeld, V. G. (1973), "Two theorems on modular curves", Akademija Nauk SSSR. Funkcionalnyi Analiz i ego Priloženija 7 (2): 83–84, ISSN 0374-1990, MR 0318157 
  • Manin, Ju. I. (1972), "Parabolic points and zeta functions of modular curves", Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya 36: 19–66, ISSN 0373-2436, MR 0314846 

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