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Part of a series on Islam
Usul al-fiqh

(The Roots of Jurisprudence)

Scholarly titles

In Islamic terminology, something which is Makruh (Arabic مكروه, also transliterated makrouh, makrūh etc.) is a disliked or offensive act (literally "detestable"). Though it is not haram (sinful), a person who abstains from this act will be rewarded. Muslims are encouraged to avoid such actions when possible. This is one of the degrees of approval (ahkam) in Islamic law.

An example of something Makruh is the use of a great amount of water for the small and large ablutions, the ritual washings known as the wudu and ghusl.

An example of a food which is considered "Makruh" for Hanafi Mazhab Muslim is prawns (but only for Hanafi Madh'hab Muslim)[1] There is, however, shared attitudes within the Hanafi school of whether shrimp is part of fish life and thereby halal. Hanafi school look, however, at any time that you refrain from it and instead eat something else if possible. [2]

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  1. Lawful to you is the pursuit of water game and its use for food, for the benefit of yourselves and those who travel; ….[5:96]..
  2. Ruling on Shrimp 
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