Makira Natural Park

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Makira Natural Park
IUCN category II (national park)
Makira Natural Park
Location of Makira Natural Park
Location North-east Madagascar
Nearest city Maroantsetra, Antalaha, Mandritsara
Area 3,850 km²
Established 2012
Visitors 0 (in 2006)
Governing body Madagascar Forestry Department (DGEF) in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society

The Makira Natural Park was reportedly established in 2012 in northeastern Madagascar.[1] The park was designed under the Ravalomanana administration to create one of Madagascar's largest protected areas, and was one of the first to be created under then-President Ravalomanana's "Durban Vision", which aimed to triple the area under protection in Madagascar during the period 2003-2008.

In August 2012, environmental website Mongabay reported that Makira Natural Park has been officially established. According to the report, management of the park is "partially funded" by "the sale of carbon credits" under the United Nations REDD (Reduced Emissions through Deforestation and Forest Degradation) Initiative.[1] No additional media or government documentation is available to confirm the park's establishment.

If the Makira area is preserved, it protects mostly mid-altitude rainforest as well as the watersheds of some of the country's most vital river systems. In addition to being important to biodiversity conservation in its own right, Makira provides a forested connection between the Masoala National Park and other protected areas to the north such as Anjanaharibe-sud Reserve and Marojejy National Park, standing to collectively increase their long-term ecological viability.

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Madagascar gets biggest protected area". Retrieved 2012-09-15. 

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