Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz

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Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz

Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz is a private preparatory school and international boarding school located in the village of Zuoz in the Engadin valley in Switzerland. Since its founding in 1904, it has catered to an international student body. Currently 40% of its students come from Switzerland, 35% Germany and 25% abroad. As the schools slogan "Mens Sana in Corpore Sano" suggests, it strives for high physical and mental fitness through sports.

An International Education

In 1997, the Lyceum launched a challenging, two-year program in English which leads to an International Baccalaureate Diploma - a diploma that is recognized by the best universities throughout the world. In order to facilitate admittance to this program, which is conducted entirely in English, the Lyceum offers a "Pre-IB" course.

The academic program of the International Baccalaureate is a demanding two-year preparation for a high school diploma that is recognized by the best universities throughout the world. Lessons are conducted entirely in English. Contrary to the Swiss Matura and the German Abitur, students attending the IB choose their subjects from six subject groups, as described below. At least three subjects at the "higher level" must be taken and three at the "standard level".

Requirements for graduation from this program include: students must produce an extended essay, their own research project, successfully complete the "Theory of Knowledge" course, and take part in the Creativity - Action - Service program. The CAS program infuses art, sports, and community service into the students’ education.

In addition to the various school languages, it is possible to choose one’s own mother tongue as a subject (language A1), even if it is not taught at the Lyceum. This can be studied independently as a "self-taught language", with teacher supervision. The Pre-IB: In preparation for the IB course, a pre-IB course is offered in the previous year (usually in the 10th school year). The main goal of this preparatory year is to acquire a basic knowledge of German as a school language, and to provide an intensive study of English to assure that the student’s command of the English language is sufficient to participate in the IB program. It also provides preliminary lessons in the basic subjects (mathematics, economics, biology), as well as instructing the students in the development of good study habits.

Arts and Athletics: Hand in Hand

By tradition, sports play a particularly significant role in the curriculum at the Lyceum Alpinum. The Lyceum boasts the most comprehensive sports and games facility of any educational institution in its class. Athletic activity provides a meaningful balance to conventional studies while, at the same time, promoting good health, stamina, and skill. Team sports develop and strengthen camaraderie, sense of duty, and loyalty. In addition, the school also offers a variety of opportunities for creative expression through painting, handicrafts, cooking, stage plays, film, photography, singing, and musical instrument instruction. Also in these fields, students are individually guided and encouraged by qualified and dedicated instructors.

Education in the Swiss Alps

Zuoz is located in the Engadine Valley of the Swiss Alps at an altitude of 1750 meters (5800 feet) above sea level, not far from St.Moritz. The exhilarating climate in this valley, famous for its sunshine and pure mountain air, is surely a benefit to the well-being of every youngster during these years of growth and maturing. Far from the influences of large cities, the students are able to concentrate on their studies, and own personal development. Through numerous outdoor activities and sports in both summer and winter, the Lyceum maximizes the advantages of its unique location to the benefit of its students. Whether in the field of formal education, organized leisure activities, or aspects of personal growth, the Lyceum Alpinum places high priority on individual counseling and guidance.

The Zuoz Club

The "Zuoz Club", the Alumni Association of the Lyceum Alpinum, provides a far-reaching network of relationships and contacts among the school’s former graduates. As the alumni are spread throughout the world, this Association acts as a lever for success in today’s global community that continues even beyond the actual student years in Zuoz. Both young and older get together at the various events, meets, and seminars which are organized annually: purposeful and fun-filled gatherings for the enjoyment and benefit of all who take part.

Educational Programs; School Programs; School Types

- Elementary school (5th & 6th grades) - High school with emphasis on - languages - natural sciences - economics and law - arts & drawing - Business School - English-speaking program: International Baccalaureate (IB) Diplomas at the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz:

Swiss Matura

The Swiss Matura ("Schweizer Maturität") examination takes place at the end of the 12th school year. Successful completion of this program satisfies admittance requirements to universities throughout Switzerland, as well as most universities abroad. There is no additional entrance examination to most Swiss universities.

German Abitur

After the 12th school year and upon successful completion of all required examinations ("Deutsche Reifeprüfung"), students are qualified to further their education at universities throughout Germany and the European Community. Other foreign universities also accept the German Abitur ("Deutsches Abitur") as admittance requirement.

International Baccalaureate

Normally, this examination takes place at the end of the 12th school year. Successful completion of this program opens the doors of universities throughout the world, as it is currently recognized in 65 countries. Certain restrictions still exist, however, in the German-speaking regions of Switzerland.

Swiss Business School Diploma ("Schweizer Handelsdiplom")

This Swiss Business School Diploma is equivalent to a commercial training apprenticeship examination and is recognized by a number of higher education schools. It enables access to the Eidgenössische Berufsmatura (Federal Vocational Matura).

Swiss Vocational School Diploma ("Schweizer Berufsmatura")

This diploma allows entrance to specific colleges of higher education without taking an additional entrance exam.

Midterm Diploma ("Mittlere Reife; Fachhochschulreife"): Successful completion of the 10th grade at the Lyceum is recognized in Germany as an equivalent to the "Mittlere Reife". Entrance to colleges of higher education in Germany is possible only after completion of 12 school years.

All of final examinations are conducted by teachers from the Lyceum, and are recognized by the Swiss Federation, as well as throughout Europe and the world.

International Summer Camps

Every August, the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz stages an International Summer Camp for youngsters between the ages of 11 and 15. The program includes either English or German language lessons, as well as a wide variety of leisure activities in the beautiful natural environment of the Engadine Valley. The students live on the spacious Lyceum Alpinum campus, and are cared for around the clock by experienced, qualified instructors and professional supervisors.

Additional information

- Athletics, and sports facilities: The Lyceum has its own sports field stretching over 70,000 square meters. It includes a driving range with chip and pitch equipment, an ice rink, tennis courts, soccer field, a mountain climbing tower, a cricket and field hockey field, Eton Fives courts, field and track facility, and a triple-chamber gym with a fitness room.

By tradition, sports play a particularly significant role in the curriculum at the Lyceum Alpinum. There’s a wide variety of athletic activities, including exchange matches with English boarding schools in Eton Fives and cricket, tennis, horseback riding, swimming, windsurfing, mountain climbing, field hockey, soccer, handball, volleyball, basketball, skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, ice hockey, figure skating, weight lifting and body building.

- Private tutoring and supplementary courses: Pupils experiencing learning difficulties or setbacks in a particular subject are offered private tutoring, support and development classes in addition to their regular lessons.

- Optional courses: The Lyceum Alpinum offers pupils a large number of optional subjects, which provide interesting and stimulating supplements to the compulsory school subjects.

- Some of the optional courses available: Italian, Latin, Spanish, English conversation, French conversation, current affairs, laboratory practice in biology, chemistry and physics, philosophy, art history and art contemplation, drawing, music, choir and song, rhetoric, school drama, musical instrument lessons, school orchestra, and handicrafts.

- Basic Training in Computer Technology: All pupils are offered the opportunity to attain basic knowledge of computer technology through a wide range of courses (computer text work, word processing, working with spread-sheets, databank management), which are optional at the junior and middle grammar school levels. Basic knowledge of computer technology is a prerequisite for attending the senior level of the high school or the IB department.

- Cultural Events, Adult Education Classes: The Lyceum Alpinum is an important cultural vehicle in the Engadine. It organizes concerts, stage productions and literary readings for its students and the general public. Reputable personalities often debate current affairs in the Zuoz Speakers Club.

The Lyceum also offers a vast number of adult education classes, such as language studies, computer technology, sports training, hobbies and handicrafts for the benefit of the local residents.


Sunny, high-altitude alpine climate, 1750 meters above sea level.

Zuoz is a small, peaceful village with 1000 inhabitants. Its origins date back to the 12th century: it is well preserved and picturesque, with impressive examples of traditional Engadine architecture. It’s situated in the middle of the Upper Engadine Valley, a most spectacular winter and summer resort region not far from St.Moritz.

The 2006 documentary 'Zuoz' documented the daily lives and activities of the students and staff of the school.

Distances from St. Moritz: 20 km (12 mi) Chur: 90 km (56 mi) Zurich: 200 km (120 mi) Munich: 280 km (170 mi) Salzburg: 400 km (250 mi) Samedan airport: 13 km (8.1 mi) Zurich Intl. Airport 220 km (140 mi)

Notable Alumni

External links

Coordinates: 46°36′18″N 9°57′37″E / 46.60500°N 9.96028°E / 46.60500; 9.96028

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