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The archaeological site of Wamanmarka and the Luq'umayu valley in the background
Name origin: Quechua
Country Peru
Region Cusco Region
 - right Allpamayu, Ch'akimayu, Inkatampu,
Sirinayuq, Wamanmarka
Mouth Willkanuta River

Luq'umayu (Quechua luq'u old hat that has lost ist form / hollow, depression (of an area), mayu river,[1] "hollow river", hispanicized spellings Lucumayo, Lucumayu) is a river in Peru located in the Cusco Region, La Convención Province, Huayopata District. Its waters flow to the Willkanuta River.[2]

Luq'umayu originates in the Urupampa mountain range near the mountain Willka Wiqi. It crosses the district from southeast to northwest along the villages Chachayuq (Chachayoc), Allpamayu (Alfamayo), Luq'umayu (Lucumayo), Wak'arumiyuq, (Huacarumiyoc), Wamanpata (Huamanpata), Inkatampu (Incatambo), Sarasarayuq (Sarasarayoc), Wamanmarka (Huamanmarca) and the town Huyru (Huyro). Some of its numerous little affluents from the right are Allpamayu, Ch'akimayu (Chaquimayo), Inkatampu (Incatambo) and Sirinayuq (Sirinayoc). Its main tributary is Wamanmarka (Huamanmarca). The village Wamanmarka lies near the confluence of these rivers, on the right bank of the Luq'umayu. This is where the archaeological site of Wamanmarka is situated.[3]

See also


  1. Teofilo Laime Ajacopa, Diccionario Bilingüe Iskay simipi yuyayk'ancha, La Paz, 2007 (Quechua-Spanish dictionary)
  2. - UGEL map of the La Convención Province 2 (Cusco Region)
  3. Ministerio de Cultura, Dirección regional de Cultura - Cusco, "Recuperación del Monumento Pre Hispánico Zona Arqueológica de Wamanmarka Sector Urbano (Usnu) del Parque Arqueológico de Vilcabamba Provincia La Convención Región Cusco"

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