Luis Enrique Sam Colop

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Luis Enrique Sam Colop or Sam-Colop (born in Cantel, 1955, died July 15, 2011) was a Guatemalan linguist,[1] [2] lawyer, poet, writer, newspaper columnist,[3] promoter of the K'iche' language, and social activist.[4]

Sam Colop graduated in Law at the Rafael Landivar University [5][6] and obtained his Ph.D. at SUNY, Buffalo in 1994 with a dissertation on Maya poetry.[7] He taught K'iche' Language at the Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala. In 1999 he was a Fulbright-sponsored visiting scholar at St. Mary's College of Maryland [8]

Books and articles

Published works by Luis Sam-Colop include two poem collections, Versos sin refugio [9] and La copa y la raíz[10] as well as various essays and articles.[11] He is best known outside Guatemala for a new edition of the Popol Vuh in the native language.[12] He recently received a Guggenheim fellowship in connection with this work.


  1. "Luis Enrique Sam Colop, 1955-2011 | American Indian Studies". Retrieved 2011-12-19. 
  2. William D. Davies and Luis Enrique Sam-Colop, K‘iché and the structure of antipassive, Language 66, 522-549. (1990)
  3. Prensa Libre (newspaper), Guatemala.
  4. Nick Copeland Cruel Populism: Counterinsurgency Strategy and the Limits of Democracy in the Guatemalan Highlands, pages 10 and 29. LASC Working Paper N.21, University of Maryland
  5. Alberto M. Fernández, Review of Kay B. Warren's Pan-Maya Activism in Guatemala. ReVista online journal, Harvard (Spring 1999).
  6. Franz Galich, ¿Existe una literatura indígena en Guatemala?. Accessed March 08, 2009
  7. Luis Enrique Sam Colop, Maya Poetics. Ph.D. dissertation, SUNY at Buffalo. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor (1994)
  8. Building Student Exchanges with the Emerging Democratic World. Grant proposal, St. Mary's College of Maryland (2003).
  9. Luis Enrique Sam-Colop, Versos sin refugio (1980). 32 pages, in Spanish.
  10. Luis Enrique Sam-Colop, La copa y la raíz. Editorial San Antonio, Guatemala (1979). In Spanish and K‘iche‘.
  11. Luis Enrique Sam-Colop, Jub'aqtun Omay Kuchum K'aslemal, Cinco siglos de encumbrimento. Series Seminario Permanente de Estudios Mayas, No. 1. Cholsamaj, Guatemala (1991). 42 pages, in Spanish.
  12. Luis Enrique Sam Colop, Popol Wuj Versión Poética K‘iche‘. PEMBI/GTZ/Cholsamaj, Guatemala (1999). In the Quiché Maya language.

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