Lucius Julius Caesar

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Lucius Julius Caesar was the name of several men of the gens Julia in ancient Rome. Lucius was one of the three praenomina (first names) most commonly used by the Julii Caesares of the Republic; the other two were Sextus and Gaius, which was the praenomen of the most famous member of the family, Julius Caesar.

  • Lucius Julius, possibly with the cognomen Caesar and to be identified as the Julius Caesar who was praetor urbanus in 166 and died suddenly in office.[2]
  • Lucius Julius Caesar was the son of Numerius Julius Caesar and father to the Sextus Julius Caesar who was consul in 157 BC. Lucius was a great-grandson to Lucius Julius Libo.
  • Lucius Julius Caesar (c. 135 BC 87 BC) was the elder brother to Gaius Julius Caesar Strabo Vopiscus. As consul in 90 BC, he proposed legislation granting Roman citizenship to allies who didn’t participate in the Social War against Rome in 90 BC. This proposal became known as the Julian Law. During his consulship Lucius Caesar commanded one of the armies Rome employed against the Italians with mixed success as he was beaten a few times but was able to repulse an attack on his camp. He was elected censor in 89 BC. Lucius and his brother were killed together in 87 BC at the beginning of the Civil War by partisans of Gaius Marius. His children were the Lucius Julius Caesar who was consul in 64 BC and Julia Antonia.
  • Lucius Julius Caesar (d after 43 BC) was a Consul of 64 BC. During the debate in the senate with regards to the punishment of the Catalinarian conspirators, he voted for the death penalty although his own brother-in-law Publius Cornelius Lentulus (Sura) was amongst them. He was a legate in Gaul in 52 BC and a high priest. After the conquest of Gaul he moved against Pompey. He accompanied Julius Caesar into civil war. After Caesar's assassination he allied with his nephew Mark Antony. He and his nephew fell out in 43 BC, and he was proscribed by Mark Anthony but the pleas of his sister saved himself from the death penalty.

See also


  1. Livy 39.45.6–7; T.R.S. Broughton, The Magistrates of the Roman Republic (American Philological Association, 1951, 1986), vol. 1, p. 378.
  2. Pliny the Elder, Natural History 7.181; Broughton, MRR1, p. 437.

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