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A lodgement is an enclave taken by and defended by force of arms against determined opposition made by increasing the size of a bridgehead, beachhead or airhead[1] into a substantial defended area, the rear parts of whichat the least are out of direct line of fire.[2]



  1. Oxford English Dictionary lodgement, lodgment "3. The action of establishing oneself or making good a position on an enemy's ground, or obtaining a foothold; hence, a stable position gained, a foothold. Chiefly in phr. to make or find a lodgement."
  2. United States Department of the Navy -- Naval Historical Center 805 Kidder Breese SE -- Washington Navy Yard Washington DC 20374-5060 Chapter X: The build-up for the Battle of France; Part 1: The post-NEPTUNE naval task "The army still had a desperate battle before them before they would consolidate possession of their bridgehead in the lodgement area."
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