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Lobelia siphilitica
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Campanulaceae
Subfamily: Lobelioideae

See text.

Lobelioideae is a subfamily of the plant family Campanulaceae. It contains 32 genera,[1] totalling about 1200 species. Some of the larger genera are Lobelia, Siphocampylus, Centropogon, Burmeistera and Cyanea.

They are perennials, sometimes annuals, ranging in form from herbs to small trees. Most species are tropical in distribution, but in total this subfamily occurs almost worldwide, being absent only from Arctic regions, central Asia and the Near East.

This subfamily was formerly given family rank as Lobeliaceae, under a somewhat different circumscription.

The leaves are simple and alternate. The plants have milky sap. The flowers are asymmetrical with five lobes and stamens. The corolla tube opens along the upper side with two lobes above and three below, and the stamens join together in the tube.


  • Apetahia Baill.
  • Brighamia A.Gray
  • Burmeistera H.Karst. & Triana
  • Calcaratolobelia Wilbur
  • Centropogon C.Presl
  • Clermontia Gaudich.
  • Cyanea Gaudich.
  • Delissea Gaudich.
  • Dialypetalum Benth.
  • Diastatea Scheidw.
  • Dielsantha E.Wimm.
  • Downingia Torr.
  • Grammatotheca C.Presl
  • Heterotoma Zucc.
  • Hippobroma G.Don
  • Howellia A.Gray
  • Pratia Gaudich.
  • Ruthiella Steenis
  • Sclerotheca A.DC.
  • Siphocampylus Pohl
  • Solenopsis C.Presl
  • Trematolobelia Zahlbr. ex Rock
  • Trimeris C.Presl
  • Unigenes E.Wimm.[2]


  1. "Family: Campanulaceae Juss., nom. cons. subfam. Lobelioideae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2007-04-12. Retrieved 2011-03-02. 
  2. "GRIN Genera of Campanulaceae subfam. Lobelioideae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 2011-03-02. 

External links

Media related to Lobelioideae at Wikimedia Commons Data related to Lobelioideae at Wikispecies

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