List of rabbis

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This is a list of prominent rabbis. Rabbis are Judaism's spiritual and religious leaders.

See also: List of Jews.

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

Rabbis: Pre-Mishnaic (Tannaim) (Zugot) (ca. 515 BCE – 70 CE)

See: Mishnah, Tannaim, Zugot.



Rabbis: Mishnaic (Tannaim)(ca. 70–200 CE)

See Mishnah, Tannaim.
  • Akiva, 1st-century Judea, central scholar in Mishnah
  • Judah haNasi, 2nd century, Judah the Prince, in Judea, redactor (editor) of the Mishnah
  • Shimon bar Yochai, 1st-century mystic, reputed author of the Zohar
  • Yohanan ben Zakkai, 1st-century sage in Judea, key to the development of the Mishnah
  • Eliezer ben Jose, the son of Jose the Galilean (?-c.160), famous for Baraita of Thirty-Two mitzvoth. Father of Rabbi Hananiah.

Rabbis: Talmudic (Amoraim)(ca. 200–500 CE)

See Talmud and Amora.
  • Abaye, 3rd-century Talmudist
  • Abba Arika, known as Rav, last Tanna, first Amora. Moved from Israel to Babylon, 3rd century.
  • Abbahu, 4th-century Talmudist
  • Eleazar Kalir, early Talmudic liturgist and poet
  • Hamnuna – Several rabbis in the Talmud had this name.
  • Hillel, son of Gamaliel III, 3rd century, in Judea, grandson of Judah ha-Nasi, and younger brother of Judah Nesiah
  • Hillel II, 4th-century creator of the Hebrew calendar, in Judea, son of Judah Nesiah, grandson of Gamaliel IV
  • Judah II, 3rd-century sage, sometimes called Judah Nesi'ah and Rebbi like his grandfather
  • Judah III, 4th-century scholar, son of Gamaliel IV, and grandson of Judah II
  • Rabbah bar Nahmani
  • Rav Ashi, 5th-century Babylonian Talmudic sage – primary redactor of the Babylonian Talmud
  • Rav Nachman
  • Rav Papa
  • Rava, important Amora
  • Ravina, primary aide to Rav Ashi in the redaction of the Babylonian Talmud
  • Resh Lakish
  • Shmuel (Talmud), rabbi of Nehardea, physician
  • Yochanan, primary author of the Jerusalem Talmud
  • Rav Jonah

Rabbis: Middle Ages (ca. 500–1500 CE)

See: Geonim and Rishonim.
  • Abba Mari, (Minhat Kenaot), 13th-century French Talmudist
  • Don Isaac Abravanel, (Abarbanel), 15th-century philosopher and Torah commentator
  • Jacob Berab, 15th–16th-century proponent of Semichah (Ordination)
  • Abraham ibn Daud, (Sefer HaKabbalah), 12th-century Spanish philosopher
  • Obadiah ben Abraham of Bertinoro, (Bartenura) 15th-century commentator on the Mishnah
  • Abraham ben David of Posquières, 1100s, France.
  • Abraham ibn Ezra, (Even Ezra), 12th-century Spanish-North African Biblical commentator
  • Amram Gaon, 9th-century organizer of the siddur
  • Asher ben Jehiel, (Rosh), 13th-century German-Spanish Talmudist
  • Bahya ibn Paquda, (Hovot ha-Levavot), 11th-century Spanish philosopher and moralist
  • Chananel Ben Chushiel (Rabbeinu Chananel), 10th-century Tunisian Talmudist
  • Dunash ben Labrat, 10th-century grammarian and poet
  • Eliezer ben Nathan, 12th-century poet and pietist
  • Hasdai Crescas, (Or Hashem), 14th-century Talmudist and philosopher
  • Rabbenu Gershom, 11th-century German Talmudist and legalist
  • Gersonides, Levi ben Gershom, (Ralbag), 14th-century French Talmudist and philosopher
  • Hillel ben Eliakim, (Rabbeinu Hillel), 12th-century Talmudist and disciple of Rashi
  • Ibn Tibbon, a family of 12th and 13th-century Spanish and French scholars, translators, and leaders
  • Isaac Alfasi, (the Rif), 12th-century North African and Spanish Talmudist and Halakhist; author of "Sefer Ha-halachot".
  • Jacob ben Asher, (Baal ha-Turim ; Arbaah Turim), 14th-century German-Spanish Halakhist
  • Joseph Albo, (Sefer Ikkarim), 15th-century Spain
  • Joseph ibn Migash 12th-century Spanish Talmudist and Rosh Yeshiva; teacher of Maimon, father of Maimonides
  • Maimonides, Moshe Ben Maimon, (Rambam), 12th-century Spanish-North African Talmudist, philosopher, and law codifier
  • Mordecai ben Hillel, (The Mordechai), 13th-century German Halakhist
  • Nahmanides, Moshe ben Nahman, (Ramban), 13th-century Spanish and Holy Land mystic and Talmudist
  • Nissim Ben Jacob (Rav Nissim Gaon) 10th-century Tunisian Talmudist
  • Nissim of Gerona, (RaN), 14th-century Halakhist and Talmudist
  • Rashi, (Solomon ben Yitzchak), 11th-century Talmudist, the primary commentator of Talmud
  • Elazar Rokeach, (Sefer HaRokeach) 12th-century German rabbinic scholar
  • Saadia Gaon, (Emunoth ve-Deoth ; Siddur) 10th-century Exilarch and leader of Babylonian Jewry
  • Samuel ben Judah ibn Tibbon, 12th–13th-century French Maimonidean philosopher and translator
  • Tosafists, (Tosfot) 11th, 12th and 13th-century Talmudic scholars in France and Germany
  • Yehuda Halevi, (Kuzari), 12th-century Spanish philosopher and poet devoted to Zion

Rabbis: 16th – 18th centuries

See: Acharonim.

Rabbis: 16th – 17th centuries

Rabbis: 18th century

Orthodox rabbis, 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries

See Orthodox Judaism.

Orthodox rabbis: 19th century

Orthodox rabbis: 20th century

Chareidi leaders

Modern rabbis

Orthodox rabbis: Contemporary (ca. 21st century)


  • Shlomo Amar, Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel
  • Barditchev, Shia Seidenfeld, "Barditchever" rebbe in Monsey, N.Y.
  • Yisroel Belsky, Dean, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, Senior Rabbi of the Orthodox Union, and recognized world authority of Jewish law
  • Meir Brandsdorfer, member of the Badatz (rabbinical court) of the Edah HaChareidis (deceased)
  • Shlomo Carlebach (1925-1994), Jewish rabbi, religious teacher, composer, singer and pioneer in Baal Teshuvah Movement (deceased)
  • Yosef Sholom Eliashiv, Israeli rabbi and a rabbinical leader of the chareidi world (deceased)
  • Gerrer Rebbes, Polish Hasidic dynasty now in Israel, followers also in the US and UK
  • Yitzchak Kadouri, leading 20th-century Kabbalist (Mekubal) (deceased)
  • Yaakov Kamenetsky, rabbinical leader and educationalist (deceased)
  • Nissim Karelitz, Israeli chareidi leader
  • Israel Meir Lau, former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel and current Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv
  • Berel Lazar, Chief Rabbi of Russia
  • Yona Metzger, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel
  • Shlomo Miller, head of the Toronto Kollel and recognized authority of Jewish law
  • Avigdor Nebenzahl, Chief Rabbi of the old city of Jerusalem
  • Yissachar Dov Rokeach, Belzer Rebbe
  • Bezalel Rudinsky, dean of Yeshivas Ohr Reuven, Wesley Hills, N.Y.
  • Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, dean of Torah Ohr Yeshiva, Jerusalem (deceased)
  • Adin Steinsaltz, 21st-century Israeli Talmud scholar and philosopher
  • Moshe Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe (deceased)
  • Vizhnitzer Rebbes, (Vizhnitzer), Romanian dynasty of Hasidic rebbes in Israel and the US
  • Amnon Yitzhak, Yemenite "baal teshuva Rabbi" in Israel
  • Ovadia Yosef, 21st-century Iraqi-Israeli former Israel Sephardic Chief Rabbi, legal scholar, "de facto" leader of Sephardic Jewry (deceased)
  • Amram Zaks, rosh yeshiva of the Slabodka yeshiva of Bnei Brak (deceased)


Modern Orthodox

See also article Modern Orthodox for a list of rabbis.

Conservative rabbis, 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries

See: Conservative Judaism.

Conservative rabbis: 19th century

  • Zecharias Frankel, 19th-century critical historian, founder of the "Positive Historical" school, the progenitor of Conservative Judaism.
  • Levi Herzfeld, 19th-century German rabbi, proponent of moderate reform
  • Nachman Krochmal, 19th-century Austrian philosopher and historian

Conservative rabbis: 20th century

Conservative rabbis: Contemporary (ca. 21st century)

Conservative rabbinical organizations

Union for Traditional Judaism

Reform rabbis, 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries

See Reform Judaism.

Reform rabbis: 19th century

Reform rabbis: 20th century

  • Paula Ackerman, first woman to perform rabbinical functions in the United States, not ordained
  • Leo Baeck (1873-1956), 20th-century Reform rabbi
  • Pauline Bebe, first women rabbi in France
  • Laszlo Berkowitz, 20th-century Reform rabbi, Temple Rodef Shalom
  • Lionel Blue, British rabbi, writer and broadcaster
  • Abraham Cronbach, 20th-century Reform rabbi & educator
  • Maurice Davis, 20th-century Reform rabbi, past Chairman, President's Commission on Equal Opportunity
  • David Max Eichhorn (Jan. 6, 1906–July 16, 1986) was Reform Juewish rabbi, author, and chaplain in the Army who was among the troops that liberated Dachau. He founded Merritt Island's Temple Israel.[2]
  • Elyse Goldstein, first woman Rabbi in Canada, educator and writer
  • Regina Jonas, first female rabbi in the world
  • Julia Neuberger, British Reform rabbi
  • Gunther Plaut (1912-2012), 20th-century Reform rabbi and author, Holy Blossom Temple
  • Sally Priesand, 20th-century Reform rabbi, first female rabbi in the United States
  • Abba Hillel Silver, 20th-century Reform rabbi and Zionist leader
  • Stephen S. Wise (1874-1949), 20th-century Reform rabbi and Zionist activist

Reform rabbis: contemporary (ca. 21st century)

  • Arik Ascherman, American-born Reform rabbi and Palestinian human rights activist in Israel
  • Denise Eger, former rabbi of Beth Chayim Chadashim world's first LGBT Synagogue and founder of Temple Kol Ami in West Hollywood CA. First female and openly lesbian person to serve as president of Southern California Board of Rabbis and officiated at the first legal same sex wedding between two women in California.
  • Alysa Stanton, 21st-century Reform rabbi, first ordained Black female rabbi in America

Reconstructionist rabbis, 20th and 21st centuries

See: Reconstructionist Judaism.

Reconstructionist rabbis: 20th century

  • Mordecai Kaplan (1881-1983), 20th-century founder of the Reconstructionist movement in America
  • Deborah Brin, first openly gay rabbi in Judaism

Reconstructionist rabbis: Contemporary (ca. 21st century)

Karaite rabbis

See: Karaite Judaism.
See: Karaite Hakhamim.

Other rabbis

See Jewish Renewal ; Humanistic Judaism

See also


  1. Ain, Stewart (January 14, 2001). "Nassau Plans to Tax Parsonages". Rockville Centre (NY); Nassau County (NY): The New York Times. Retrieved July 29, 2010. 
  2. New York Times obituary, July 23, 1986.
  3. "Black Rabbi Reaches Out to Mainstream of His Faith", Nikko Kopel, New York Times, March 16, 2008

External links




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