List of battles of the Second Punic War

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A generic representation of the location and result of some battles of the second Punic war. Not to exact scale, accuracy limited by the availability of primary source data.
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This is an incomplete list of battles of the Second Punic War, showing the battles on the Italian peninsula and some in Africa, in Sicily and Hispania.

  • 218 BC
  • 217 BC
  • 216 BC
  • 215 BC
    • Second Battle of Nola - Marcellus again repulsed an attack by Hannibal.
    • A Roman fleet under Titus Otacilius Crassus defeated a Carthaginian fleet near Sardinia.
    • Hasdrubal Barca is defeated by the Scipio brothers in Battle of Dertosa. The Romans raided Carthaginian territory south of the Ebro river.
    • A Carthaginian expedition under Hasdrubal the Bald is defeated near Caralis in Sardinia in Battle of Cornus.
  • 214 BC - Third Battle of Nola - Marcellus fought an inconclusive battle with Hannibal.
  • 212 BC
    • Hannibal, after careful planning and collaboration from the Greek populance, takes the city of Tarentum in a daring Night Raid on Tarentum. The Romans managed to hold the Citadel at the mouth of the port.
    • First Battle of Capua - Hannibal defeated the consuls Q. Fulvius Flaccus and Appius Claudius, but the Roman army escaped. Siege of Capua temporarily lifted.
    • Battle of the Silarus - Hannibal destroyed the army of the Roman praetor M. Centenius Penula in Campania.
    • First Battle of Herdonia - Hannibal destroyed the Roman army of the praetor Gnaeus Fulvius in Apulia.
    • The Siege of Syracuse ends with the fall of the city. Archimedes is accidentally slain.
  • 211 BC
  • 210 BC
  • 209 BC
    • Battle of Asculum - Hannibal once again confronted Marcellus in an indecisive battle. Marcellus was recalled to Rome on charges of bad leadership.
    • Assault on Cartagena - P. Cornelius Scipio the Younger captured Cartagena, the main base of Carthage in Hispania.
  • 208 BC
    • Battle of Baecula - Romans in Hispania under P. Cornelius Scipio the Younger defeated Hasdrubal Barca. Hasdrubal managed to save 2/3 of his army, treasures and elephants and retreat.
    • Battle of Clupea - The Carthaginian navy is defeated in a battle off the African coast.
  • 207 BC
    • Battle of Grumentum - Roman general Gaius Claudius Nero fought an indecisive battle with Hannibal, then marched north to confront Hasdrubal Barca, who had invaded Italy.
    • Battle of the Metaurus - Hasdrubal Barca was defeated and killed by Livius and Nero's combined Roman army. Is thought by many as one of the most decisive battles in history.
    • Naval Battle of Utica - A Carthaginian fleet of 70 ships is defeated by a Roman fleet of 100 ships near Utica.
  • 206 BC - Battle of Ilipa - Scipio destroyed the remaining Carthaginian forces in Hispania.
  • 204 BC - Battle of Crotona - Hannibal fought a drawn battle against the Roman general Sempronius in Southern Italy.
  • 203 BC - Battle of Bagbrades - Romans under Scipio defeated the Carthaginian army of Hasdrubal Gisco and Syphax. Hannibal was recalled to Africa.
    • Battle of Castra Cornelia - Carthaginian fleet under Hasdrubal plunders the Roman supply convoy sailing to resupply Scipio's army in Africa near Utica.
  • 202 BC - Battle of Zama (October 19) - Scipio Africanus Major decisively defeated Hannibal in North Africa, ending the Second Punic War.
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