List of World Heritage Sites in Romania

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UNESCO has included up until now, 7 sites in Romania on the list of World Heritage Sites.[1]



Name/Location[2] Region/County Description Ref nr Year added
Churches of Moldavia Moldavia Masterpieces inspired by Byzantine art 598 1993
1 Arbore Suceava County "The Decollation of Saint John the Baptist" Church of Arbore village. 1993[3]
2 Mănăstirea Humorului Suceava County The Assumption of the Virgin and of Saint George's Church of the old Humor Monastery. 1993[3]
3 Moldoviţa Suceava County The Church of the Annunciation of Moldoviţa Monastery. 1993[3]
4 Pătrăuţi Suceava County Sacred Cross' Church of Pătrăuți. 1993[3]
5 Probota Suceava County Saint Nicolas' Church of Probota Monastery. 1993[3][4]
6 Suceava Suceava County Saint George's Church of Suceava. 1993[3]
7 Voroneţ Suceava County Saint George's Church of the former Voroneț Monastery. 1993[3]
8 Suceviţa Suceava County Church of the Resurrection of Sucevița Monastery.[5] 2010[6]
Dacian Fortresses of the Orăştie Mountains Transylvania An unusual fusion of military and religious architectural techniques and concepts 906 1999
1 Sarmizegetusa Regia Hunedoara County The capital of Dacia. 1999[7]
2 Costești - Cetățuie Hunedoara County Dacian Fortress. 1999[7]
3 Costeşti-Blidaru Hunedoara County The strongest of the Dacian Fortresses. 1999[7]
4 Piatra Roşie Hunedoara County Dacian Fortress. 1999[7]
5 Băniţa Hunedoara County Dacian Fortress. 1999[7]
6 Căpâlna Alba County Dacian Fortress. 1999[7]
Historic Centre of Sighișoara Transylvania/Mureş County A fine example of a small, fortified medieval town 902 1999[8]
Monastery of Horezu Oltenia/Vâlcea County A masterpiece of the Brâncovenesc style 597 1993
Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania Transylvania A picture of the cultural landscape of southern Transylvania 596 bis 1993
1 Biertan Sibiu County The site of Biertan with the fortified church and a part of the town. 1993[9]
2 Câlnic, Alba Alba County Village of Câlnic. 1999[10]
3 Dârjiu Harghita County Village of Dârjiu. 1999[10]
4 Prejmer Braşov County Village of Prejmer. 1999[10]
5 Saschiz Mureş County Village of Saschiz. 1999[10]
6 Valea Viilor Sibiu County Village of Valea Viilor. 1999[10]
7 Viscri Braşov County Village of Viscri. 1999[10]
Wooden Churches of Maramureş Maramureş Outstanding examples of a range of architectural solutions from different periods and areas 904 1999
1 Bârsana Maramureş County The Church of the Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple in Bârsana. 1999[11]
2 Budeşti Maramureş County The Church of Saint Nicholas in Budeşti. 1999[11]
3 Deseşti Maramureş County The Church of the Holy Paraskeva in Deseşti. 1999[11]
4 Ieud Maramureş County The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Ieud Deal. 1999[11]
5 Plopiş/Siseşti Commune Maramureş County The Church of the Holy Archangels in Plopiş. 1999[11]
6 Poienile Izei Maramureş County The Church of the Holy Parasceve in Poienile Izei. 1999[11]
7 Rogoz/Târgu Lăpuş Maramureş County The Church of the Holy Archangels in Rogoz. 1999[11]
8 Şurdeşti/Siseşti Commune Maramureş County The Church of the Holy Archangels in Şurdeşti. 1999[11]


Name/Location[2] Region/County Description Ref nr Year added
Danube Delta Dobruja/Tulcea County Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve 588 1991[12]

Tentative list

Name/Location Region/County Description Year added
Neamţ Monastery Moldavia/Neamt County Neamț Monastery 1991[13]
Curtea de Argeş Muntenia/Arges County Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Ensembles of Curtea de Arges 1991[14]
Sculptural Ensemble of Constantin Brâncuși at Târgu Jiu Oltenia/Gorj County Sculptural Ensemble of Constantin Brâncuși in Târgu Jiu 1991[15]
Basarabi Dobruja/Constanţa County The Rupestral Monastic Ensemble of Basarabi 1991[16]
Trei Ierarhi Monastery Moldavia/Iaşi County Trei Ierarhi Monastery 1991[17]
Cule from Oltenia Oltenia Cule from Oltenia 1991[18]
Densuş Church Transylvania/Hunedoara County Densuș Church 1991[19][20]
Alba-Iulia Transylvania/Alba County Historic Town of Alba-Iulia 1991[21]
Retezat National Park Transylvania/Hunedoara County Retezat National Park 1991[22]
Rodna Mountains Maramureş/Maramureş County Rodna Natural Park 1991[23]
Sânpetru Formation Transylvania/Hunedoara County Sînpetru (paleontological site) 1991[24]
Slătioara Moldavia/Suceava County Slătioara Secular Forest 1991[25]
Sibiu Transylvania/Sibiu County The Historic Centre of Sibiu and its Ensemble of Squares 2004[26]

See also


  2. 2.0 2.1 "Romania - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 "Churches of Moldavia - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  4. "World Heritage Centre - Romania - International support for the restoration and preservation of the Probota Monastery". 2009-02-09. Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  5. "Eglise de la Résurrection du monastère de Sucevita - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  6. "UNESCO World Heritage Centre - World Heritage Committee also approves three extensions to World Heritage properties in Austria, Romania and Spain". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 "Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". 1999-12-02. Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  8. "Historic Centre of Sighişoara - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  9. "Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". 1999-12-02. Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 "UNESCO World Heritage Centre - World Heritage Committee Inscribes 48 New Sites on Heritage List". 1999-12-02. Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 "Wooden Churches of Maramureş - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". 1999-12-02. Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  12. "Danube Delta - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". 2009-09-15. Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  13. "Le Monastère de Neamt - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  14. "Eglises byzantines et post-byzantines de Curtea de Arges - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  15. "L'ensemble monumental de Tirgu Jiu - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  16. "L'ensemble rupestre de Basarabi - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  17. "L'église des Trois Hiérarques de Iassy - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  18. "Les "coules" de Petite Valachie - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  19. "L'église de Densus - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  20. "L'église de Densus - World Heritage Site - Pictures, info and travel reports". World Heritage Site. Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  21. "Le noyau historique de la ville d'Alba Julia - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  22. "Massif du Retezat - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  23. "Pietrosul Rodnei (sommet de montagne) - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  24. "Sinpetru (site paléontologique) - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  25. "Codrul secular Slatiora (forêt séculaire) - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". Retrieved 2010-09-20. 
  26. "The Historic Centre of Sibiu and its Ensemble of Squares - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". 2004-06-29. Retrieved 2010-09-20. 

External links

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