List of Azerbaijanis

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Azerbaijanis or Azeris (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycanlılar آذربایجانلیلار, Azərilər آذری لر) are a Turkic people. Azerbaijanis are predominantly Shia Muslims living throughout Caucasus, northern Iran and eastern Turkey. Traditionally, the Azerbaijanis are living in Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia (Dagestan), Turkey (Kars, Ardahan and Iğdır) and Georgia (Borchali).

Below are lists of famous, prominent and notable Azerbaijanis from Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia, Russia, Turkey (Anatolia) and other countries. Some Azerbaijanis were born in one country, but gained fame in another. In the list, they are indicated only by place of birth. List also includes people who have at least one parent is of Azerbaijani origin.



  • Abbas Mirza Sharifzadeh — actor, Honoured Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1935).
  • Aghasadyg Garaybeyli — actor, People's Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1940).
  • Alasgar Alakbarov — actor, People's Artist of USSR (1961).
  • Chyuqyurlyamar Mirzimbiklyarev - actor, People's Artist of USSR (1949), in 1958 arrested for zoophilia.
  • Fakhraddin Manafov — actor.
  • Hagigat Rzayeva — folk, opera and pop singer and actress, People's Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1943).
  • Hamida Omarova — actress, Honored Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1988), People's Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (2005).
  • Hasan Turabov — actor, People's Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1982).
  • Huseyn Arablinski — actor.
  • Leyla Badirbeyli — actress, People's Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1959).[1]
  • Lutfali Abdullayev — actor.
  • Mirza Babayev — Azerbaijani Soviet actor and singer, Honoured Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1956), People's Artist of Azerbaijan (1992).[2]
  • Mirzaagha Aliyev — actor, People's Artist of USSR (1949).
  • Nasiba Zeynalova — actress, Honored Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1960), People's Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1974).
  • Robert Hossein — Azerbaijani and Jewish origin French film actor, director and writer.


  • Azim Azimzade — painter and graphic artist, founder of Azerbaijani satirical graphics, People's Painter of Azerbaijan SSR (1927)
  • Behruz Kengerli - Azerbaijani painter, graphic artist, one of the first representatives of Azerbaijani visual arts and the founder of realistic easel painting of Azerbaijan.
  • Boyukagha Mirzazade - prominent Azerbaijani artist, People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1967)
  • Maral Rahmanzade - Azerbaijani graphic artist, People's Artist of Azerbaijan (1964), laureate of the State Prize.
  • Mikail Abdullayev — painter, People's Painter of the USSR (1963)
  • Mir Mohsun Navvab — poet, artist, music historian, astronomer, carpenter, chemist and mathematician
  • Sattar Bahlulzadeh — Impressionist painter
  • Tahir Salahov — painter, People's Painter of Azerbaijan SSR (1963), USSR (1973) and the Russian Federation (1996)
  • Togrul Narimanbekov — painter, People's Artist of Azerbaijan SSR, Member of French Academy
  • Vidadi Narimanbekov — painter, People's Artist of the Azerbaijani SSR
  • Yusif Huseynov - painter, People's Artist of the Azerbaijani SSR


Khurshidbanu Natavan was the daughter of Mehdi Gulu-khan, the last ruler of the Karabakh khanate (1748–1822), she is considered one of the best lyrical poets of Azerbaijan.
Mirza Fatali Akhundov was a celebrated dramaturgist and philosopher, known as founder of Azerbaijani drama.


Zeynalabdin Taghiyev, a national industrial magnate and philanthropist accompanied by his daughter Leyla and his grandchildren.
  • Aras Agalarov[4] — the owner and president of Crocus International based in Moscow, Russia.
  • Azay Mohnatov[5] – the owner and president of AF Holding International[6]
  • Farkhad AkhmedovNorthgas, Geokchay Konserv, Senator.
  • God Nisanov[7] — the president of Kiyevskaya Ploshad company and co-chairman of Safra Instruments with Zarakh Iliev.
  • Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev — oil millionaire in Czarist Russia.
  • Iskander Khalilov[8] — the owner and president of ISR Holding
  • Khagani Guluzade[9] — is an Azerbaijani businessman.
  • Mubariz Mansimov — President of Palmali Group of Companies based in Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Murtuza Mukhtarov — oil industrialist and millionaire in Czarist Russia.
  • Musa Nagiyev — industrial oil magnate in Czarist Russia.
  • Vagit Alekperov[10] — President of the leading Russian oil company LUKOIL (Azeri father).
  • Zarakh Iliyev[11] — the president of Ploshad Evropy company and co-chairman of Safra Instruments with God Nisanov.

Film industry

  • Magsud Ibrahimbeyov
  • Rasim Ojagov — film director and operator, Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1964), People's Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1982).
  • Rustam Ibragimbekov[12] — soviet and Azerbaijani writer and screenwriter, State Prize Laureate, People's Writer of Azerbaijan, Honored Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1976) and Honored Artist of Russia (1995).


Huseyn Khan Nakhchivanski was General of the Russian Cavalry. He was the only Muslim to serve as General-Adjutant of the Russian Emperor.




  • Habil Aliyev — kamancha player, who studied in Yerevan State Conservatory. He is first azerbaijanians who played Armenian traditional instrument kamancha.



Uzeyir Hajibeyov is recognized as the father of Azerbaijani classical music and opera. He composed the national anthem of Azerbaijan.


  • Bulbul — folk and opera singer (tenor), one of the founders of Azerbaijani national musical theater, People's Artist of USSR (1938).
  • Dinara Alieva — singer (soprano).
  • Huseyngulu Sarabski — opera singer (tenor), composer, playwright, actor, producer, musician (TAR), People's Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1932).
  • Lutfiyar Imanov — opera singer (dramatic tenor), People's Artist of USSR (1977).
  • Muslim Magomayev[17] — outstanding Soviet and Russian opera and pop singer (baritone), composer, People's Artist of USSR (1973).
  • Rauf Atakishiyev - Soviet Azerbaijani singer, pianist, singer-soloist, People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1967), professor (1972).
  • Shovkat Alakbarova — singer.
  • Zeynab Khanlarova — singer (soprano), People's Artist of Azerbaijan SSR (1975), People's Artist of USSR (1980).





Fatali Khan Khoyski was first Prime Minister of the independent Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
Qatir Mammed was People's hero of Azerbaijan, the legendary leader of the Peasant Movement in the Ganja province of Azerbaijan in 1918–1919.
  • Abulfaz Elchibey — president of Azerbaijan (1992–1993).
  • Ayaz Mutalibov — First Secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan SSR (1990), the first president of Azerbaijan (1990–1992).
  • Dzhafarkuli Khan Nakhchivanski — general Governor proclaimed in 1918 the Republic of Araks. ru:Нахичеванский, Джафаркули Хан Келбали Хан оглы
  • Gazanfar Musabekov — Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Azerbaijan SSR (1922–1930), Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars ZSFSR (1932–1936), Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Azerbaijan SSR.
  • Fatali Khan Khoyski — attorney, member of the Duma of the Russian Empire and later Prime Minister and one of the founding leaders of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
  • Heydar Aliyev — First Secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan SSR (1969–1982), president of Azerbaijan (1993–2003).
  • Ilham Aliyev — prime minister of Azerbaijan (2003), president of Azerbaijan (2003–).
  • Islam Aliyev — party activist, First Secretary of Karakalpakstan regional committee of the CPSU (1933–1937).[20]
  • Mammed Amin Rasulzade — statesman, scholar, public figure and one of the founders of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the chairman of the Azerbaijani National Council (1918).
  • Mehriban Aliyeva — member of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.
  • Mir Jafar Baghirov (Azerbaijani Stalin) — party activist, head of the Cheka/GPU/OGPU of the Azerbaijan, chairman of People's Commissars of the Azerbaijan SSR (1932–1933), first secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan SSR (1933–1953), Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR (1953); the author of several scholarly books.
  • Mirza Davud Huseynov — Chairman of the Presidium of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan SSR (1920), People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan SSR (1921), First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Tajik SSR (1930–1933).
  • Nasib Yusifbeyli — publicist, statesman and one of the founding leaders of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
  • Rasul Guliyev - reformist-democrat, Speaker of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan from 1993 to 1996.
  • Sabit Orujov — Minister of Gas Industry of the USSR (1972–1981).
  • Sara Khatun - first female diplomat of Azerbaijan.
  • Vafa Guluzadediplomat, political scientist and specialist in conflict resolution. He worked as Foreign Policy State Advisor for Azerbaijan President between 1990 and 1999.
  • Elmar Mammadyarov – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic (2004–present).

Revolutionaries and leaders of rebellions

  • Meshadi Azizbekov — revolutionary, of the 26 Baku Commissars; one of the first Azeri-Marxists.
  • Aina Sultanova — one of the first Azeri women revolutionaries, People's Commissar of Justice of the Azerbaijan SSR; its name is associated with appearance of the first in the East women's magazine "Shark Kadyny" ("Woman of the East"); sister of Gazanfar Musabekov and the wife of Hamid Sultanov.[21]
  • Khanlar Safaraliyev — oil field worker, trade unionist and revolutionary Moslem social democrat. In 1907, he helped lead a successful strike at the Baku oil fields
  • Mir Hasan Vazirov — socialist-revolutionary, of the 26 Baku Commissars.He signed the decree of the Baku CPC confiscation of landed estates and transferring them to the working peasants.
  • Qatir Mammed — People's hero of Azerbaijan, the legendary leader of the Peasant Movement in the Ganja province of Azerbaijan in 1918–1919. ru:Гатыр Мамед


Mahammad Hasan Movlazadeh Shakavi was an alim and the first Sheikh ul-Islam of the Caucasus and the first scholar who translated Koran into Azerbaijani language.
Gamar Almaszadeh was a the first Azerbaijani ballerina.
  • Abbasgulu Annamusbekov — one of co-inventors of Eurasia and America continents. Died on 1815.
  • Abbasgulu Bakikhanov — historian and writer, founder of Azerbaijani scientific historiography.
  • Alexander Kazembek[22][23][24][25] — a famous orientalist, historian and philologist. The world-renowned scientist and organizer of Russian Oriental Studies.
  • Arif Salimov — mathematician.
  • Azad Mirzacanzade — scientist, engineer
  • Farman Salmanov[26] — geologist who first discovered oil fields in Siberia, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Firudin bey Kocharli — a prominent Azerbaijani philologist, writer and literary critic.
  • Elchin Khalilov — geophysicist, professor, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences.
  • Hamlet Isakhanli as Hamlet Isayev — mathematician, science writer, poet, founder of Khazar University.
  • Kerim Kerimov[27] — rocket scientist, one of the founders of the Soviet space industry, and for many years a central figure in the Soviet space program, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Lotfi A. Zadeh[28] — mathematician, electrical engineer, computer scientist, founder of the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic.
  • Mirza Adigozal Bey — historian. ru:Мирза Адигезаль-бек
  • Movlazadeh Mahammad Hasan Shakavi — a noble Azerbaijani religious leader, philosopher, alim and the first Sheikh ul-Islam of the Caucasus and the first scholar who translated Koran into Azerbaijani language.
  • Yusif Mamedaliyev — chemist, founder of petrochemical science in Azerbaijan.
  • Nadir Mekhtiev — bio-chemist, professor, doctor of biology. Founder of genetic engineering science in Azerbaijan as well as the Institute of Biotechnology.
  • Zeynalabdin Shirvani — traveller and geographer.
  • Yusif Yusifov — prominent Azerbaijani historian, orientalist, linguist, specialist on ancient literature.
  • Ziya Buniatov — historian, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Sara Ashurbeyli — historian, orientalist.
  • Farida Mammadova — historian who specialises in the history of ancient Caucasian Albania.
  • Yusif Kerimov — electrical engineer, inventor.



  • Enver Mamedov — Soviet mass media manager.
  • Gamar Almaszadeh — the first Azerbaijani ballerina, People's Artist of USSR (1959).
  • Hasan bey Zardabi — publicist, founder of the first Azeri-language newspaper.
  • Leyla Vakilova — ballerina, People's Artist of USSR (1967).
  • Nadir Aghayev[30][31] — Russian public figure, Head of Administration of the Leningrad raion of Kaliningrad (2009–2011).
  • Nigar Talibova — Turkish model.
  • Sureyya Agaoglu — first female lawyer in Turkish history.






Other places




  • Eldar Efendiev[32][33] — Mayor of Narva (1999–2000), Minister of Population Affairs of Estonia (2002–2003).


  • Fuzûlî — poet and thinker. Often considered one of the greatest contributors to the Dîvân tradition of Azerbaijani literature.
  • Nasimi — poet.


  • Fakhraddin Musaev — National Hero of Azerbaijan.[34]
  • Hajibala Abutalybov — Mayor of Baku (since 2001).
  • Rolan Guliyev — kickboxer, World Champion version WPKA (2009), Champion of 2004 Asian Kickboxing, Turkmenistan champion 2004 Kickboxing among professionals, Two-time champion in kickboxing Azerbaijan (2005 and 2006) among young people. ru:Гулиев, Ролан Мурадхан оглы
  • Tahir Baghirov — National Hero of Azerbaijan.[35]
  • Tahira Tahirova — Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan SSR (1959–1983).


  • Eduard Zeynalov[36] — governor of the Kirovohrad Oblast of the Ukraine (2005–2006).
  • Oleksandr Aliyev — Ukrainian footballer.

United Kingdom

United States


See also


  1. "Бадирбейли (Джаванширова) Лейла Агалар-кызы". 
  2. "Бабаев Мирза Абдулджаббар оглы". 
  3. "Шейхзаде Максуд". 
  4. "Араз Агаларов: "Горжусь тем, что я – азербайджанец"" (in Russian). AZE.Az. 14 December 2007. 
  5. "Известная лондонская газета "The Times" написала об успехах азербайджанской компании" (in Russian). 29 ОКТ 2010 г. 
  6. [0=4239m "[VTB Kazakhstan]"]. VTB Kazakstan. Retrieved 2011-08-12. 
  7. "Forbes Article" (in eng). Forbes. 29 Mar 2012. 
  8. "Holding History". Website. 29 Mar 2011. 
  10. "Вагит Юсуфович Алекперов. Биографическая справка" (in Russian). РИА Новости. 12/03/2009. 
  11. "Forbes Profile" (in eng). Forbes. 29 Mar 2012. 
  12. Валерий Кичин (24 January 2007). "Старый князь и новые проблемы" (in Russian). "Российская газета".  Я азербайджанец, я люблю свой народ, но большую часть жизни прожил в России.
  13. "Мамедов Исрафил Магерам Оглы" (in Russian). Heroes of the country. 
  14. "Наджафов Гасан Раджаб оглы" (in Russian). Heroes of the country. 
  15. "Гусейн-заде Мехти Ганифа оглы" (in Russian). Heroes of the country. 
  16. "Амиров Фикрет Мешади Джамиль оглы" (in Russian). Heroes of the country. 
  17. Магомаев вернулся в Кремль по приказу Андропова. Российская Газета, Пятница, 16 августа 2002 г, No 153 (3021).
  18. СЕВДА БАБАЕВА (28 June 2002). "АМИНА ФИГАРОВА: "БАКУ ВСЕГДА СО МНОЙ"". ВЫШКА. (Russian) "Вы знаете, я сама чистокровная азербайджанка. Но папа больше похож на иностранца. Они с моим мужем очень похожи. Так, что трудно мне не было."
  19. "В духе добрососедских традиций" (in Russian). Российский Исторический Иллюстрированый Журнал "Родина". 
  20. "Алиев Ислам Садык оглы" (in Russian). Справочник по истории Коммунистической партии и Советского Союза 1898–1991. 
  21. "Памятник Айне Султановой". 
  22. Robert P. Geraci. Window on the East: National and Imperial Identities in Late Tsarist Russia. (Cornell University Press, 2001), 310. ISBN 0-8014-3422-X, 9780801434228
  23. Perhaps the only exception before Katanov was A.K. Kazembek, an Azeri who converted to Christianity and became a professor of Turkic languages at Kazan and then at St. Petersburg. Kazembek has been referred to as the first European Turkologist of Turkic origin. Robert P. Geraci. Window on the East: National and Imperial Identities in Late Tsarist Russia. Cornell University Press, 2001. ISBN 0-8014-3422-X, 9780801434228
  24. Not a few in the nineteenth century would have accepted this judgment, and might have echoed Mirza Kazem-Bek, the Russified Azerbaijani orientalist, in asking "What European state has such intimate and inherent ties with Asia and Asiatics as does Russia? Andreas Kappeler, Edward Allworth, Gerhard Simon, Georg Brunner. Muslim Communities Reemerge: Historical Perspectives on Nationality, Politics, and Opposition in the Former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Duke University Press, 1994. ISBN 0-8223-1490-8, ISBN 978-0-8223-1490-5
  25. И. Н. Березин, как востоковед, вышел из казанской школы, был учеником… азербайджанца, ираниста А. К. Казембека, который был своеобразной и интересной фигурой. Якубовский А. Ю. Из истории изучения монголов периода XI—XIII вв. — Очерки по истории русского востоковедения. — М., 1953
  26. Наталья Лебедева (27 September 2005). "Открытие сибирской нефти как полет Гагарина" (in Russian). "Российская газета". 
  27. "Керимов Керим Аббас-Алиевич" (in Russian). Heroes of the country. 
  28. Betty Blair."Short Biographical Sketch". Azerbaijan International, Winter 1994 (2.4), page 49. Accessed August 19, 2005.
  29. "Карина Азнавурян: "Я поехала бы в Баку хоть сейчас"." (in Russian). 2008-02-16. 
  30. "Знай наших!" (in Russian). Azerbaijani Congress. 20.09.09. 
  31. "Главой Ленинградского района Калининграда стал президент региональной автономии азербайджанцев" (in Russian). ИА REGNUM. 2009-09-09. 
  32. "Эстонские депутаты: Почему мы голосовали против антироссийского заявления парламента?" (in Russian). ИА REGNUM. 2008-08-13. 
  34. "Musayev Fəxrəddin Musa oğlu". 
  35. "Bağırov Tahir Əminağa oğlu". 
  36. More Azerbaijanis made it to Ukraine parliament, Azerbaijan Press Agency (December 19, 2007)
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