Liceo Javiera Carrera

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Logo of the high school

Liceo Javiera Carrera or Liceo N°1 de Niñas de Santiago is a high school for girls in Santiago, Chile.

This lyceum (high school) started as a lady's institute called “Instituto de Señoritas de Santiago” in 1894 and initially it worked with three courses: two of preparatory and one of first year of humanities. Its general pedagogic objective was to form future mothers with an honorable and respect social position, without preparing them for a higher education. In 1913, Ms Juana Gremler (its first headmaster) established a first studies plan, similar to the curriculum of the men's lyceums, but adapted it to females and that way the students were able to prepare their selves to university education by having more subjects in the fields of: History, language, maths, physical education, religion, domestic economy and hygiene. This completely changed the initial objective of forming just family's mothers. After the death of Ms. Gremler's, Mrs. Isaura Dinator assumed the headmaster's position. Mrs. Dinator with the government decided to change the lyceum's name to "Liceo Javiera Carrera". In addition, she was very concerned about the integral formation of her students, therefore she introduced some new subjects, such as art and economy. Additionally, French language started to be compulsory, however, not English and German, which were optional subjects. As time passed, there were many headmasters, who did the best they could to improve the lyceum's education. And nowadays, it's one of the best schools in Santiago city, always concerned of fulfill its mission: "To form integrate women, who are able to get to a higher education confronting a society in constant changing"

Notable alumni

  • Michelle Bachelet Jeria, former president of Chile[1]


  1. Filippi, Emilio (2006). La clase política chilena. Pehuén Editores. p. 51. ISBN 978-956-16-0411-7. 

External links

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