Lego Minifigures Online is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Funcom set for release in the second half of 2014.[1] The game is based on the Lego Minifigures theme, allowing players to unlock and play as the various characters from the theme, while also incorporating elements from classic Lego themes such as castle and space and also involving new themes like mythology.[2] In addition to unlocking new minifigures through normal gameplay, players will be able to unlock minifigures by purchasing physical Lego Minifigures blind bags, which will contain special codes that, once entered, will allow the character to be unlocked instantly.[3] The game will be free to play[3] from a PC client, on web browsers, Android, and iOS.[4]
The game takes inspiration from both classic isometric RPGs and modern Lego games. Players can click to move their character and attack enemies, and smash and build Lego objects. The player can have up to three minifigures to swap between quickly while playing, and can also open their inventory to change which three they have immediate access to. Minifigures can also be leveled up with experience points, to improve their abilities. The game will contain numerous themed worlds accessed from a hub, with each world containing multiple dungeons to raid. Players will also be able to battle against other players in teams.[2]
| Island | |
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| Racers | |
| Bionicle | |
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