Latin Extended-A

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Latin Extended-A
Range U+0100..U+017F
(128 code points)
Plane BMP
Scripts Latin
Major alphabets Latin
Assigned 128 code points
Unused 0 reserved code points
Source standard(s) ISO/IEC 8859, ISO 6937
Unicode version history
1.0.0 127 (+127)
1.1 128 (+1)
Note: [1][2]

Latin Extended-A is a block of the Unicode Standard.

It encodes Latin letters from the Latin ISO character sets other than Latin-1 (which is already encoded in the Latin-1 Supplement block) and also legacy characters from the ISO 6937 standard.

The Latin Extended-A block has been in the Unicode Standard since version 1.0, with its entire character repertoire, except for the Latin Small Letter Long S, which was added during unification with ISO 10646 in version 1.1.[2]

Character table

Code (hex) Glyph Description
European Latin
U+0100 Ā Latin Capital Letter A with macron
U+0101 ā Latin Small Letter A with macron
U+0102 Ă Latin Capital Letter A with breve
U+0103 ă Latin Small Letter A with breve
U+0104 Ą Latin Capital Letter A with ogonek
U+0105 ą Latin Small Letter A with ogonek
U+0106 Ć Latin Capital Letter C with acute
U+0107 ć Latin Small Letter C with acute
U+0108 Ĉ Latin Capital Letter C with circumflex
U+0109 ĉ Latin Small Letter C with circumflex
U+010A Ċ Latin Capital Letter C with dot above
U+010B ċ Latin Small Letter C with dot above
U+010C Č Latin Capital Letter C with caron
U+010D č Latin Small Letter C with caron
U+010E Ď Latin Capital Letter D with caron
U+010F ď Latin Small Letter D with caron
U+0110 Đ Latin Capital Letter D with stroke
U+0111 đ Latin Small Letter D with stroke
U+0112 Ē Latin Capital Letter E with macron
U+0113 ē Latin Small Letter E with macron
U+0114 Ĕ Latin Capital Letter E with breve
U+0115 ĕ Latin Small Letter E with breve
U+0116 Ė Latin Capital Letter E with dot above
U+0117 ė Latin Small Letter E with dot above
U+0118 Ę Latin Capital Letter E with ogonek
U+0119 ę Latin Small Letter E with ogonek
U+011A Ě Latin Capital Letter E with caron
U+011B ě Latin Small Letter E with caron
U+011C Ĝ Latin Capital Letter G with circumflex
U+011D ĝ Latin Small Letter G with circumflex
U+011E Ğ Latin Capital Letter G with breve
U+011F ğ Latin Small Letter G with breve
U+0120 Ġ Latin Capital Letter G with dot above
U+0121 ġ Latin Small Letter G with dot above
U+0122 Ģ Latin Capital Letter G with cedilla
U+0123 ģ Latin Small Letter G with cedilla
U+0124 Ĥ Latin Capital Letter H with circumflex
U+0125 ĥ Latin Small Letter H with circumflex
U+0126 Ħ Latin Capital Letter H with stroke
U+0127 ħ Latin Small Letter H with stroke
U+0128 Ĩ Latin Capital Letter I with tilde
U+0129 ĩ Latin Small Letter I with tilde
U+012A Ī Latin Capital Letter I with macron
U+012B ī Latin Small Letter I with macron
U+012C Ĭ Latin Capital Letter I with breve
U+012D ĭ Latin Small Letter I with breve
U+012E Į Latin Capital Letter I with ogonek
U+012F į Latin Small Letter I with ogonek
U+0130 İ Latin Capital Letter I with dot above
U+0131 ı Latin Small Letter dotless I
U+0132 IJ Latin Capital Ligature IJ
U+0133 ij Latin Small Ligature IJ
U+0134 Ĵ Latin Capital Letter J with circumflex
U+0135 ĵ Latin Small Letter J with circumflex
U+0136 Ķ Latin Capital Letter K with cedilla
U+0137 ķ Latin Small Letter K with cedilla
U+0138 ĸ Latin Small Letter Kra
U+0139 Ĺ Latin Capital Letter L with acute
U+013A ĺ Latin Small Letter L with acute
U+013B Ļ Latin Capital Letter L with cedilla
U+013C ļ Latin Small Letter L with cedilla
U+013D Ľ Latin Capital Letter L with caron
U+013E ľ Latin Small Letter L with caron
U+013F Ŀ Latin Capital Letter L with middle dot
U+0140 ŀ Latin Small Letter L with middle dot
U+0141 Ł Latin Capital Letter L with stroke
U+0142 ł Latin Small Letter L with stroke
U+0143 Ń Latin Capital Letter N with acute
U+0144 ń Latin Small Letter N with acute
U+0145 Ņ Latin Capital Letter N with cedilla
U+0146 ņ Latin Small Letter N with cedilla
U+0147 Ň Latin Capital Letter N with caron
U+0148 ň Latin Small Letter N with caron
Deprecated Letter
U+0149 ʼn Latin Small Letter N preceded by apostrophe[3]
European Latin
U+014A Ŋ Latin Capital Letter Eng
U+014B ŋ Latin Small Letter Eng
U+014C Ō Latin Capital Letter O with macron
U+014D ō Latin Small Letter O with macron
U+014E Ŏ Latin Capital Letter O with breve
U+014F ŏ Latin Small Letter O with breve
U+0150 Ő Latin Capital Letter O with double acute
U+0151 ő Latin Small Letter O with double acute
U+0152 ΠLatin Capital Ligature OE
U+0153 œ Latin Small Ligature OE
U+0154 Ŕ Latin Capital Letter R with acute
U+0155 ŕ Latin Small Letter R with acute
U+0156 Ŗ Latin Capital Letter R with cedilla
U+0157 ŗ Latin Small Letter R with cedilla
U+0158 Ř Latin Capital Letter R with caron
U+0159 ř Latin Small Letter R with caron
U+015A Ś Latin Capital Letter S with acute
U+015B ś Latin Small Letter S with acute
U+015C Ŝ Latin Capital Letter S with circumflex
U+015D ŝ Latin Small Letter S with circumflex
U+015E Ş Latin Capital Letter S with cedilla
U+015F ş Latin Small Letter S with cedilla
U+0160 Š Latin Capital Letter S with caron
U+0161 š Latin Small Letter S with caron
U+0162 Ţ Latin Capital Letter T with cedilla
U+0163 ţ Latin Small Letter T with cedilla
U+0164 Ť Latin Capital Letter T with caron
U+0165 ť Latin Small Letter T with caron
U+0166 Ŧ Latin Capital Letter T with stroke
U+0167 ŧ Latin Small Letter T with stroke
U+0168 Ũ Latin Capital Letter U with tilde
U+0169 ũ Latin Small Letter U with tilde
U+016A Ū Latin Capital Letter U with macron
U+016B ū Latin Small Letter U with macron
U+016C Ŭ Latin Capital Letter U with breve
U+016D ŭ Latin Small Letter U with breve
U+016E Ů Latin Capital Letter U with ring above
U+016F ů Latin Small Letter U with ring above
U+0170 Ű Latin Capital Letter U with double acute
U+0171 ű Latin Small Letter U with double acute
U+0172 Ų Latin Capital Letter U with ogonek
U+0173 ų Latin Small Letter U with ogonek
U+0174 Ŵ Latin Capital Letter W with circumflex
U+0175 ŵ Latin Small Letter W with circumflex
U+0176 Ŷ Latin Capital Letter Y with circumflex
U+0177 ŷ Latin Small Letter Y with circumflex
U+0178 Ÿ Latin Capital Letter Y with diaeresis
U+0179 Ź Latin Capital Letter Z with acute
U+017A ź Latin Small Letter Z with acute
U+017B Ż Latin Capital Letter Z with dot above
U+017C ż Latin Small Letter Z with dot above
U+017D Ž Latin Capital Letter Z with caron
U+017E ž Latin Small Letter Z with caron
U+017F ſ Latin Small Letter long S


The Latin Extended-A block contains only two subheadings: European Latin and Deprecated Letter.[4]

European Latin

The European Latin subheading contains all but one character in the Latin Extended-A block. It is populated with accented and variant majuscule and minuscule Latin letters for writing mostly eastern European languages.[4]

Deprecated Letter

The Deprecated Letter subheading contains a single character, Latin Small Letter N Preceded by Apostrophe, which was included for compatibility with the ISO/IEC 6937 standard.[4]


  1. "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 22 March 2013. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Unicode Standard Version 1.0, Volume 1. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1990, 1991. ISBN 0-201-56788-1. 
  3. Deprecated as of Unicode version 5.2.0 "U+0149 latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe was encoded for use in Afrikaans. The character is deprecated, and its use is strongly discouraged. In nearly all cases it is better represented by a sequence of an apostrophe followed by “n”. pg. 208
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 "Unicode 6.2 code charts". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 1 April 2013. 
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