Latin Emperor

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Emperor of Constantinople
Former Monarchy
Arms of the Latin Empire of Constantinople
First monarch Baldwin I
Last monarch Baldwin II
Style His Imperial Majesty
Official residence Bucoleon Palace
Monarchy began 16 April 1204
Monarchy ended 25 July 1261

Latin Empire is the historiographical convention for the Crusader realm, established in Constantinople after the Fourth Crusade (1204) and lasting until the city was recovered by the Byzantine Greeks in 1261. Its name derives from its Catholic and Western European ("Latin") nature. The empire, whose official name was Imperium Romaniae (Latin: "Empire of Romania"), claimed the direct heritage of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, which was disbanded and partitioned by the Fourth Crusade. This claim however was disputed by the Byzantine Greek successor states, the Empire of Nicaea, the Empire of Trebizond and the Despotate of Epirus. Out of these three the Nicaeans succeeded in displacing the Latin emperors in 1261 and restored the Byzantine Empire.

Latin emperors of Constantinople, 12041261

Monarch Portrait Birth Coronation Marriages Death
Baldwin I
July 1172
son of Baldwin V, Count of Hainault and Margaret I, Countess of Flanders
16 May 1204 in the Hagia Sophia
began reign on 9 May
Marie of Champagne
6 January 1186
2 daughters
possibly Tsarevets, Bulgaria
aged about 33
c. 1174
son of Baldwin V, Count of Hainault and Margaret I, Countess of Flanders
20 August 1206
began reign in July
(1) Agnes of Montferrat
4 February 1207
1 child?

(2) Maria of Bulgaria
no children
11 June 1216
aged about 42
c. 1155
son of Peter and Elizabeth de Courtenay
9 April 1217 in a church outside Rome
began reign in 1216
(1) Agnes of Nevers
one daughter

(2) Yolanda of Flanders
10 children
aged about 64
daughter of Baldwin V, Count of Hainault and Margaret I, Countess of Flanders
Peter II of Courtenay, Latin Emperor
10 children
August 1219
aged 44
son of Peter II of Courtenay and Yolanda of Flanders, Latin Emperors 25 March 1221 Lady of Neuville
no children
January 1228
Morea, Principality of Achaea
c. 1170
son of Erard II of Brienne and Agnes de Montfaucon
(1) Queen Maria of Jerusalem
14 September 1210
one daughter

(2) Stephanie of Armenia
one son

(3) Berengaria of León
4 children
27 March 1237
aged about 67
Baldwin II
son of Peter II of Courtenay, Latin Emperor and Yolanda of Flanders, Latin Empress
15 April 1240
began reign in 1228
Marie of Brienne
one son
October 1273
Foggia, Kingdom of Sicily
aged 43

Latin emperors of Constantinople in exile, 12611383

Seal of Catherine of Courtenay
  • Baldwin II (12611273), in exile from Constantinople
  • Philip I (12731283), his son
  • Catherine I (12831307), his daughter, with...
  • Charles of Valois (13011307), her husband
  • Catherine II (13071346), their daughter, with...
  • Philip II (13131332), her husband
  • Robert II (13461364), their son
  • Philip III (13641373), his brother
  • James of Baux (13731383), his nephew

James of Baux willed his titular claims to Duke Louis I of Anjou, also claimant to the throne of Naples, but Louis and his descendants never used the title. However, James' feudal heirs were the descendants of Joan of Valois, youngest sister of Empress Catherine II, as follows:

See also

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