Landau–Kolmogorov inequality

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In mathematics, the LandauKolmogorov inequality, named after Edmund Landau and Andrey Kolmogorov, is the following family of interpolation inequalities between different derivatives of a function f defined on a subset T of the real numbers:[1]

\|f^{{(k)}}\|_{{L_{\infty }(T)}}\leq C(n,k,T){\|f\|_{{L_{\infty }(T)}}}^{{1-k/n}}{\|f^{{(n)}}\|_{{L_{\infty }(T)}}}^{{k/n}}{\text{ for }}1\leq k<n.

On the real line

For k = 1, n = 2, T=R the inequality was first proved by Edmund Landau[2] with the sharp constant C(2, 1, R) = 2. Following contributions by Jacques Hadamard and Georgiy Shilov, Andrey Kolmogorov found the sharp constants and arbitrary n, k:[3]

C(n,k,(0,\infty ))=a_{{n-k}}a_{n}^{{-1+k/n}}~,

where an are the Favard constants.

On the half-line

Following work by Matorin and others, the extremising functions were found by Isaac Jacob Schoenberg,[4] explicit forms for the sharp constants are however still unknown.


There are many generalisations, which are of the form

\|f^{{(k)}}\|_{{L_{q}(T)}}\leq K\cdot {\|f\|_{{L_{p}(T)}}^{\alpha }}\cdot {\|f^{{(n)}}\|_{{L_{r}(T)}}^{{1-\alpha }}}{\text{ for }}1\leq k<n.

Here all three norms can be different from each other (from L1 to L, with p=q=r=∞ in the classical case) and T may be the real axis, semiaxis or a closed segment.


  1. Weisstein, E.W. "Landau-Kolmogorov Constants". MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. 
  2. Landau, E. (1913). "Ungleichungen für zweimal differenzierbare Funktionen". Proc. London Math. Soc. 13: 4349. 
  3. Kolmogorov, A. (1962). "On Inequalities Between the Upper Bounds of the Successive Derivatives of an Arbitrary Function on an Infinite Integral". Amer. Math. Soc. Translations. 12: 233243. 
  4. Schoenbergfirst=I.J. (1973). "The Elementary Case of Landau's Problem of Inequalities Between Derivatives.". Amer. Math. Monthly 80: 121158. 
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