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<th colspan="2" style="text-align:center;padding:0.5em 0 0.1em 0; font-size:120%; line-height:1.0em; style="text-align:center; background: #c9b6a3;;">Scripts<th colspan="2" style="text-align:center;padding:0.5em 0 0.1em 0; font-size:120%; line-height:1.0em; style="text-align:center; background: #c9b6a3;;">Properties<th colspan="2" style="text-align:center;padding:0.5em 0 0.1em 0; font-size:120%; line-height:1.0em; style="text-align:center; background: #c9b6a3;;">Variants<th colspan="2" style="text-align:center;padding:0.5em 0 0.1em 0; font-size:120%; line-height:1.0em; style="text-align:center; background: #c9b6a3;;">Homographs<th colspan="2" style="text-align:center;padding:0.5em 0 0.1em 0; font-size:120%; line-height:1.0em; style="text-align:center; background: #c9b6a3;;">Use in other scripts

Kyūjitai, literally "old character forms" (Kyūjitai: 舊字體 or 旧字体), are the traditional forms of kanji, Chinese written characters used in Japanese. Their simplified counterparts are shinjitai (新字体), "new character forms". Some of the simplified characters arose centuries ago and were in everyday use in both China and Japan, but they were considered inelegant, even uncouth. After World War II, simplified character forms were made official in both these countries. However, in Japan fewer and less drastic simplifications were made: e.g. "electric" is still written as 電 in Japan, as it is also written in Hong Kong, Macao, South Korea and Taiwan, which continue to use traditional Chinese characters, but has been simplified to 电 in mainland China. Prior to the promulgation of the Tōyō kanji list in 1946, kyūjitai were known as seiji (正字; meaning "proper/correct characters") or seijitai (正字體). Even after kyūjitai were officially marked for discontinuation with the promulgation of the Tōyō kanji list, they were used in print frequently into the 1950s due to logistical delays in changing over typesetting equipment. Kyūjitai continue in use to the present day because when the Japanese government adopted the simplified forms, it did not ban the traditional forms. Thus traditional forms are used when an author wishes to use traditional forms and the publisher consents.

Unlike in the People's Republic of China, where all personal names were simplified as part of the character simplification reform carried out in the 1950s, the Japanese reform only applied to a subset of the characters in use (the Toyo Kanji) and excluded characters used in proper names. Therefore kyūjitai are still used in personal names in Japan today (see Jinmeiyo kanji). In modern Japanese, kyūjitai that appear in the official spelling of proper names are sometimes replaced with the modern shinjitai form.

Jōyō Kanji

In the 2,136 Jōyō Kanji (常用漢字), there are 364 pairs of simplified and traditional characters (for example, is the simplified form of ). Note that the kanji is used to simplify three different traditional kanji (, , and ).

In the revised version of Jōyō Kanji, more kanji were added into Jōyō Kanjihyō, including several new forms. The added characters are underlined in the following list.

Some of the traditional kanji are not included in the Japanese font of Windows XP/2000, and only rectangles are shown. Downloading the Meiryo font from the Microsoft website (VistaFont_JPN.EXE) and installing it will solve this problem.

亜(亞) 悪(惡) 圧(壓) 囲(圍) 医(醫) 為(爲) 壱(壹) 逸() 隠(隱) 栄(榮) 営(營) 衛(衞) 駅(驛) 謁() 円(圓) 塩(鹽) 縁(緣) 艶( 応(應) 欧(歐) 殴(毆) 桜(櫻) 奥(奧) 横(橫) 温(溫) 穏(穩) 仮(假) 価(價) 禍() 画(畫) 会(會) 悔() 海() 絵(繪) 壊(壞) 懐(懷) 慨(慨) 概(槪) 拡(擴) 殻(殼) 覚(覺) 学(學) 岳(嶽) 楽(樂) 喝() 渇(渴) 褐() 缶(罐) 巻(卷) 陥(陷) 勧(勸) 寛(寬) 漢() 関(關) 歓(歡) 観(觀) 気(氣) 祈(祈) 既(卽) 帰(歸) 器() 偽(僞) 戯(戲) 犠(犧) 旧(舊) 拠(據) 挙(擧) 虚(虛) 峡(峽) 挟(挾) 狭(狹) 郷(鄕) 響() 暁(曉) 勤() 謹() 区(區) 駆(驅) 勲(勳) 薫(薰) 径(徑) 茎(莖) 恵(惠) 掲(揭) 渓(溪) 経(經) 蛍(螢) 軽(輕) 継(繼) 鶏(鷄) 芸(藝) 撃(擊) 欠(缺) 研(硏) 県(縣) 倹(儉) 剣(劍) 険(險) 圏(圈) 検(檢) 献(獻) 権(權) 顕(顯) 験(驗) 厳(嚴) 広(廣) 効(效) 恒(恆) 黄(黃) 鉱(鑛) 号(號) 国(國) 黒(黑) 穀() 砕(碎) 済(濟) 斎(齋) 剤(劑) 殺() 雑(雜) 参(參) 桟(棧) 蚕(蠶) 惨(慘) 賛(贊) 残(殘) 糸(絲) 祉() 視() 歯(齒) 児(兒) 辞(辭) 湿(濕) 実(實) 写(寫) 社(社) 者() 煮() 釈(釋) 寿(壽) 収(收) 臭() 従(從) 渋(澁) 獣(獸) 縦(縱) 祝(祝) 粛(肅) 処(處) 暑() 署() 緒(緖) 諸() 叙(敍) 将(將) 祥() 称(稱) 渉(涉) 焼(燒) 証(證) 奨(奬) 条(條) 状(狀) 乗(乘) 浄(淨) 剰(剩) 畳(疊) 縄(繩) 壌(壤) 嬢(孃) 譲(讓) 醸(釀) 触(觸) 嘱(囑) 神() 真(眞) 寝(寢) 慎(愼) 尽(盡) 図(圖) 粋(粹) 酔(醉) 穂(穗) 随(隨) 髄(髓) 枢(樞) 数(數) 瀬(瀨) 声(聲) 斉(齊) 静(靜) 窃(竊) 摂(攝) 節() 専(專) 浅(淺) 戦(戰) 践(踐) 銭(錢) 潜(潛) 繊(纖) 禅(禪) 祖() 双(雙) 壮(壯) 争(爭) 荘(莊) 捜(搜) 挿(插) 巣(巢) 曽(曾) 痩(瘦) 装(裝) 僧() 層() 総(總) 騒(騷) 増(增) 憎(憎) 蔵(藏) 贈() 臓(臟) 即(卽) 属(屬) 続(續) 堕(墮) 対(對) 体(體) 帯(帶) 滞(滯) 台(臺) 滝(瀧) 択(擇) 沢(澤) 担(擔) 単(單) 胆(膽) 嘆() 団(團) 断(斷) 弾(彈) 遅(遲) 痴(癡) 虫(蟲) 昼(晝) 鋳(鑄) 著() 庁(廳) 徴(徵) 聴(聽) 懲() 勅(敕) 鎮(鎭) 塚() 逓(遞) 鉄(鐵) 点(點) 転(轉) 伝(傳) 都() 灯(燈) 当(當) 党(黨) 盗(盜) 稲(稻) 闘(鬭) 徳(德) 独(獨) 読(讀) 突(突) 届(屆) 難() 弐(貳) 悩(惱) 脳(腦) 覇(霸) 拝(拜) 廃(廢) 売(賣) 梅() 麦(麥) 発(發) 髪(髮) 抜(拔) 繁() 晩(晚) 蛮(蠻) 卑() 秘(祕) 碑() 浜(濱) 賓() 頻() 敏() 瓶(甁) 侮() 福() 払(拂) 仏(佛) 併(倂) 並(竝) 塀(餅(餠) 辺(邊) 変(變) 弁(辨/瓣/辯) 勉() 歩(步) 宝(寶) 豊(豐) 褒(襃) 墨() 翻(飜) 毎(每) 万(萬) 満(滿) 免(麺(麵) 弥(彌) 黙(默) 訳(譯) 薬(藥) 与(與) 予(豫) 余(餘) 誉(譽) 揺(搖) 様(樣) 謡(謠) 来(來) 頼(賴) 乱(亂) 覧(覽) 欄() 竜(龍) 隆() 虜() 両(兩) 猟(獵) 緑(綠) 涙(淚) 塁(壘) 類() 礼(禮) 励(勵) 戻(戾) 霊(靈) 齢(齡) 暦(曆) 歴(歷) 恋(戀) 練() 錬(鍊) 炉(爐) 労(勞) 郎(郞) 朗() 廊() 楼(樓) 録(錄) 湾(灣)

Jinmeiyō Kanji

18 kanji are simplified in Jinmeiyō Kanji Betsuhyō (人名用漢字別表). Since old forms and variants were not separated in the original table, the following list includes both of them.

亘(亙) 凜(凛) 尭(堯) 巌(巖) 晃(晄) 桧(檜) 槙(槇) 渚() 猪() 琢() 祢(禰) 祐() 祷(禱) 禄(祿) 禎() 穣(穰) 萌(萠) 遥(遙)

Hyōgai Kanji

In Hyōgai Kanji Jitaihyō (表外漢字字体表), traditional characters are recognized as printed standard style (印刷標準字体) while the simplified characters are recognized as simple & conventional style (簡易慣用字体).

唖(啞) 頴(穎) 鴎(鷗) 撹(攪) 麹(麴) 鹸(鹼) 噛(嚙) 繍(繡) 蒋(蔣) 醤(醬) 曽(曾) 掻(搔) 痩(瘦) 祷(禱) 屏(屛) 并(幷) 桝(枡) 麺(麵) 沪(濾) 芦(蘆) 蝋(蠟) 弯(彎)

See also

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