Koszul cohomology

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In mathematics, the Koszul cohomology groups Kp,q(X, L) are groups associated to a projective variety X with a line bundle L. They were introduced by Green (1984, 1984b), and named after Jean-Louis Koszul as they are closely related to the Koszul complex.

Green (1989) surveys early work on Koszul cohomology, Eisenbud (2005) gives an introduction to Koszul cohomology, and Aprodu & Nagel (2010) gives a more advanced survey.


If M is a graded module over the symmetric algebra of a vector space V, then the Koszul cohomology Kp,q(M,V) of M is given by the cohomology of the sequence

\wedge ^{{p+1}}M_{{q-1}}\rightarrow \wedge ^{{p}}M_{{q}}\rightarrow \wedge ^{{p-1}}M_{{q+1}}

If L is a line bundle over a projective variety X, then the Koszul cohomology Kp,q(X,L) is given by the Koszul cohomology Kp,q(M,V) of the graded module M = ⊕qH0(Lq), as a module over the symmetric algebra of the vector space V=H0(L).


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