Kobe New Transit

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Kobe New Transit 8000 series trainset

Kōbe New Transit (神戸新交通株式会社 Kōbe Shinkōtsū Kabushiki Kaisha) is the third-sector semipublic company that runs Port Island Line ("Port Liner") and Rokkō Island Line ("Rokkō Liner") automated guideway transit (AGT) systems in Kobe, Japan. When opened in 1981, the Port Liner was the world's first fully automated train line.[1]

In the Surutto KANSAI stored-fare system, the company is represented by the mark KS on the back of farecards.


Kōbe New Transit operates following two lines, which connect the artificial islands in the port of Kobe with the mainland:


  • July 18, 1977: Company established
  • February 5, 1981: Port Island Line (Port Liner) began operation. The first practical AGT in Japan.
  • February 21, 1990: Rokkō Island Line (Rokkō Liner) began operation.
  • February 2, 2006: Port Liner extended to Kobe Airport.

Rolling stock


The table below shows adult normal passenger fares as of February 2, 2006. Children's fares are half price (fractions less than 10 yen are rounded up).

DistanceFare (yen)
≤ 2 km200
≤ 5240
≤ 8280
> 8320
  • In fact, Minami Kōen Station, Naka-Futō Station, and Kita-Futō Station on the Port Liner are treated as the same station as Shimin Byōin Mae Station in calculating fare, and it is possible to get on and off at Minami Kōen Station, Naka Futō Station, and Kita Futō Station while using the commuting ticket by way of Shimin Byōin Mae Station.
  • Until February 1, 2006, it cost 240 yen to take either the Port Island Line or Rokkō Island Line.

See also


  1. http://www.feel-kobe.jp/_en/area_guide/portisland/index.html

External links

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