Kis-Küküllő County

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Kis-Küküllő County
Comitatul Târnava-Mică
Kis-Küküllő vármegye
Komitat Klein-Kokelburg
County of the Kingdom of Hungary

Coat of arms

Capital Dicsőszentmárton
46°20′N 24°18′E / 46.333°N 24.300°E / 46.333; 24.300Coordinates: 46°20′N 24°18′E / 46.333°N 24.300°E / 46.333; 24.300
 - Established 1876
 - Treaty of Trianon 4 June 1920
 - 1910 1,724 km2 (666 sq mi)
 - 1910 116,091 
Density 67.3 /km2  (174.4 /sq mi)
Today part of Romania
Târnăveni is the current name of the capital.

Kis-Küküllő was an administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is now in central Romania (central Transylvania). Kis-Küküllő is the Hungarian name for the Târnava Mică River. The capital of the county was Dicsőszentmárton (now Târnăveni).


Kis-Küküllő county shared borders with the Hungarian counties Alsó-Fehér, Torda-Aranyos, Maros-Torda, Udvarhely and Nagy-Küküllő. The Mureş River/Maros formed part of its northern border, the Târnava Mare River/Nagy-Küküllő its southern border. The Târnava Mică River/Kis-Küküllő flows through the county. Its area was 1724 km² around 1910.


Kis-Küküllő county was formed when the county Küküllő was split in 1876, when the administrative structure of Transylvania was changed. In 1918 (confirmed by the Treaty of Trianon 1920), the county became part of Romania. Its territory lies in the present Romanian counties Mureş (a.o. Târnăveni), Alba (the south-west) and Sibiu (the south, a.o. Dumbrăveni).


In 1900, the county had a population of 109,197 people and was composed of the following linguistic communities:[1]


According to the census of 1900, the county was composed of the following religious communities:[2]


  • Greek Catholic: 39,047 (35.8%)
  • Calvinist: 19,936 (18.3%)
  • Lutheran: 19,089 (17.5%)
  • Greek Orthodox: 18,925 (17.3%)
  • Roman Catholic: 5,690 (5.2%)
  • Unitarian: 4,874 (4.5%)
  • Jewish: 1,621 (1.5%)
  • Other or unknown: 15 (0.0%)

In 1910, county had a population of 116,091 people and was composed of the following linguistic communities:[3]


According to the census of 1910, the county was composed of the following religious communities:[4]


  • Greek Catholic: 41,323 (35.6%)
  • Calvinist: 21,995 (19.0%)
  • Lutheran: 20,159 (17.4%)
  • Greek Orthodox: 19,438 (16.7%)
  • Roman Catholic: 6,488 (5.6%)
  • Unitarianist: 4,916 (4.2%)
  • Jewish: 1,766 (1.5%)
  • Other or unknown: 6 (0.0%)


In the early 20th century, the subdivisions of Kis-Küküllő county were:

Districts (járás)
District Capital
DicsőszentmártonDicsőszentmárton, RO Târnăveni
ErzsébetvárosErzsébetváros, RO Dumbrăveni
HosszúaszóHosszúaszó, RO Valea Lungă
RadnótRadnót, RO Iernut
Urban districts (rendezett tanácsú város)
Dicsőszentmárton, RO Târnăveni
Erzsébetváros, RO Dumbrăveni


  1. "KlimoTheca :: Könyvtár". Retrieved 2012-12-06. 
  2. "KlimoTheca :: Könyvtár". Retrieved 2012-12-06. 
  3. "KlimoTheca :: Könyvtár". Retrieved 2012-06-20. 
  4. "KlimoTheca :: Könyvtár". Retrieved 2012-06-20. 
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