Kingdom of Holland

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Kingdom of Holland
Royaume de Hollande
Koninkrijk Holland
Client state of the French Empire

Flag Coat of arms
Eendracht maakt macht
"Unity makes strength"
The Kingdom of Holland
Capital The Hague
Languages Dutch, French
Religion Protestant, Roman Catholic
Government Constitutional Monarchy
 -  1806–1810 Louis I
 - 1810 Louis II
Historical era Napoleonic Era
 -  Established 5 June 1806
 -  Disestablished 9 July 1810
Currency Dutch Guilder

The Kingdom of Holland 18061810 (Dutch: Koninkrijk Holland, French: Royaume de Hollande) was set up by Napoleon Bonaparte as a puppet kingdom for his third brother, Louis Bonaparte, in order to better control the Netherlands. The name of the leading province, Holland, was now taken for the whole country. In 1807 Prussian East Frisia and Jever were added to the kingdom but in 1809, after a British invasion, Holland had to give over all territories south of the river Rhine to France.

Also in 1809, Dutch forces fighting on the French side participated in defeating the anti-Bonapartist German rebellion led by Ferdinand von Schill, at the Battle of Stralsund.

King Louis did not perform to Napoleon's expectations—he tried to serve Dutch interests instead of his brother's—and the kingdom was dissolved in 1810 after which the Netherlands were annexed by France until 1813. The kingdom of Holland covered the area of present day Netherlands, with the exception of Limburg, and parts of Zeeland, which were French territory. East Frisia (in present day Germany) was also part of the kingdom.

Coat of arms

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Napoleon's brother Louis Bonaparte was installed as King of Holland on 5 June 1806. Originally the arms of the new kingdom were to be like those of the Kingdom of Italy: an eagle bearing a shield, with the arms of the United Netherlands, the lion, now royally crowned. In December 1806, A. Renodi in Paris designed arms quartering the Napoleonic eagle with the lion of the United Netherlands. Around the shield was the French Order of the Grand Aigle. Behind the shield are crossed sceptres, typical for Napoleonic heraldry, and above the shield, Napoleon's star.

A few months later, on 20 May 1807, King Louis (now called "Lodewijk") altered these arms, adding a helmet, leaving out his brother’s star and replacing the Grand Aigle with his own Dutch Order of the Union and the old Dutch devise Eendracht maakt macht ("Unity makes strength") around the shield. Exemplary for the innovation in Napoleon's heraldry are the two hands coming out of clouds from behind the shield holding swords, designating King Louis as Connétable de France.


Napoleon felt the Batavian Republic was becoming too independent for his liking. He thus he sent his brother, Louis Bonaparte, and made him king. Many citizens were very happy with his arrival; they had feared that the Republic would be incorporated into the French Empire. But there was also opposition, because many feared the new King would introduce the dreaded conscription. This Louis would not do, much to the dismay of Napoleon, who demanded that Louis would raise a large army to guard the North from British invasion, and to aid the French armies in Germany and Spain. Apart from the lavishly uniformed Royal Guard, the army of the Kingdom of Holland would always be short of recruits, leading to units being disbanded or amalgamated. Acts to recruit more troops, for instance by raising a Jewish regiment or by adding all male orphans to the army as Velites were of little effect, the latter leading to public riots and accusations of introducing the conscription.

Louis introduced the Guilder, founded several major institutions (some of which exist to this day) and had a Penal Law Code compiled, largely modeled on French law. Napoleon intended for Louis to be little more than a puppet. However, Louis had his own mind, and was determined to be as independent of his elder brother as possible. In addition to refusing to introduce conscription, he declared himself Dutch rather than French, made a sincere effort to learn the Dutch language and required his officials to speak Dutch rather than French.

Due to the economic blockade enforced by Napoleon, the economy of the Kingdom of Holland was further ruined; the smuggling of British goods increased. Louis hesitated to oppose this, which lead France sending units of Douanes Imperiales to Holland. After British troops invaded Walcheren in 1809, Napoleon was fed up with his hesitant brother. After annexing the southern provinces of Holland into the Empire, Napoleon convinced Louis to abdicate and in 1810 annexed the kingdom into the French Empire making the Netherlands, in effect, an integral part of France itself.

Long-term implications

While the Napoleonic Kingdom of Holland was short-lived, in the aftermath of Napoleon's fall the precedent of Netherlands having been a Kingdom facilitated the House of Orange's successful efforts to upgrade themselves from stadholders to full-fledged monarchs.

Further reading

  • Burg, Martijn van der, and Matthijs Lok. “The Netherlands under Napoleonic rule: A New Regime or a Revived Order?” in The Napoleonic Empire and the new European political culture edited by Michael Broers, Agustı´n Guimera and Peter Hicks, (2012)
  • Kossmann, E. H. The Low Countries 1780–1940 (1978)
  • Prak, Maarten. "Burghers into Citizens: Urban and National Citizenship in the Netherlands during the Revolutionary Era (c.1800)" Theory and Society (1997) 26: 403–20.
  • Schama, Simon. Patriots and Liberators: Revolution in the Netherlands, 1780– 1813 (London: Collins, 1977)
  • van der Burg, Martijn. "Transforming the Dutch Republic into the Kingdom of Holland: the Netherlands between Republicanism and Monarchy (1795-1815)," European Review of History (2010) 17#2, pp 151-170 online

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