Keroa Union is located close to Raipur, Bangladesh. It has 10 wards.
The literacy rate in Keroa is higher than other unions. There are some reputed educational institute such as Raipur L.M pilot high school (now under Raipur Municipality), Raipur Government College, Ludua High School.
Women empowerment is here significantly higher than other unions. There are some girl’s schools but people’s awareness about women’s education is complicated. For instance most people want to send their daughters to school but they don’t usually want their daughters to complete Bachelor even some cases Intermediate levels although girl’s significantly get better marks than boys in their exams.
Infrastructure in Keroa is comparatively better, although most roads are unpaved. People usually use Rickshaws for local transport. Most houses are connected with electricity, but load shedding remains as a big problem (not only in Keroa, the whole of Bangladesh faces problems with electricity). Some houses are using renewable energy such as Solar panel.
Most people work in farmland, but the densely populated union suffers from a lack of arable land and as a result the people have to buy most foods from the market. There are some small local market such as Sunamgonj Bazar, Ludua bazar and Noarhat.
A large number of people work as expatriates, most in the Middle East.
Most people are moderate Muslim in Keroa. They have very good relations with their Hindu neighbours. Less than 1% are Hindus.