Karel Šebor

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Karel Šebor (1868)

Karel Richard Šebor, (Prague, 18431903) was a Czech opera composer. He had his first resounding success at the age of 22 with The Templars in Moravia, but afterwards faded and was forgotten.[1]


  • 1865 Templáři na Moravě ("The Templars in Moravia") libretto Karel Sabina
  • 1867 Drahomíra
  • 1868 Nevěsta husitská ("The Hussite Bride")
  • 1870 Blanka
  • 1879 Zmařená svatba ("The Frustrated Wedding")


  1. Opera Vol.33 1982 "Karel Sebor (1843-1903), was a Wunderkind who, in the 1860s, was considered a rival to Smetana"
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