Kagumo High School
Kagumo High School is a boy's national secondary school located between Kirichu and Kiganjo townships at Kagumo near Karatina on the Nyeri-Nairobi road in Kenya.[1] It became one of the first schools in Kenya to allow native black Africans to sit for university level entrance exams, doing so in 1946. As such, it is considered one of the best high schools in Kenya. It has several notable alumni. These almna matter include lawyers, doctors, politicians among others . One such alumni student is the constitutional lawyer Gibson Kamau Kuria . Mr Cyrus G Wahome is former headmaster of the school. Mr Dickson Daniel Karaba, a member of Kenyan parliament is former headmaster as well. There are countless other promiminent individuals who occupy significant positions in Kenya's political and cultural life. In academics, sports and creative arts this school has a long standing rivalry with Nyeri High School, with meetings between the two schools, particularly in Rugby, and Basketball most intense. Kagumo high school is a school that would have been one of the top schools in 2012 were it not for the leadership of MR JUSTIN K MACHARIA. He pressed the students so much believing that he was doing the best for the school but the students kept on being frustrated. Being one of the teachers/students I'm glad that with the support of my colleagues we were able to thoroughly object his laws and work hard by ourselves to achieve the grades we attained. It is in honor of the dear principal ,Mr Lawrence Kiwara that I attribute those grades. May kagumo excel higher and may they find a substitute for mr macharia§[2]
They are known for holding regular strikes and class boycotts.
- ↑ "Kagumo High School Website". Retrieved 10 December 2011.
- ↑ wagura.onyancha
- ↑ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mitchase-technology/641066279259802?hc_location=timeline
- Kagumo High School Website http://www.kagumohigh.com/content.php?pid=1