K-graph C*-algebra

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The finitegraph theory in a directed graph form a mathematics category under concatenation called the free object category (which is generated by a graph). The length of a path in E gives a functor from this category into the natural numbers {\mathbb  {N}}. A k-graph is a natural generalistion of this concept which was introduced in[1] by Alex Kumjian and David Pask.


In mathematics, a k-graph (or higher-rank graph, graph of rank k) is a countable category \Lambda with domain and codomain maps r and s, together with a functor d:\Lambda \to {\mathbb  {N}}^{k} which satisfies the following factorisation property: if d(\lambda )=m+n then there are unique \mu ,\nu \in \Lambda with d(\mu )=m,d(\nu )=n such that \lambda =\mu \nu .


  • It can be shown that a 1-graph is precisely the path category of a directed graph.
  • The category T^{k} consisting of a single object and k commuting morphisms {f_{1},...,f_{k}}, together with the map d:T^{k}\to {\mathbb  {N}}^{k} defined d(f_{1}^{{n_{1}}}...f_{k}^{{n_{k}}})=(n_{1},\ldots ,n_{k}), is a k-graph.
  • Let \Omega _{k}=\{(m,n):m,n\in {\mathbb  {Z}}^{k},m\leq n\} then \Omega _{k} is a k-graph when gifted with the structure maps r(m,n)=(m,m), s(m,n)=(n,n), (m,n)(n,p)=(m,p) and d(m,n)=n-m.


The notation for k-graphs is borrowed extensively from the corresponding notation for categories:

  • For n\in {\mathbb  {N}}^{k} let \Lambda ^{n}=d^{{-1}}(n).
  • By the factorisation property it follows that \Lambda ^{0}=\operatorname {Obj}(\Lambda ).
  • For v,w\in \Lambda ^{0} and X\subseteq \Lambda we have vX=\{\lambda \in X:r(\lambda )=v\}, Xw=\{\lambda \in X:s(\lambda )=w\} and vXw=vX\cap Xw.
  • If 0<\#v\Lambda ^{n}<\infty for all v\in \Lambda ^{0} and n\in {\mathbb  {N}}^{k} then \Lambda is said to be row-finite with no sources.

Visualisation - Skeletons

A k-graph is best visualised by drawing its 1-skeleton as a k-coloured graph E=(E^{0},E^{1},r,s,c) where E^{0}=\Lambda ^{0}, E^{1}=\cup _{{i=1}}^{k}\Lambda ^{{e_{i}}}, r,s inherited from \Lambda and c:E^{1}\to \{1,\ldots ,k\} defined by c(e)=i if and only if e\in \Lambda ^{{e_{i}}} where e_{1},\ldots ,e_{n} are the canonical generators for {\mathbb  {N}}^{k}. The factorisation property in \Lambda for elements of degree e_{i}+e_{j} where i\neq j gives rise to relations between the edges of E.


As with graph-algebras one may associate a C*-algebra to a k=graph:

Let \Lambda be a row-finite k-graph with no sources then a Cuntz–Kriger \Lambda family in a C*-algebra B is a collection \{s_{\lambda }:\lambda \in \Lambda \} of operators in B such that

  1. s_{\lambda }s_{\mu }=s_{{\lambda \mu }} if \lambda ,\mu ,\lambda \mu \in \Lambda ;
  2. \{s_{v}:v\in \Lambda ^{0}\} are mutually orthogonal projections;
  3. if d(\mu )=d(\nu ) then s_{\mu }^{*}s_{\nu }=\delta _{{\mu ,\nu }}s_{{s(\mu )}};
  4. s_{v}=\sum _{{\lambda \in v\Lambda ^{n}}}s_{\lambda }s_{\lambda }^{*} for all n\in {\mathbb  {N}}^{k} and v\in \Lambda ^{0}.

C^{*}(\Lambda ) is then the universal C*-algebra generated by a Cuntz–Krieger \Lambda -family.


  1. Kumjian, A.; Pask, D.A. (2000), "Higher rank graph C*-algebras", The New York Journal of Mathematics 6: 1–20 
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