Julia Hailes
Julia Hailes (born 1961), is an author who first came to prominence in 1988, when she wrote The Green Consumer Guide which sold a million copies worldwide. She subsequently wrote The New Green Consumer Guide published in 2007. She has authored or co-authored nine books. In 1989 she was elected to the UN `Global 500 Roll of Honour’ for ‘outstanding environmental achievements'.
Early life
Julia Hailes grew up near Ham Hill in Somerset. She attended Knighton House Girls' Prep School in Dorset; and St Mary's School in Calne, Wiltshire.
In 1986, Julia Hailes and John Elkington co-founded SustainAbility Ltd, a think tank consultancy that now has offices in London, Washington and Zurich, with another planned later in 2008 in India.
Julia has been a director of Jupiter Global Green Investment Trust, co-founded Haller -- Releasing Potential, a charity supporting eco-system projects after meeting Dr. Rene Haller as a fellow Global 500 Laureate and Louise Piper, sits on the Food Ethics Council and is a Patron of the Ecos Trust, which promotes green building practice.
She is an environmental campaigner and a sustainability consultant advising a number of multi-national companies, including Marks & Spencer, Reckitt Benckiser, Morrisons, McDonalds, Shell, Numis Investment Bank and Procter & Gamble. She also regularly makes speeches and presentations, write articles - and a blog.
She lives in Somerset with her three sons, Connor, Rollo and Monty, aged 17, 15 and 13 (2012).
Awards and honors
In 1989, Julia Hailes she was elected to the UN `Global 500 Roll of Honour’ for ‘outstanding environmental achievements' and in 1999 was awarded an MBE in the New Years Honors List.
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little" Edmund Burke
'Do as you would be done by."
"Don't be deterred by 'we've always done it this way'"
" We may not be able to stop climate change but we should do as much as we can"
"We shouldn't just look for big solutions to the big problems we face - lots and lots of small solutions are the way forward."
External links