Judith Berrisford
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Judith M. Berrisford was a British writer of children's pony stories which are very similar to those of the Pullein-Thompson sisters, as well as many other animal story books in addition to books on gardening.[1] She was born in Staffordshire in 1912.[2] She also wrote under the name of Amanda Hope.
As Judith Berrisford
Jackie Books
- Jackie Won a Pony (1958)
- Ten Ponies and Jackie (1959)
- Jackie's Pony Patrol (1961)
- Jackie's Pony Camp Summer (also published as Jackie and the Pony Camp Summer) (1968)
- Jackie and the Pony Trekkers (1971)
- Jackie's Show Jumping Surprise (also published as Jackie's Showjumping Surprise) (1972)
- Jackie and the Pony Boys (also published as Jackie and the Pony-Boys) (1973)
- Jackie and the Misfit Pony (1975)
- Jackie on Pony Island (1977)
- Jackie and the Pony Thieves (1978)
- Jackie and the Phantom Ponies (1979)
- Jackie and the Moonlight Pony (1980)
- Jackie and the Pony Rivals (1981)
- Jackie and the Missing Showjumper (1982)
- Change Ponies Jackie! (1983)
- Jackie's Steeplechase Adventure (1984)
Other pony books
- Timber - The Story of a Horse (1950)
- Sue's Circus Horse (1951)
- Red Rocket, Mystery Horse (1952)
- The Ponies Next Door (1954)
- Rustlers in the New Forest (1954)
- Ponies All Summer (1956)
- Pony Forest Adventure (1957)
- A Pony in the Family (1959)
- Trouble at Ponyways (1960)
- A Colt In the Family (1962)
- Nobody's Pony (1962)
- Five Foals and Philippa (1963)
- A Show Jumper in the Family (1964)
- Sue's TV Pony (1964)
- Pony-Trekkers, Go Home! (1982)
- Sabotage at Stableways (1982)
- Pippa's Mystery Horse (1983)
- Too Many Ponies for Pippa (1984)
- Pippa & The Midnight Ponies (1985)
- The Judith Berrisford Book of Pony Care (non-fiction) (1987)
Dates unknown
- The Pony Club Annual No 4 (contributor)
Other children's books
- Taff the sheepdog (1949)
- And Polar sailed too (1951)
- Jim and Patsy on the farm (1952)
- Joker The Foxhound (1953)
- Son of Darky (1953)
- Skipper - The Dog from the sea (1955)
- Trot Home Sally (1955)
- Game Warden's Son (1956)
- Skipper and The Headland Four (1957)
- A Dog called Scamp (1958)
- Daffodil Island (1958)
- Skipper's Exciting Summer (1959)
- Son Of Taff (1959)
- The Cats of Winkle Bay (1959)
- Skipper and the Runaway Boy (1960)
- Skipper and Son (1961)
- SOS For Sheepdog Taff (1963)
- Taff and the Stolen Ponies (1965)
- The Far-from-home cats (1967)
- Skipper To The Rescue (1977)
Gardening Books
- Irises (1961)
- The Small Shrub Garden (also published as A Small Scrub Garden) (1961)
- Gardening on Lime (1963)
- Rhododendrons and Azaleas (1964)
- The Wild Garden (1966)
- The Very Small Garden: Unlimited Ideas for Limited Space (1968)
- The Young Gardener (1970)
- Window Box And Container Gardening (1974)
- Backyards and Tiny Gardens (1976)
- Gardening on Chalk, Lime & Clay (1978)
- The Weekend Garden (also published as Weekend Gardener) (1978)
As Amanda Hope
- The Pengelly Face (1977
- Mistress of Eden (1979)
- Lord of Glenjerrick (1979)
German translations - Bibliographie
Wie Judith Berrisford
Jackie Bücher
- Jackie Gewann ein Pony (1958)
- Zehn Ponys und Jackie (1959)
- ' 'Jackie Pony Patrol (1961)
- Jackie Pony Camp Sommer (auch Jackie und dem Pony Camp Sommer veröffentlicht) (1968)
- Jackie und die Pony Trekker (1971)
- Jackie Springreiten Surprise (auch als Springreiten Surprise Jackie veröffentlicht) (1972)
- Jackie und die Pony Jungen (1973 (auch als Jackie und dem Pony-Boys veröffentlicht) )
- Jackie und die Misfit Pony (1975)
- Jackie auf Pony Island (1977)
- Jackie und die Pony Thieves (1978)
- Jackie und die Ponies Phantom (1979)
- Jackie und die Moonlight Pony (1980)
- Jackie und die Pony Rivals (1981)
- Jackie und das Fehlende Showjumper (1982)
- ändern Ponies Jackie! (1983)
- Jackie Hindernislauf Abenteuer (1984)
Andere pony Bücher
- Timber - Die Geschichte eines Horse (1950)
- Sues Circus Horse (1951)
- Red Rocket, Rätsel Horse (1952)
- Die Ponies Next Door (1954)
- Rustlers in der New Forest (1954)
- Ponies All Summer (1956)
- Pony Forest Adventure (1957)
- A Pony in der Familie (1959)
- Trouble at Ponyways (1960)
- Ein Colt In der Familie (1962)
- Niemand ist Pony (1962)
- Fünf Fohlen und Philippa (1963)
- A Show Jumper in der Familie (1964)
- Sues TV Pony (1964)
- Pony- Trekker, Go Home! (1982)
- Sabotage an Stableways (1982)
- Pippa Mystery Horse (1983)
- Too Many Ponies für Pippa (1984)
- Pippa & The Midnight Ponies (1985)
- The Book of Judith Berrisford Pony Pflege (non-fiction) (1987)
Daten unbekannt
- Der Pony Club Annual No 4 (Beitragszahler)
Andere Kinder Bücher
- Taff der Schäferhund (1949)
- Und Polar gesegelt zu (1951)
- Jim und Patsy auf dem Bauernhof (1952)
- Joker Der Foxhound (1953)
- Sohn Darky (1953)
- Skipper - Der Hund aus dem Meer (1955)
- Trab Startseite Sally (1955)
- Game Warden Sohn (1956 )
- Skipper und The Headland Vier (1957)
- Ein Hund namens Kleine Strolche (1958)
- Narzisse Insel (1958)
- Skipper Spannende Sommer (1959)
- Son Of Taff (1959)
- Die Katzen von Winkle Bay (1959)
- Skipper und die Runaway Boy (1960)
- Skipper und Sohn (1961)
- SOS For Schäferhund Taff (1963)
- Taff und die Stolen Ponies (1965)
- Der Far-from-home Katzen (1967)
- Skipper To The Rescue (1977)
- Iris (1961)
- Der kleine Strauch Garden (auch A Small Scrub Garden veröffentlicht) (1961)
- Gardening auf Lime (1963)
- Rhododendron und Azaleen (1964)
- The Wild Garden (1966)
- The Very Small Garden: Unbegrenzte Ideen für beengte Platzverhältnisse (1968)
- The Young Gardener (1970)
- Window Box Und Container Gardening (1974)
- Hinterhöfe und Gärten Tiny (1976)
- Gardening auf Kreide, Kalk und Lehm (1978
- The Weekend Garden ' '(auch als'' Weekend Gardener veröffentlicht) (1978)
Als Amanda Hoffnung
- Die Pengelly Gesicht (1977)
- Mistress of Eden (1979)
- Herr von Glenjerrick (1979)
- ↑ "Judith M. Berrisford". WorldCat.org. Retrieved 20 March 2010.
- ↑ "Judith Berrisford". Pony Mad Book Lovers. Retrieved 20 March 2010.
British Library
External links
- A pony books website with information about the author and her books
- An website with further information about her pony books, and cover scans
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