Josephson penetration depth

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In superconductivity, Josephson penetration depth characterizes the typical length on which an externally-applied magnetic field penetrates into the long Josephson junction. Josephson penetration depth is usually denoted as \lambda _{J} and is given by the following expression (in SI):

\lambda _{J}={\sqrt  {{\frac  {\Phi _{0}}{2\pi \mu _{0}d'j_{c}}}}},

where \Phi _{0} is the magnetic flux quantum, j_{c} is the critical current density {\mathrm  {(A/m^{2})}}, and d' characterizes the inductance of the superconducting electrodes

d'=d_{I}+\lambda _{1}\coth \left({\frac  {d_{1}}{\lambda _{1}}}\right)+\lambda _{2}\coth \left({\frac  {d_{2}}{\lambda _{2}}}\right),

where d_{I} is the thickness of the Josephson barrier (usually insulator), d_{{1,2}} are the thicknesses of superconducting electrodes, and \lambda _{{1,2}} are their London penetration depths.

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