Jorge Barbosa

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Jorge Vera-Cruz Barbosa (25 May 1902 – 6 January 1971) was a Cape Verdean poet and writer. He collaborated in various reviews and Portuguese and Cape Verdean journals. The publication of his poetry anthology Arquipélago (Archipelago) in 1935 marked the beginning of Capeverdean poetry. He was, along with Baltazar Lopes da Silva and Manuel Lopes one of the three founders of the literary journal Claridade ("Clarity") in 1936, which marked the beginning of modern Cape Verdean literature.


Jorge Barbosa was born in the city of Praia, on the island of Santiago, Portuguese Cape Verde archipelago (then a territory of Portugal). Soon after, he moved to the island of São Vicente, where he spent his early years on — excluding his years of study in Lisbon. He then lived for many years on the island of Sal, working as a civil servant of the customhouse. He died in Cova da Piedade, in Lisbon, Portugal.


  • Arquipélago (1935)
  • Ambiente (Ambient, also known as The Circle) (1941)
  • Caderno de um Ilhéu (An Islander's Notebook) (1955, Camilo Pessanha Award)
  • Recent poems include Meio Milénio, Júbilo (Jubilee) and Panfletário.

Further reading

  • Silva, Carlos Alberto Gomes da, "An Introduction to Capeverdean Poetry of Portuguese Expression." in Emerging Literatures, ed. Nethersole, Reingard. Bern, Peter Lang, 1990. pp. 91-105. ISBN 9783261043085.

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