jai raje di Jhingran is a village situated in District Nawanshahr (Punjab), India. Jhingran is an important village for Shergill clan of Jatts. There is Gurudwara Baba Mana Ji who is said to be Forefather of Shergill families residing in various villages like JHINGRAN, Mukandpur, DYALPUR, LAROYA, JAGATPUR, BAHUA. All Shergill families used to bring their newly wedded couples to pray here and dig up soil from ground as ritual. Shergills also residing in the various villages in the Distt Jalandhar, Patiala may be Western Punjab as well.
Jhingran is also known by name of Nabh Kanwal Raja Sahib Ji who was a well-known saint and preached religion and good values in society. There is Great Gurudwara Dukh Niwaran Raja Sahib Ji situated in this village. Raja Sahib Ji composed its Holy Book Bhagwan Bilas in this village.
Note: The bhagwan Bilas as published 2008 which has English translation, has been altered from the original version written by Sri Nabh Kanwal Raja Sahib. We need confirmation of original scriptures to note the differences.
Maharaj Raja Sahib Ji was the Grandson of Baba Naudha Ji. Naudha Ji had two sons, the elder was called ‘Baba Bhola’, and the younger ‘Sibbo’.
Mangal Dass and Rala were the sons of Bhola and Sibbo respectively and Umar Chand was the son of Ralla.
Mangal Dass was blessed with a son named Nabh Kanwal Raja Sahib Ji, who was pious like a lotus.
Baba Naudha was a Numberdar (Chief) of the village of Mannanhaana. He was the owner of 125 acres of land and had influence in several adjoining villages.
Mangal Dass married Sahib Dayee, the daughter of Khazana, the Numberdar of the village of Ballowal, Tehsil Nawanshehar, in the district of Jalandhar.
1. Like Mata Ganga Ji, for several years after they were married they had not had any children, and a family is incomplete without a son. It is like barren land without a well, night without moon, a garden without a flower, a tree without any fruit, a tank without water or a lotus without fragrance.
2. Similarly, houses, temples and mansions are all deserted without a son.
points 1 and 2 are the authors view point; anyone that is content in god has no worldly acknowledgment to maya. This cannot be substantiated at all.
3. Baba Mangal Dass Ji and Mata Sahib Kaur Ji started looking after saints and sadhus and performed hawans.
4. They worshipped God Almighty as the King Dashrath, the father of Lord Rama and performed hawans and yagya to have their wish for a son fulfilled. Meditating to realise their desire of a son, they turned out to be sadhus of high order.
5. They became embodiments of Him by reciting His name. Like Guru Teg Bahadur Ji, their eyes ached with the incessant flow of tears caused by the wrench of separation. Their eyesight became feeble.
6. Due to the enormous meditation they performed, their wish was fulfilled in His divine court and a declaration was pronounced:
7. “Your rumination is accepted. A manifestation of God will be born to your family. He will emancipate twenty one lineages, will put the world on the path of righteousness and will revitalize religious fervor.
8. He will act in the welfare of one and all, including stones, trees, hills, men, women, musicians and forest dwellers. After observing celibacy for 25 years, he chose to have a son. He started dreaming of the lucky day and became elated. His mind became calm and cheerful with the divine blessings of Nature.
9. There were cool breezes accompanying dreams of everything so wonderful.
10. The mind showed further inclination towards the meditation of Almighty God.
11. There were reports of ecstatic feelings in the forests, hills, cattle, men and women in the region that was destined to have the birth of His divine self. There was also talk of the condition of the parents.
12. The mother had a unique feeling of divine bliss in every inch of her body as she was to have a godly birth and experienced pleasant dreams of gods every night.
13. Her heart felt as if it was under the influence of an exclusive heavenly intoxication and her mind became filled with a truthful contentment.
14. Her blissful mind emitted a divine radiance.
Points 5 - 14 - this has no substance of creditably. Totally romanticized and written as though its s super hero novel.
Maharaj Raja sahib taught ik harph, one naam was a bramgayni who lived care free. The above points need to be corrected and further insight needs to be given about the gurdwara and samadh.
- "Shri Nabh Kanwal raja Sahib ji". rajasahibji.com. Retrieved 2014-01-25.
- "Home - Raja Sahib Ji". rajasahibji.co.uk. Retrieved 2014-01-25.
- "rajasahibji.net - rajasahibji Resources and Information. This website is for sale!". rajasahibji.net. Retrieved 2014-01-25.
- http://www.dhandhanrajaji.com
- "http://rasokhana108". eb.archive.org. Retrieved 2014-01-25.