Jacques Dixmier

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Jacques Dixmier
Born 1924 (age 8990)
Nationality French
Fields Mathematics
Institutions University of Paris
Alma mater University of Paris
Doctoral advisor Gaston Julia
Doctoral students Alain Connes
Michel Duflo
Pierre Eymard
Michèle Vergne
Nicole Berline
Known for Dixmier conjecture
Dixmier trace

Jacques Dixmier (born 1924) is a French mathematician. He worked on operator algebras, and wrote several of the standard reference books on them, and introduced the Dixmier trace and the Dixmier mapping. He received his Ph.D. in 1949 from the University of Paris, and his students include Alain Connes.[1]


  • J. Dixmier, C*-algebras. Translated from the French by Francis Jellett. North-Holland Mathematical Library, Vol. 15. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam-New York-Oxford, 1977. xiii+492 pp. ISBN 0-7204-0762-1
A translation of Les C*-algèbres et leurs représentations, Gauthier-Villars, 1969.
A translation of Algèbres enveloppantes, Cahiers Scientifiques, Fasc. XXXVII. Gauthier-Villars Éditeur, Paris-Brussels-Montreal, Que., 1974. ii+349 pp.
  • J. Dixmier, von Neumann algebras, Translated from the second French edition by F. Jellett. North-Holland Mathematical Library, 27. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam-New York, 1981. xxxviii+437 pp. ISBN 0-444-86308-7
A translation of Les algèbres d'opérateurs dans l'espace hilbertien: algèbres de von Neumann, Gauthier-Villars (1957), the first book about von Neumann algebras.


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