Ivan Kamenec
Ivan Kamenec (August 27, 1938 Nitra) is a Slovak historian.
He was born in Nitra on August 1938. He graduated from Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava in 1961. Then he worked at the State Slovak Central Archive in Bratislava and the Slovak National Museum in Bratislava. At present, he works at the Institute of History of Slovak Academy of Sciences. He is a chairman of Slovak section of common Czech-Slovak Commission of Historians[1] and a member of the board of directors of Holocaust Documentation Center.[2] The main theme of his scientific research is political and cultural history of Slovakia in the 20th Century. He deals especially with the history of the First Slovak Republic from the years 1939-1945, the political system and the political and cultural elites. He is a respected scholar in the area of Holocaust in Slovakia[3] and his work On the Trail of Tragedy belongs to basic works in this field.[4][5] The work was written already in 70's but was not published until 1991[4][6] because topic was tabooed in Czechoslovakia during the communistic era.
Selected works
- 1984 Začiatky marxistického historického myslenia na Slovensku. (Historizmus a jeho úloha v slovenskom revolučnom robotníckom hnutí.) [The Beginnings of Marxist Historical Thought in Slovakia. (Historicism and its Role in Slovak Revolutionary Labor Movement)] (in Slovak).
- 1991 Po stopách tragédie [On the Trail of Tragedy] (in Slovak)
- 1992 Slovenský stát (1939–1945) [The Slovak State (1939-1945] (in Slovak)
- 1993 Trauma: Az első Szlovák Köztársaság (1939–1945) [Trauma: The Slovak State (1939-1945)] (in Hungarian, translation)
- 1998 Tragédia politika, kňaza a človeka. (Dr. Jozef Tiso 1887–1947.) [Tragedy of a Politician, a Priest and a Man (Dr. Jozef Tiso 1887-1947)] (in Slovak)
- 2000 Hľadanie a blúdenie v dejinách. Úvahy, štúdie a polemiky. [Searching and Wandering in History. Considerations, Studies and Controversies] (in Slovak)
- 2001 Tragedia polityka, księdza i człowieka. (Jozef Tiso 1887–1947.) [Tragedy of a Politician, a Priest and a Man (Dr. Jozef Tiso 1887-1947)] (in Polish, translation)
- 2007 On the Trail of Tragedy. The Holocaust in Slovakia (in English, translation).
- 2008 Slovenský štát v obrazoch (1939–1945) [The Slovak State in Pictures] (in Slovak)
Collective works and editions of documents
- 1988 Na spoločnej ceste [On the Common Journey] (in Slovak)
- 1985 Dejiny Slovenska. Vol. 5. (1918–1945) [History of Slovakia Vol. 5 (1918-1945)] (in Slovak)
- 1988 Dejiny Slovenska. Vol. 6. (1945–1960) [History of Slovakia Vol. 6 (1945-1960)] (in Slovak)
- 1992 Politické strany na Slovensku 1860–1989. [Political Parties in Slovakia 1860-1989] (in Slovak)
- 1992 Vatikán a Slovenská republika (1939–1945). Dokumenty. [The Vatican and the Slovak Republic (1939–1945). Documents.] (in Slovak)
- 1997 Jozef Tiso. Tanulmánya [Jozef Tiso. Study] (in Hungarian)
- 2000 Historik v čase a priestore. Laudatio Ľubomírovi Liptákovi. [Historian in Time and Space. Laudatio for Ľubomír Lipták] (in Slovak).
- 2003 Holokaust na Slovensku. Vol. 2. Prezident, vláda, Snem SR a Štátna rada o židovskej otázke (1939–1945). Dokumenty. [The Holocaust in Slovakia. Vol. 2. President, Government, Diet and the State Council of the Slovak Republic about the Jewish Question (1939-1945). Documents]. (in Slovak)
- 2004 Holokaust na Slovensku. Vol. 5. Židovské pracovné tábory a strediská na Slovensku 1938–1944. Dokumenty. [The Holocaust in Slovakia. Vol. 5. Jewish Labor Camps and Resorts in Slovakia 1938-1944. Documents] (in Slovak)
- 1999 International literal price of E. E. Kisch.
- 2008 Price of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for science popularization work.
- 2012 Scientist of the year 2012 in category "Recognition for lifetime achievements in the Slovak Republic".
- Paulovičová, Nina (2013). "The "Unmasterable Past"? The Reception of the Holocaust in Postcommunist Slovakia.". In Himka, John-Paul; Michlic, Joanna Beata. Bringing the Dark Past to Light. The Reception of the Holocaust in Postcommunist Europe. University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 978-0-8032-2544-2.
- Mikuličová, Ivanka (2008). "Výberová bibliografia PhDr. Ivana Kamenca, CSc.". Z dejín demokratických a totalitných režimov na Slovensku a v Československu v 20. storočí. Historik Ivan Kamenec (in Slovak). Bratislava: Historický ústav SAV. ISBN 978-80-969782-6-7.
- Tkadlečková, Herta (2008). "O Ivanovi Kamencovi – celkom neoficiálne". Z dejín demokratických a totalitných režimov na Slovensku a v Československu v 20. storočí. Historik Ivan Kamenec (in Slovak). Bratislava: Historický ústav SAV. ISBN 978-80-969782-6-7.
- Nižňanský, Eduard. "The Holocaust in Slovakia – period of Autonomy (6. 10. 1938 – 14. 3. 1939). Documents. Preface.". Retrieved 26 June 2013.
- "Osobnosti ocenené v súťaži Vedec roka SR 2012" (in Slovak). The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. Retrieved 14 June 2013.
- "About Us" (in Slovak). Holocaust Documentation Center. Retrieved 26 June 2013.
- "List of Members" (in Slovak). Czech-Slovak Commission of Historians. Retrieved 26 June 2013.
- "Curriculum Vitae of Ivan Kamenec" (in Slovak). Civil Association Osobnosti.sk. Retrieved 14 June 2013.