International Seismological Summary
Earthquake Catalog (1918-1963)
The International Seismological Summary (ISS) is the most comprehensive global earthquake catalog for the time period between 1918 and 1963. The ISS is the predecessor of the International Seismological Centre (ISC), which has published its bulletins from the year 1964 onwards.
The bulletins of the ISS contain both hypocenters and the phase arrival time data used to determine the hypocenters. However the ISS does not list amplitude and period data that could be used to compute magnitudes. And, while the ISC hypocenters and phase data are readily accessible in digital form, the ISS bulletins are currently only available in printed form. A long term project is currently under way to convert the hypocenter and phase data in the ISS printed bulletins to digital form (VillaseƱor et al., 1997).
VillaseƱor, A., E.A. Bergman, T.M. Boyd, E.R. Engdahl, D.W. Frazier, M.M. Harden, J.L. Orth, R.L. Parkes, and K.M. Shedlock, Toward a comprehensive catalog of global historical seismicity, Eos Trans. AGU, vol. 78, no. 50, pp. 581, 583, 588, 1997.