International Federation of Liberal Youth

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International Federation of Liberal Youth
President Denmark Christian Scharling (Radikal Ungdom)
Treasurer Germany Daniel George (JuLis)
Secretary General Netherlands Frerik Kampman (JD)
Founded 1947/1979
Headquarters London, United Kingdom
International affiliation Liberal International[1]
European affiliation European Youth Forum

The International Federation of Liberal Youth (IFLRY) is an international liberal youth organization. It consists of a global membership of national youth organizations. These are often but not exclusively affiliated with political parties that are members of Liberal International.

IFLRY continues the tradition of two predecessors. The first was the World Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth (WFLRY), founded in 1947. WFLRY was also a global organization but most members were active in Europe. This led in 1969 to the separate forming of the European Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth (EFLRY). WFLRY was dissolved in 1978, and EFLRY renamed itself IFLRY, the International Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth. In 2001 the organization was renamed into IFLRY - International Federation of Liberal Youth.

Full members status is held to Liberal International and the European Youth Forum (YFJ) which operates within the Council of Europe and European Union areas and works closely with both these bodies.

Currently the presidency of IFLRY is held by Christian Scharling (Radikal Ungdom, Denmark). The rest of the Bureau includes Frerik Kampman (JD, Netherlands), Secretary General; Daniel George (JuLis, Germany), Treasurer; and four vice-presidents: Danylo Danylo Korbabicz (YLC, Canada), Ahmad Al Rachwani (Future Youth, Lebanon), Bobby Dean (Liberal Youth, UK), Stanislav Anastassov (Youth Movement for Rights and Freedoms, Bulgaria) and regional bureau members Ivo Thijssen (LYMEC, Europe) and Nante Thananan (CALD Youth, Asia).


IFLRY's highest body is the General Assembly, which meets at least every year. It adopts IFLRY's political platform, the Manifesto, and decides about IFLRY's activities. These are stated in a two-year Programme of Action. The General Assembly also decides on the federation's policies by adopting resolutions. Furthermore the General Assembly elects the Bureau and decides upon the budget.

The Executive Committee is composed of one representative from each member organisation and the Bureau. It meets twice a year and takes all policy decisions within the framework of the General Assembly's resolutions.

The IFLRY Bureau consists of a President, a Secretary General, a Treasurer and four Vice-Presidents. The Bureau has the responsibility for IFLRY's day to day management and is elected every two years. The IFLRY Bureau appoints an Executive Director who runs the IFLRY secretariat in London.

Member organizations

Organization Country Status
3H Movement  Turkey 1Full member
Azerbaijan Liberal Youth Association  Azerbaijan 1Full member
Centre Party Youth (Centerpartiets ungdomsförbund, CUF)  Sweden 1Full member
Circulo Liberal  Uruguay 2Candidate member
Civic Youth Alliance  Serbia 1Full member
Civil Forum (Gramadyanski Forum)  Belarus 1Full member
Croatian People's Party Youth (Mladi Hrvatske Narodne Stranke, CPPY)  Croatia 1Full member
Democratic Alliance Youth  South Africa 2Candidate member
El Ghad Liberal Youth Union  Egypt 2Candidate member
Egyptian Union of Liberal Youth (EULY)  Egypt 2Candidate member
Estonian Centre Party Youth (Eesti Keskerakonna Noortekogu, YAECP)  Estonia 1Full member
Federation of Liberal Students (Federation des Etudiants Liberaux, FEL)  Belgium 1Full member
Federazione dei Giovani Liberali (FdGLI)  Italy 1Full member
Femme Actuelle Liberale  Ivory Coast 2Candidate member
Finnish Centre Youth (Suomen Keskustanuoret, FCY)  Finland 1Full member
Free Youth Front  Egypt 1Full member
Future Youth  Lebanon 1Full member
Ghanese Liberal Student Association  Ghana 2Candidate member
Gibraltar Liberal Youth (GLY)  Gibraltar 1Full member
Institute for Democracy and Leadership  Sri Lanka 2Candidate member
Joventut Nacionalista de Catalunya (Young Nationalists of Catalonia, JNC)  Spain 1Full member
Young Liberals Austria (Junge Liberale Österreich, JuLis)  Austria 1Full member
Juventud Liberal Radical Auténtica  Paraguay 1Full member
Juventud Liberal de Honduras  Honduras 1Full member
Juventud Libertaria  Costa Rica 2Candidate member
Kabataang Liberal ng Pilipinas  Philippines 1Full member
 Belgium 1Full member
Liberal Center Youth  Lithuania 1Full member
Liberal Democratic Youth of Macedonia (Liberalno-Demokratska Mladina Macedonia, LiDeM)  Macedonia 1Full member
Liberal Social Movement (Movimento Liberal Social, MLS)  Portugal 3Observer
Liberal Student Clubs (Cluburile Studenţeşti Liberale)  Romania 1Full member
Liberal Youth  United Kingdom 1Full member
Liberal Youth Assembly of the National Movement of Simeon the Second (LYA)  Bulgaria 1Full member
Liberal Youth of Sweden (Liberala ungdomsförbundet, LUF)  Sweden 1Full member
Liberalet e Rinj te Kosoves  Serbia 1Full member
Lithuanian Liberal Youth (Lietuvos Liberalus Jaunimas, LLJ)  Lithuania 1Full member
Mladejko dvijeni za prav i svobodi (YMRF)  Bulgaria 1Full member
Mladi Liberali  Slovakia 2Candidate member
National Liberal Party Youth  Lebanon 2Candidate member
National Liberal Youth (Tineretul Naţional Liberal, TNL)  Romania 1Full member
Norwegian Liberal Students (Norges Liberale Studentforbund, NLSF)  Norway 1Full member
Juventude Democratas  Brazil 1Full member
Political Institute for Freedom (Instituto Politico para la Libertad)  Peru 2Candidate member
Radical Democratic Youth Federation (RDYF)  Bulgaria 1Full member
Radical Youth of 1994 (Radikal Ungdom af 1994, RU)  Denmark 1Full member
Rassemblement des Jeunes  Ivory Coast 1Full member
Rina Liberal Demokrate  Albania 1Full member
Samband Ungra Framsóknarmanna  Iceland 1Full member
Swedish Youth (Svensk Ungdom, SU)  Finland 1Full member
Unión Colombiana de Jóvenes Demócratas  Colombia 1Full member
Union des Jeunesses Travaillistes et Libérales  Senegal 1Full member
Yabloko Youth  Russia 3Observer
Young Australian Democrats  Australia 3Observer
Young Centre (Stowarzyszenie Mlode Centrum, MC)  Poland 1Full member
Young Democrats (Jonge Democraten, JD)  Netherlands 1Full member
Young Democrats of America (YDA)  United States 1Full member
Young Democrats of Singapore  Singapore 1Full member
Young Liberal Democracy (Mladi Liberalna Demokracija, MLD)  Slovenia 1Full member
Young Liberals (Junge Liberale, JuLis)  Germany 1Full member
Young Liberals of Andorra (Joventut Liberal d'Andorra, LDRS)  Andorra 2Candidate member
Young Liberals of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Mladi Liberali Bosne i Hercegovine, MLBiH)  Bosnia and Herzegovina 1Full member
Young Liberals of Canada  Canada 1Full member
Young Liberals of Norway (Norges Unge Venstre, NUV)  Norway 1Full member
Young Liberals of Serbia  Serbia 1Full member
Young MR (Jeunes MR)  Belgium 2Candidate member
Young Radicals of the Left (Jeunes Radicaux de Gauche, JRG)  France 1Full member
Young Republicans  Georgia 2Candidate member
Young Liberals (Switzerland) (Jungfreisinnige Schweiz, JFS / Jeunes Libéraux Radicaux Suisses, JLRS)   Switzerland 1Full member
Young VLD (Jong VLD)  Belgium 1Full member
Youth Initiative    Nepal 1Full member
Youth Organisation Freedom and Democracy (Jongeren Organisatie Vrijheid en Democratie, JOVD)  Netherlands 1Full member

See also

  • Liberalism
  • Liberalism worldwide
  • List of liberal parties
  • LYMEC, the European Liberal Youth, related to the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party


  1. "Document Centre: IFLRY Statutes November 2010". International Federation of Liberal Youth. Retrieved 24 July 2011.

External links

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