Interkerkelijke Omroep Nederland

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Type Public broadcaster
Country Netherlands
Availability Netherlands
Founded January 1, 1976
Official website

The Interkerkelijke Omroep Nederland (IKON) is a Dutch public broadcaster which makes radio and television broadcasts on behalf of seven church communities. Next to broadcasting IKON also offers other services such as Teletekst, the IKON newspaper, the IKON pastorate and Internet. In IKON's airtime the Wilde Ganzen collect money for projects in the Third World. Since August 2010 there are discussions with the KRO, NCRV and RKK to form a large confessional broadcaster.


After the war the IKOR, (Interkerkelijk Overleg inzake Radioaangelegenheden) was founded. On January 1, 1976 IKOR and the Convent van Kerken founded the foundation IKON.

IKON journalists were often active in dangerous warzones. On March 17, 1982 four IKON journalists were murdered in El Salvador: Koos Koster (correspondent), Jan Kuiper (editor), Joop Willemse (cameraman) en Hans ter Laag (soundman).

In the 1970s and '80s IKON was known as a left-wing broadcaster, focussing on subjects such as racism, oppression, emancipation, development aid and peace.

Since the end of the cold war the appeal of leftist ideals declined as did the attendance of churches. IKON had to adapt to these changes.

Airtime for churches

Article 2.42 of the Dutch media law (the Mediawet) makes room for faith-based radio and television broadcasters who do not have to have any members, unlike regular public broadcasters (several of which are also faith-based).

IKON makes programming for various church communities namely:

  • Algemene Doopsgezinde SociĆ«teit
  • Evangelische Broedergemeente Nederland
  • Leger des Heils
  • Molukse Evangelische Kerk
  • Oud-Katholieke Kerk van Nederland
  • Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (PKN)
  • Remonstrantse Broederschap
  • Vrijzinnige geloofsgemeenschap NPB

Two other organisations who fill airtime for different church societies are RKK and Zendtijd voor Kerken (ZvK). IKON takes care of part of the technical facilities of ZvK.

External links

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