List of indigenous peoples

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This is a partial list of the world's indigenous / aboriginal / native peoples. Indigenous peoples are any ethnic group of peoples who are considered to fall under one of the internationally recognized definitions of Indigenous peoples, such as United Nations, the International Labour Organization and the World Bank, i.e. "those ethnic groups that were indigenous to a territory prior to being incorporated into a national state, and who are politically and culturally separate from the majority ethnic identity of the state that they are a part of".[1]

Note that this is a listing of peoples, groups and communities. Many of the names are externally imposed, and are not those the people identify within their cultures. As John Trudell observed, "They change our name and treat us the same." Basic to the unethical treatment of indigenous peoples is an insistence that the original inhabitants of the land are not permitted to name themselves. Many tribal groups have reasserted their traditional self-identifying names in recent times,[2] in a process of geographical renaming where "The place-name changes herald a new era, in which Aboriginal people have increasing control over the right to name and govern their homelands."[3]

This list is grouped by region, and sub-region. Note that a particular group may warrant listing under more than one region, either because the group is distributed in more than one region (example: Inuit in North America and eastern Russia), or there may be some overlap of the regions themselves (that is, the boundaries of each region are not always clear and some locations may commonly be associated with more than one region).


The continent of Africa, including associated islands such as Madagascar, but excluding Arabia.

Central Africa

Central Africa generally includes the lands mainly of the Congo River basin, south of the Sahara and west of the East African Rift.

  • Pygmy peoples: Central and Western Africa

East Africa

East Africa, including the African Great Lakes region and the Indian Ocean islands.

Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa includes Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia.

North Africa

North Africa generally includes African countries with borders on the Mediterranean and northern Red Sea and Atlantic Ocean, bounded largely by the Sahara Desert to the south.

Southern Africa

Southern Africa generally includes lands from the Cape of Good Hope northwards to the borders of Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania, and islands such as Madagascar.

West Africa

West Africa generally includes the region bounded by the Sahara Desert to the north and the Gulf of Guinea to the south.


the Americas is the continent (or super-continent) comprising North and South America, and associated islands.

The Caribbean

the Caribbean, or West Indies, generally includes the island chains of the Caribbean.

  • Carib: Lesser Antilles
  • Galibi
  • Taíno: Amerindians who inhabited the Caribbean island of Hispanola and Puerto Rico, of Arawakan descent.
  • Neo-Taíno nations Some scholars distinguish between the Taíno and Neo-Taíno groups. Neo-Taíno groups were also Amerindians of the Antilles islands, but had distinctive languages and cultural practices that differed from the High Taíno.[4] These groups include;
    • Ciboney: a term preferred in Cuban historical texts for the neo-Taino-Siboney nations of the island of Cuba.
    • Ciguayo. Eastern Hispaniola.
    • Lucaya. Based in Cuba and the Bahamas.
    • Macorix. Hispaniola.
    • Guanahatabey. Far Western Cuba, at the Guanahacabibes Peninsula.
    • Eyeri Often called Carib.

Central America

North America


South America

South America generally includes all of the (sub-)continent and islands south of the Isthmus of Panama.
Urarina shaman, 1988


The continent of Asia including: the Asia Minor, south of the Caucasus Mountains, the West Asia to continental Eastern Mediterranean and the Arabian peninsula, Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent, North Asia east of the Ural mountains, Eastern Asia, continental South-East Asia and archipelagic regions of the Pacific and Indian oceans bordering the Australian continental shelf.

Western Asia

Western Asia includes the region of Dead Sea Transform, the Arabian peninsula, the Levant, Asia Minor, the Caucasus region and extending to the southern Caspian coast, Kopet Dag mountains and the eastern Dasht-e Lut desert.

Central Asia

Central Asia generally includes the landlocked region east of the Caspian Sea, south of the Russian Taiga, to the Himalayas, and extending eastwards to Mongolia and the western Chinese provinces and autonomous regions.

East Asia

East Asia generally includes the People's Republic of China, the Korean Peninsula, and the associated Pacific islands, principally Japan and Taiwan.

North Asia

North Asia generally includes the Russian Far East and the northern and eastern parts of Siberia.

South Asia/Indian Subcontinent

South Asia generally includes the Indian subcontinental region, adjacent areas, and related islands of the Indian Ocean.

  • Kisan Tribals: indigenous peoples of the Orissa Sundergarh, India :

Southeast Asia

Mainland Southeast Asia
Maritime Southeast Asia


Europe generally refers to the mass of the Eurasian peninsula westwards of the Ural Mountains, the islands of the Mediterranean and North Atlantic Ocean.

Circumpolar North

The Circumpolar North generally includes the lands surrounding the Arctic Circle.


Oceania includes most islands of the Pacific Ocean, New Guinea and the continent of Australia.


Australia includes the continental landmass, and associated islands.

  • Australian Aborigines


Melanesian generally includes New Guinea and other (far-)western Pacific islands from the Arafura Sea out to Fiji.


Micronesia generally includes the various small island chains of the western and central Pacific.

  • Chamorros: Northern Marianas
  • Chuukese: Island of Chuuk Federated States of Micronesia
  • Kiribatese: Kiribati islands and elsewhere — Republic of Kiribati
  • Kosraean: Island of Kosrae – Federated States of Micronesia
  • Marshallese: Marshall Islands - Republic of the Marshall Islands
  • Nauruan: Island of Nauru — Republic of Nauru
  • Pohnpeian: Island of Pohnpei – Federated States of Micronesia
  • Trukic and Ponapeic islanders — Federated States of Micronesia
  • Yapese: Island of Yap – Federated States of Micronesia


Polynesia generally includes New Zealand and the islands of the central and southern Pacific Ocean

See also

Related articles

See all pages that start with indigenous people or indigenous


  1. Sanders, Douglas (1999). "Indigenous peoples: Issues of definition". International Journal of Cultural Property 8 (1): 4–13. doi:10.1017/S0940739199770591. 
  2. Ritzer, G., and Ryan, M.J., eds., The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology, Wiley, 2011, p.313
  3. Alia, V., Names and Nunavut: Culture and Identity in Arctic Canada, Berghahn Books, 2008, p.143
  4. Rouse (1992)
  5. Unrepresented Nations and People Organization | UNPO, Assyrians the Indigenous People of Iraq
  6. Sawahla & Dloomy (2007, pp. 425–433)
  7. The UN Refugee Agency | UNHCR, World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples
  8. Department of Evolutionary Biology at University of Tartu Estonian Biocentre | Reconstruction of Patrilineages and Matrilineages of Samaritans and Other Israeli Populations From Y-Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variation, Molecular Anthropology Group


Bachmann, Anna Sophia (2007), "The Marsh Dwellers of Iraq" (PDF online edition), in Sille Stidsen (compilation and ed.), The Indigenous World 2007, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs yearbooks (ISSN 1024-0217), Copenhagen: IWGIA, distributed by Transaction Publishers, pp. 420–424, ISBN 978-87-91563-23-2, OCLC 30981676 
Dowty, Alan (2008), Israel/Palestine, London, UK: Polity, ISBN 978-0-7456-4243-7, "Palestinians are the descendants of all the indigenous peoples who lived in Palestine over the centuries; since the seventh century, they have been predominantly Muslim in religion and almost completely Arab in language and culture." 
Farsoun, Samih K. (2005), "Palestinian Diasporas", in Ember, Melvin; Ember, Carol R.; Skoggard, Ian, Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World 2, New York, NY: Springer, ISBN 978-0-306-48321-9, OCLC 315151735, "The Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine." 
Forman, Geremy; Kedar, Alexandre (2003), "Colonialism, Colonization and Land Law in Mandate Palestine: The Zor al-Zarqa and Barrat Qisarya Land Disputes in Historical Perspective", Theoretical Inquiries in Law 4 (2): 491–539 
Kipuri, Naomi (2007), "Kenya" (PDF online edition), in Sille Stidsen (compilation and ed.), The Indigenous World 2007, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs yearbooks (ISSN 1024-0217), Marianne Wiben Jensen (Horn of Africa and East Africa regional ed.), Copenhagen: IWGIA, distributed by Transaction Publishers, pp. 468–476, ISBN 978-87-91563-23-2, OCLC 30981676 
The Local Preparatory Committee of Palestinian NGOs in Israel (Undated), Statement submitted to: World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Haifa, Israel: Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, retrieved 6 April 2011, "Palestinians are also an indigenous group entitled to the recognition of their historical claims and the receipt of compensation, as outlined in the Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples." 
Minority Rights Group International (1997), World Directory of Minorities, London, UK: Minority Rights Group International, ISBN 978-1-873194-36-2 
Mossawa Center – The Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens of Israel (June 2006), The Palestinian Arab Citizens of Israel: Status, Opportunities and Challenges for an Israeli-Palestinian Peace, Haifa, Israel: Mossawa Center – The Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens of Israel, retrieved 6 April 2011, "Consisting of those who remained and were internally displaced during the creation of the state and their descendents, Palestinian Arab citizens are an indigenous population to Israel." 
Peled, Yoav (2007), "Citizenship Betrayed: Israel's Emerging Immigration and Citizenship Regime", Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (2): 603–628, "Israel is the effective sovereign in the entire area of Mandatory Palestine, and it has incorporated the indigenous Palestinian population of this area into its control system in two different ways: some as second-class citizens of Israel, but most as subjects devoid of rights living under military rule." 
Rouse, Irving (1992), The Tainos: Rise and Decline of the People who greeted Columbus, New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, ISBN 0-300-05181-6, OCLC 24469325 
Sawalha, Faisal; and Ariel Dloomy (2007), "The Arab Bedouins of Israel" (PDF online edition), in Sille Stidsen (compilation and ed.), The Indigenous World 2007, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs yearbooks (ISSN 1024-0217), Copenhagen: IWGIA, distributed by Transaction Publishers, pp. 425–433, ISBN 978-87-91563-23-2, OCLC 30981676 
United Nations (30 June 1978), The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem: 1917–1988, Part I, New York: United Nations, retrieved 5 April 2011 
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