Indifference price

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In finance, indifference pricing is a method of pricing financial securities with regard to a utility function. Also known as the reservation price or private valuation. Particularly the indifference price is the price that an agent would have the same expected utility level between exercising a financial transaction and not (with optimal trading otherwise). Typically the indifference price is a pricing range (a bid-ask spread) for a specific agent, this price range is an example of good-deal bounds.[1]


Given a utility function u and a claim C_{T} with known payoffs at some terminal time T. If we let the function V:{\mathbb  {R}}\times {\mathbb  {R}}\to {\mathbb  {R}} be defined by

V(x,k)=\sup _{{X_{T}\in {\mathcal  {A}}(x)}}{\mathbb  {E}}\left[u\left(X_{T}+kC_{T}\right)\right],

where x is the initial endowment, {\mathcal  {A}}(x) is the set of all self-financing portfolios at time T starting with endowment x, and k is the number of the claim to be purchased (or sold). Then the indifference bid price v^{b}(k) for k units of C_{T} is the solution of V(x-v^{b}(k),k)=V(x,0) and the indifference ask price v^{a}(k) is the solution of V(x+v^{a}(k),-k)=V(x,0). The indifference price bound is the range \left[v^{b}(k),v^{a}(k)\right].[2]


Consider a market with a risk free asset B with B_{0}=100 and B_{T}=110, and a risky asset S with S_{0}=100 and S_{T}\in \{90,110,130\} each with probability 1/3. Let your utility function be given by u(x)=1-\exp(-x/10). To find either the bid or ask indifference price for a single European call option with strike 110, first calculate V(x,0).

V(x,0)=\max _{{\alpha B_{0}+\beta S_{0}=x}}{\mathbb  {E}}[1-\exp(-.1\times (\alpha B_{T}+\beta S_{T}))]
=\max _{{\beta }}\left[1-{\frac  {1}{3}}\left[\exp \left(-{\frac  {1.10x-20\beta }{10}}\right)+\exp \left(-{\frac  {1.10x}{10}}\right)+\exp \left(-{\frac  {1.10x+20\beta }{10}}\right)\right]\right].

Which is maximized when \beta =0, therefore V(x,0)=1-\exp \left(-{\frac  {1.10x}{10}}\right).

Now to find the indifference bid price solve for V(x-v^{b}(1),1)

V(x-v^{b}(1),1)=\max _{{\alpha B_{0}+\beta S_{0}=x-v^{b}(1)}}{\mathbb  {E}}[1-\exp(-.1\times (\alpha B_{T}+\beta S_{T}+C_{T}))]
=\max _{{\beta }}\left[1-{\frac  {1}{3}}\left[\exp \left(-{\frac  {1.10(x-v^{b}(1))-20\beta }{10}}\right)+\exp \left(-{\frac  {1.10(x-v^{b}(1))}{10}}\right)+\exp \left(-{\frac  {1.10(x-v^{b}(1))+20\beta +20}{10}}\right)\right]\right]

Which is maximized when \beta =-{\frac  {1}{2}}, therefore V(x-v^{b}(1),1)=1-{\frac  {1}{3}}\exp(-1.10x/10)\exp(1.10v^{b}(1)/10)\left[1+2\exp(-1)\right].

Therefore V(x,0)=V(x-v^{b}(1),1) when v^{b}(1)={\frac  {10}{1.1}}\log \left({\frac  {3}{1+2\exp(-1)}}\right)\approx 4.97.

Similarly solve for v^{a}(1) to find the indifference ask price.


  • If \left[v^{b}(k),v^{a}(k)\right] are the indifference price bounds for a claim then by definition v^{b}(k)=-v^{a}(-k).[2]
  • If v(k) is the indifference bid price for a claim and v^{{sup}}(k),v^{{sub}}(k) are the superhedging price and subhedging prices respectively then v^{{sub}}(k)\leq v(k)\leq v^{{sup}}(k). Therefore, in a complete market the indifference price is always equal to the price to hedge the claim.


  1. John R. Birge (2008). Financial Engineering. Elsevier. pp. 521–524. ISBN 978-0-444-51781-4. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 Carmona, Rene (2009). Indifference Pricing: Theory and Applications. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-13883-1. 
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