Hochster–Roberts theorem

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In algebra, the Hochster–Roberts theorem, introduced by Hochster and Roberts (1974), states that rings of invariants of reductive groups acting on regular rings are Cohen–Macaulay.

In other words,[1]

If V is a rational representation of a reductive group G over a field k, then there exist algebraically independent invariant homogeneous polynomials f_{1},\cdots ,f_{d} such that k[V]^{G} is a free finite graded module over k[f_{1},\cdots ,f_{d}].

Boutot (1987) proved that if a variety has rational singularities then so does its quotient by the action of a reductive group; this implies the Hochster–Roberts theorem as rational singularities are Cohen–Macaulay.


  1. Mumford 1994, pg. 199

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