Hilum of kidney

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Hilum of kidney
1. Parenchyma
2. Cortex
3. Medulla
4. Perirenal fat
5. Capsule
6. Ureter
7. Pelvis of kidney
8. Renal artery and Renal vein
9. Hilus
10. Calyx
1. Renal pyramid
2. Efferent artery
3. Renal artery
4. Renal vein
5. Renal hilum
6. Renal pelvis
7. Ureter
8. Minor calyx
9. Renal capsule
10. Inferior renal capsule
11. Superior renal capsule
12. Afferent vein
13. Nephron
14. Minor calyx
15. Major calyx
16. Renal papilla
17. Renal column
Latin hilum renale
Gray's subject #253 1219

The renal hilum (Latin hilum renale) or renal pedicle is the hilum of the kidney, that is, its recessed central fissure where its vessels, nerves and ureter pass. The medial border of the kidney is concave in the center and convex toward either extremity; it is directed forward and a little downward. Its central part presents a deep longitudinal fissure, bounded by prominent overhanging anterior and posterior lips. This fissure is a hilum that transmits the vessels, nerves, and ureter. From anterior to posterior, the renal vein exits, the renal artery enters, and the renal pelvis exits the kidney.

Hilum's Order

The anterior, middle and posterior vessels enter the hilum of kidney: renal vein, renal artery and ureter, respectively.

See also

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This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.

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