Helicoidal flow

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Helicoidal flow is the cork-screw-like flow of water in a meander. It is one example of a secondary flow.

Helicoidal flow is a contributing factor to the formation of slip-off slopes and river cliffs in a meandering section of the river. The helicoidal motion of the flow aids the processes of hydraulic action and corrasion on the outside of the meander, and sweeps sediment across the floor of the meander towards the inside of the meander. [1]


  1. One of the important consequences of helical flow in meanders is that sediment eroded from the outside of a meander bend tends to be moved to the inner bank or point bar of the next downstream bend. This is also known as a slip-off slope.
    Hickin, Edward J. (2003), "Meandering Channels", in Middleton, Gerard V., Encyclopedia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks, New York: Springer, p. 432  ISBN 1-4020-0872-4


See also

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