Hebdomadal Council

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The Hebdomadal Council was the chief executive body for the University of Oxford from its establishment in 1854 until its replacement, in the Michaelmas term of 2000, by the new University Council. The Hebdomadal Council held statutory responsibility for the management of the University's finances and property, University administration, and relations between the University and all outside institutions. Direct responsibility for academic administration was delegated to the General Board of the Faculties, with the Hebdomadal Council holding an oversight role.

Eighteen members of the council were elected by Congregation of the full faculty. The Council had the prerogative of initiating resolutions and statutes, which were submitted to Congregation for approval. It met once every two weeks during University terms, and twice during the Long Vacation.

One of their curious rituals was to only meet strictly once a week. This was highly peculiar because even if more meetings needed to be held to attend to financial or administrative matters, they would all be tied into one weekly meeting. Such is derivation of the name of their organization, the 'Hebdomadal' Council.


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