Hayravank Monastery

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Hayravank Monastery on the shores of Lake Sevan.

Shown within Armenia
Basic information
Location Hayravank, Gegharkunik Province,  Armenia
Geographic coordinates 40°25′58″N 45°06′28″E / 40.432728°N 45.107869°E / 40.432728; 45.107869Coordinates: 40°25′58″N 45°06′28″E / 40.432728°N 45.107869°E / 40.432728; 45.107869
Affiliation Armenian Apostolic Church
Architectural type Cruciform central-plan
Architectural style Armenian
Completed 9th-12th centuries
Dome(s) 1 dome above the church, 1 cupola above the gavit

Hayravank (Armenian: Հայրավանք) is a 9th-12th century Armenian monastery located just northeast of the village of Hayravank along the southwest shores of Lake Sevan in the Gegharkunik Province of Armenia. The monastic complex consists of a church, chapel, and gavit.

Surrounding the monastery are numerous khachkars and gravestones that are part of a small cemetery. To the northwest a short distance from the site, are the remains of Bronze Age through medieval fortification walls and foundations of a settlement. A polished black vessel of the Early Bronze Age was discovered during archaeological excavations in the area. Weapons of metal and stone, tools, clay idols, numerous vessels, fireplaces and two tombs, all from the Iron Age were discovered in the vicinity as well.


Church and Chapel

The church at Hayravank was built during the late 9th century. It is a quatrefoil cruciform central-plan structure with four semi-circular apses that intersect to create pendentives for the octagonal drum and conical dome to stand above. The drum and dome had at one point collapsed completely, but were recently restored. A moderately sized chapel was added in the 10th century off of the southeastern walls of the church. Three portals lead into the church from the gavit, the church exterior and chapel. It is believed that the entry at the western wall to the gavit was added between the 12th and 13th centuries. Exterior walls of the structure differ from the construction of the rest of the complex in that rubble masonry has been incorporated into the façade.


The gavit is located west of and adjacent to the church and was added in the 12th century. A main portal leads into the structure from the western wall, and has an arched tympanum with a worn inscription located above the lintel. Another portal leads into the gavit from the southern wall. Two thick columns situated at the western half of the building and two semi-columns at the eastern wall support large arches and a cupola above. The cupola consists of a short octagonal drum (only seen from the interior) as well as a short octagonal conical dome above decorated with "Harlequin Patterned" stonemasonry. The pattern alternates with reddish and a lighter grayish colored tufa. This example is considered to be one of the earliest examples of polychrome decorative masonry that was to become widespread in the following centuries in sacred buildings throughout Armenia. An oculus at the peak of the dome lets light into the room below.




  • Brady Kiesling, Rediscovering Armenia, p. 43; original archived at Archive.org, and current version online on Armeniapedia.org.
  • Kiesling, Brady (2005), Rediscovering Armenia: Guide, Yerevan, Armenia: Matit Graphic Design Studio 

External links

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