Harthill Trophy
The Harthill Trophy is a golf trophy contested annually in an event officially called the Harthill Trophy Matches by teams from the East Coast and the West Coast of Scotland. The Harthill Trophy was born in 1998, with the East Coast competing against the West Coast in Elgin, Scotland. Currently, the Harthill Trophy Matches are jointly administered by the respective team captains.
The competition has now taken place nine times, most recently at Ballyliffin Golf Club in Donegal. The West Coast of Scotland won the match with a score of 15 points to 2.
The name comes from the Harthill Service Station which lies equidistant between Glasgow and Edinburgh on the M8. Harthill is a town split between West Lothian and North Lanarkshire in central Scotland.
Scotland's first motorway service station was built at Harthill to serve the M8. This Service Station is now named 'Heart of Scotland Services'.
Over the last ten years the Harhill Trophy has seen some inspirational golf played by a whole host of internationally renowned players on the Scottish amateur circuit - the best moments of which have been documented by the photo journalism of Richard Graham, a member of the West Coast team.