Hans Gram (composer)

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Hans Gram (1754-1804) was a Danish composer and musician who emigrated to the United States in the early 1780s. In Boston, Massachusetts, he served as organist of the Brattle Street Church, and as a music teacher.[1] He lived in Charlestown;[2] and in Boston on Belknap's Lane[3] and Common Street.[4] His music "was performed at the funeral of John Hancock."[5] He died in Boston in 1804.[6][7] In 1810 a "Hans Gram Musical Society" formed in Fryeburg, Maine.[8][9]



  1. One of his students, "born blind and but 15 years of age," played organ at the Universal Meeting House. Columbian Centinel, 05-02-1792
  2. Columbian Centinel, 02-18-1795
  3. Boston Directory. 1798
  4. Boston Directory. 1800, 1803
  5. "According to a manuscript note by Oscar Sonneck at the Library of Congress." Gillian B. Anderson. "The Funeral of Samuel Cooper." New England Quarterly, Vol. 50, No. 4 (Dec., 1977)
  6. "Died, in this town, after a lingering illness, Hans Gram, Esq. formerly of Copenhagen..." The Repertory (Boston), 05-08-1804
  7. "...Though he possessed a peculiar eccentricity of character, yet he had virtues to imitate, and talents to admire ... his ambitions, usefulness, and talents, became obscured -- and, as monuments erected to human honor and glory decay by the violence of storms ... he gradually mouldered away. Alas! how unstable is human knowledge and worth!" Boston Centinel, reprinted in: Poulson's American Daily Advertiser, 05-11-1804
  8. Bray, Oliver. An Oration on Music pronounced at Fryeburg, before the Hans Gram Musical Society on their First Anniversary, October 10, 1811. Portland, 1812.
  9. Massachusetts Register. 1813, 1816, 1817
  10. "For singing schools & societies. Thomas and Andrews, Faust's statue, no.45 Newbury-street, Boston." Salem Gazette 11-18-1794
  11. Salem Gazette 11-18-1794
  12. The Massachusetts Compiler "was largely influential in establishing the custom of using seven syllables in the scale (do, re, me, fa, sol, la, si) in place of the four syllables (fa, sol, la, mi)." Robert G. McCutchan. "American Church Music Composers of the Early Nineteenth Century." Church History, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Sep., 1933)
  13. Boston Evening Gazette, reprinted in: Hallowell Gazette, 02-15-1815

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