HP 35s

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Front view of the HP-35s
Type Programmable Scientific
Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
Introduced 2007
Design firm Kinpo Electronics, Inc
Entry mode RPN, Infix
Precision 15 digits ±499 exponent (internal)
Display Type LCD Dot-matrix
Display Size 2 × 14 Character
Processor Sunplus Technology 8502
Programming language(s) RPN Keystroke (fully merged, Turing complete)
User Memory 30KB
Memory Register over 800
Power supply 2 × CR2032 batteries
Weight 125 g (4.4 oz)
Dimensions 158 × 82 × 18.2 mm (6.22 × 3.23 × 0.72 in)

The HP 35s is, as of 2013, the latest in Hewlett-Packard’s long line of non-graphing programmable scientific calculators. Although it is a successor to the HP 33s, it was introduced to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the HP-35, Hewlett-Packard's first pocket calculator (and the world's first pocket scientific calculator).


The HP 35s uses either Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) or algebraic infix notation as input.

Other features of the HP 35s include:[1]

  • Two-line alphanumeric LCD display
  • Over 800 memory registers (26 directly labelled)
  • Scientific and statistical functions
  • Operation in decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal
  • Equation solver with arbitrary variable isolation (first seen on the HP-18C)[2]
  • Numerical integration (first seen on the HP-34C)
  • Support for input and display of fractions
  • Complex number and vector calculations
  • Unit conversions and table of physical constants
  • Keystroke programmability with approximately 30 kilobytes of memory for programs and data

The HP 35s has been given a retro look reminiscent of classic HP calculators from the 1970s to the 1990s. However, it provides far more functions, processing power, and memory than most of those earlier models.

The physical appearance and keyboard layout of the HP 35s is very different than that of its immediate predecessor, the HP 33s, but the two calculators are functionally very similar. The primary differences are:

  • The HP 35s allows both label and line number addressing in programs. The HP 33s had only label addressing. With only 26 labels, it was difficult to write programs making use of the entire 30KB of memory.
  • The memory in the HP 35s is also usable for data storage, in the form of an extra 801 numbered memory registers.
  • Support for vector operations is new in the HP 35s.
  • Complex numbers are treated as a single value instead of two separate values.
  • Indirect branching, which allows the contents of a memory register to be used as the target of a branching instruction (GTO or XEQ) is omitted from the HP 35s.[3]
  • No arbitrary limit to length of equations (the 33s had a limit of 255 characters).[4]

HP have released a free-of-charge 35s emulator for the Windows operating system (and Wine).[5] This was previously only available to teachers for classroom demonstration purposes.


Internal view

The HP 35s was designed by Hewlett-Packard in conjunction with Kinpo Electronics of Taiwan, who manufacture the calculator for HP.[6]

According to HP, the calculator has been engineered for heavy-duty professional use, and has been tested under extreme environmental conditions.[6] It is built using 25 screws for rigidity and ease of maintenance.

The case features many design elements from 1970s HP calculators such as the ground-breaking HP-65, including a black case with silver-striped curved sides, slope-fronted keys, and gold and blue shift keys. The faceplate is metal, bonded to the plastic case. The key legends are printed, rather than the double-shot moulding used in the vintage models.

The calculator is powered by two CR2032 button cells, which it is advised to replace one at a time, to avoid memory loss.[3]

It was initially supplied with a hard zippered clamshell case with a pocket for notes, and a printed manual,[7] but this was later changed to a slipcase made of vinyl-covered cardboard with elastic sides and velvet lining, and a CD-ROM containing a PDF manual.

The calculator is entirely self-contained; there is no facility for upgrading the firmware, nor for loading/saving programs and data.


The build quality and industrial design of the 35s has been welcomed by reviewers as a return to the best HP professional calculator traditions, in contrast to their more recent advanced calculators which were seen as feature-packed and heavily styled for the student market, but in some cases poorly designed and built.[8][9] Particular mention has been made of the traditional HP feel of the keyboard with a big Enter key back in its traditional place.[9][4] Shortcomings which have been identified include the lack of any facility for communication with a computer (for loading and saving programs and data),[9][10] and sluggish performance.[1][4]

Response to the calculator's logic has been mixed. The increase in addressable registers and introduction of program line-number addressing have been seen as a big improvement over the 33s.[4][1][11] While welcoming the improved handling of complex numbers compared to the 33s, the incomplete support for them has been criticised.[8] Working with hexadecimal and other non-decimal bases has been criticised as requiring excessive and unintuitive keystrokes.[1] Several firmware bugs have also been reported, which are not known to have been fixed as of 2013.[12]

The 35s's lack of communication abilities makes it acceptable for use in some professional examinations where more powerful calculators would not be. For example, in the USA, it is the most powerful calculator approved for use in the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) and Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) examinations.[13]

Feature details

Entry modes

The 35s supports both RPN and algebraic entry modes. Like most HP calculators, it defaults to RPN. The entry mode can be easily changed by the user. An annunciator on the display indicates the current entry mode.

In RPN mode, it uses a 4-level stack, as have all HP's non-graphing RPN calculators since the earliest days. In contrast to the usual computer-science terminology, RPN calculators such as this refer to the operational end of the stack as the bottom and the far end as the top. The stack levels are named X (the bottom), Y, Z, and T (the top); they have no connection with the variables of the same names. Level X appears on the lower line of the display and level Y on the upper line. Each stack level can contain any of the data types supported by the machine: real number, complex number, or vector. Various functions are provided for manipulating the stack, such as R↑ and R↓ to roll, x<>y to swap X and Y, LASTx to recall the last-used X value, and x<> to swap X and a named variable.

Algebraic mode works by the user entering an expression, then pressing Enter to have it evaluated. The expression appears on the upper line of the display, the result on the lower line. The expression can be edited using the arrow and backspace keys, and re-evaluated as desired.

Units and fractions

10 cm converted to inches and displayed as a fraction, "slightly below" 315/16. (Emulator screenshot)

In keeping with the calculator's retro theme, conversions between Imperial/US units and the equivalent standard metric units feature prominently on the 35s's keypad. To facilitate those who still use traditional units, and for other uses, the calculator also allows the entry of values as mixed fractions and the display of values as mixed fractions.

Entry of mixed fractions involves using decimal points to separate the parts. For example, the sequence 3.15.16 →cm converts 315/16 inches to 10.0 cm (approximately).

The calculator may be set to automatically display values as mixed fractions by toggling the FDISP key. The maximum denominator may be specified using the /c function. Numbered flags may be set to specify which of three denominator systems is to be used: most precise denominator, factors of the maximum (for example 2, 4, 8, 16, when the maximum is 16), or a fixed denominator. Two small arrow symbols on the display indicate if the actual value is slightly above or below that displayed. There are no functions to directly extract the parts of the displayed fraction.

Complex numbers

Previous (and other current) HP calculators have handled complex numbers in a variety of ways. In the HP 33s, complex numbers were stored as two separate values, and the "complex" modifier was used to indicate that an operation was to treat the stack as containing complex numbers. For example, adding 12 + 34i and 56 + 78i involved the following keystrokes: 12 Enter34 Enter56 Enter78CMPLX+.[14]

The 35s stores complex numbers as single values, which can then be operated on in the standard ways. The above example of adding 12 + 34i and 56 + 78i then becomes: 12i34 Enter56i78+ .

On the 35s, the number of functions able to handle complex numbers is limited and apparently arbitrary. For example, directly taking the square root of a negative real number results in an error message instead of a complex number.[8] Inverse and hyperbolic trigonometry functions cannot be used with complex numbers. Base-e (natural) logarithms and exponentiation can be used, but not base-10. However, workarounds exist for many of those limitations.

Complex numbers can be entered in either rectangular form (using the i key) or polar form (using the Θ key), and displayed in either form regardless of how they were entered. They can be decomposed using the ABS (radius r) and ARG (angle Θ) functions. There are no functions for extracting real and imaginary parts, though that can be worked around, using the formulas Re = r cos Θ and Im = r sin Θ.


The 35s provides facilities for handling vectors of up to three real-number elements.[15] A vector may be stored on the stack, or in any variable, as a single value, and processed by various functions. It is entered by the user starting with a square bracket [, then the element values separated by commas ,. Vectors can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided by scalars. Two vectors of similar dimensions may be added and subtracted, and multiplied to give their dot product. The ABS function will return a vector's magnitude. A cross-product function is not available, nor any function to extract individual elements from a vector, but these can be readily calculated by the user.

Vectors can also be used to simply store up to three real numbers together, thereby increasing the calculator's storage capacity, though with more complexity and reduced speed. HP have published program code for the 35s which enables this.[16]

Number bases

The calculator can be set to display values in binary, octal, or hexadecimal form, as well as the default decimal. When a non-decimal base is selected, calculation results are truncated to integers.

Regardless of which display base is set, non-decimal numbers must be entered with a suffix indicating their base, which involves three or more extra keystrokes.[1]

When hexadecimal is selected, the row of six keys normally used for floating-point functions (trigonometry, logarithms, exponentiation, etc.) are instead allocated to the hex digits A to F (although they are physically labelled H to M).

In non-decimal bases, the word length is fixed at 36 bits, and uses two's complement negation. Six bitwise operations are available: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, and NOR.

Statistics and probability

The 35s's statistics capabilities are fairly standard. It can process a set of one-variable or two-variable statistics. Calculated results include means, weighted mean, standard deviation, and linear regression figures. The summation registers are also accessible for further calculations.

Probability functions (combinations and permutations) are available, as well as random numbers.

Memory and variables

Checking memory usage: 0 indirect variables allocated, 30192 bytes free. Menu items 1 and 2 show details about the variables and programs respectively. (Emulator screenshot)

The 35s provides 30k bytes of user memory, which is shared among data, stored equations, and programs.

Since complex numbers and vectors of up to three elements can be stored as a single value, each data variable occupies 37 bytes, enough for a type indicator and three floating-point numbers.[3]

The 26 alpha-labelled variables and the 6 statistics registers are permanently allocated; the rest of the memory space can be occupied by up to 801 more variables which can only be accessed indirectly. Indirect access to any variable is achieved by storing its sequence number (0 upwards) in the I or J variable as a pointer and then accessing the variable via (I) or (J). The indirect variables are allocated automatically; storing a non-zero value in one results in the allocation of all variables with sequence numbers up to and including the one specified. Conversely, storing a zero value in the highest-allocated indirect variable results in the automatic deallocation of indirect variables downwards until a non-zero value is encountered. Attempting to read a non-allocated variable results in an error. It is therefore common practice to store a dummy non-zero value in a higher-numbered variable than is needed, to ensure that all lower-numbered variables are made available regardless of their values.[17] The permanently-allocated variables may also be accessed indirectly, using negative sequence numbers of -1 to -32.

Stored equations occupy a byte for each character and 3 bytes overhead.

Program steps occupy 3 bytes. Steps which specify values or equations occupy more memory, as indicated above.

The amount of used and available memory can be readily checked by the user, but not by programs. The user can clear all indirect variables from a specified number upwards, with the CLVARx function.


As well as variables and programs, the user can store any number of equations in the calculator. "Equations" in this context means expressions, equalities, and assignments, which are each handled in different ways. Equations typically include named variables whose values are to be supplied by the user at run time, but can also take values from the stack.

Equations are entered in algebraic notation, even when RPN entry mode is active. They are stored in a list which is accessed with the EQN key, allowing the user to scroll through the list, add, edit and delete equations, and select an equation to be processed.

An equation may be processed in a number of ways.

  • It may be evaluated using the Enter or XEQ key, with the user being prompted to enter values for the included variables. In the case of an assignment, the target variable receives the result.
  • It may be solved for any one of the included variables, using the SOLVE function. The calculator uses its logic to attempt to isolate the value of the required variable, after prompting the user for the values of the other variables. Since this process takes time, and the equation may have more than one solution, it is guided by two "guesses" which it assumes to have been provided by the user, in the stack's X register, and in the variable's existing value.
  • It may be integrated, using the function. The user first places the two interval limits on the stack, then selects the equation and the function, which prompts for the name of the variable to be integrated and the values of the other variables.

There are also two built-in entries in the equations list, to allow solving all variables in a system of linear equations. Systems of 2 equations with 2 variables, and 3 equations with 3 variables, are supported.

Solving and (especially) integrating equations take both time and memory. Efficiencies may be made by reducing the display precision and ensuring enough memory is available.

Since the content of an equation is not validated unless and until it gets processed, it may contain any sequence of characters, including text strings. This may be taken advantage of in order to include lines of notes in the equations list (as is shown in the main picture at the top of this page).


The HP 35s is keystroke-programmable, meaning that it can remember and later execute sequences of keystrokes to solve particular problems of interest to the user. These keystroke programs, in addition to performing any operation normally available on the keyboard, can also make use of conditional and unconditional branching and looping instructions, allowing programs to perform repetitive operations and make decisions.

Even with indirect branching removed, the HP 35s still supports indirect addressing, with which it is still possible to implement a Universal Turing machine; and therefore the programming model of the HP 35s can be considered Turing-complete.

The machine can store up to 26 alphabetically-labelled programs (unconnected with the variables of the same names), of up to 999 steps each, but programs can be subdivided into smaller ones, which can be referred to by the program letter and starting line number.

As in normal operation, programming can be done in either RPN or algebraic (infix) mode. RPN-mode programs are usually smaller and faster.[3]

Here is a sample program that computes the factorial of an integer number from 2 to 69 (ignoring the calculator's built-in factorial/gamma function). There are two versions of the example: one for algebraic mode and one for RPN mode. The RPN version is significantly shorter.

Algebraic version:

Step Instruction Comment
A001 LBLA Start of program A
A002 LASTXSTON Enter Store displayed value in N
A003 1STOF Enter Store 1 in F
A004 RCLN×RCLFSTOF Store N × F in F
A005 DSEN Decrement N and if not zero ...
A006 GTOA004 ... go back to step A004
A007 RTN End of program - result is displayed

RPN version:

Step Instruction Comment
R001 LBLR Start of program R
R002 STON Store x (stack) into N (memory)
R003 1 Start with 1
R004 RCL×N Recall N (memory) and multiply with x (stack)
R005 DSEN Decrement N and if not zero ...
R006 GTOR004 ... go back to step R004
R007 RTN End of program - result is in x (stack) and displayed

Equations may be embedded in programs, as a single program step. The calculator's settings include a numbered flag which specifies whether equations in programs are to be evaluated or displayed at run time. Since an equation can contain any sequence of characters, it may be composed as a message to be displayed. After displaying a message, the program either stops until R/S is pressed, or if a PSE (pause) instruction follows the message then it pauses for one second before continuing.

Programs may be solved and integrated in much the same way as equations. Instead of selecting an equation from a list, the user presses FN=, then the program's label, and either SOLVE or , which prompts for the name of the target variable. The existing values of the other variables are used, unless the program contains INPUT instructions to make the program prompt for a value. In the case of solving, the program is treated as an expression whose return value (the value left on the stack) should be zero. Programs can also contain instructions for solving and integrating other equations/programs.

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Tony Thimet. "Hewlett Packard HP-35S". Archived from the original on 2013-06-08. 
  2. "HP-18C". The Museum of HP Calculators. Archived from the original on 2013-06-08. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 "HP 35s scientific calculator - User Guide" (pdf). Hewlett Packard. February 2007. Archived from the original on 2013-06-08. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Gene Wright (May 2011). "The HP 35s" (pdf). Handheld and Portable Computer Club. Archived from the original on 2013-06-08. 
  5. "HP Calculator Emulator program". Hewlett-Packard. Retrieved 2013-06-28. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 Rich Nass (2008-01-02). "Tear Down: Scientific calculator boils design down to two ICs". EE Times. Archived from the original on 2013-06-08.  Subsequent archived pages:
  7. Chris Osbourn (2007-12-17). "Hewlett Packard HP-35s". Archived from the original on 2013-10-27. 
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Stefan Vorkoetter (2010-07-09). "Review: HP 35s Programmable Scientific Calculator". Archived from the original on 2013-06-08. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Mark Graybill. "HP-35s Scientific Calculator Review". Archived from the original on 2013-06-08. 
  10. Elliott W. Jackson (2009-02-08). "My review, HP 35s". Museum of HP Calculators. Archived from the original on 2013-06-11. 
  11. Ted J. Kerber (August 2007). "The HP 35 Then and Now". Professional Surveyor Magazine. Retrieved 2013-08-07. 
  12. Paul Dale (2007-08-22 to 2010-01-15). "HP-35s bug list". The Museum of HP Calculators. Archived from the original on 2013-06-08. 
  13. "Hewlett Packard". American Society for Engineering Education. Archived from the original on 2014-01-04. 
  14. "HP 33s Scientific Calculator User's Guide". November 2004. Retrieved 2013-07-31. 
  15. "HP 35s: Working with vectors". Hewlett-Packard. 
  16. "HP 35s: Indirect register data packing program". Hewlett-Packard. 
  17. Bill Hazelton (March 2008). "Programming and Working with Indirectly Addressed Memory on the HP-35s". Retrieved 2013-07-31. 

External links

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