Häxan Surtant
Häxan Surtant (The Sour-Hag Witch), also called "Världens suraste och elakaste häxa" ("The sulkiest and meanest witch in the world") in the beginning of the programs, is a Swedish fictional character who appears in SVT. Now 4 TV series about "Häxan Surtant" have been broadcast, and all of them are directed and written by Carl Englén. The narrator (called Pratgubben), who always appears, is Sven Björklund. On 28 August 2009 "Häxan Surtant" received the Kristallen Award for being "the 2009 best children's TV program".[1]
- Katrin Sundberg as Häxan Surtant
- Birgitta Andersson as Halvgalna Häxmamman Harriet ("Harriet the Half-mad Witch-mother"), Häxan Surtant's mother
- Torbjörn Harr as Trollet Trygve ("Trygve the Troll"), also called "Sveriges Snällaste Sagofigur" ("The Kindest Fairy Tale Character in Sweden")
- Gertie Hede as Trollmor ("The Troll Mother"), Trygve's mother
- Safa Safiyari as Programledartrollet ("The TV-host-troll")
- Nora Shtieba as Älvan Ellen ("Ellen the Pixie")
- Mats Ågren as Rosenrasande Riddaren Ragnar ("Ragnar the Furious Knight")
- Kajsa Reingardt as Fisförnäma Fen Felicia ("Felicia the Pompous Fairy")
- Nina Sosunoff as Dansanta Drakdödaren Desiré ("Desiré the Dancing Dragon-killer")
- Anna Blomberg as Misstänksamma Monstret Margit ("Margit the Suspicious Monster")
- Micke Wranell as Nyvakne Narren Nisse ("Nisse the New-woken Jester"), a sleepy jester who wakes up when Häxan Surtant meets him
- Åke Lundqvist as Gråtmilde Gråvätten Greger ("Greger the Tearful Imp")
- Sten Ericson as Gunnar, Häxmamman Harriet's friend
- Said Chabane as Ali-Baba, Häxmamman Harriet's friend
About the TV series[2]
Häxan Surtant
This TV series was broadcast in the 2004/2005 "Jullovsmorgon" Jonas jullov and had 6 programs.
Every morning Häxan Surtant stops a prince who lives in an apartment in the same house as Häxan, and he is going to his kindergarten. Häxan asks him what he'll do at kindergarten and (in one of the programs) he answers "Spela fotboll" ("Play football"). Then Häxan also goes out and plays football, but it isn't going as she planned and he bacomes so angry that she conjures away everything which is relevant to football.
When the prince comes home from kindergarten, he and the princess, his bigger sister, watch the TV program Sagonytt ("Story News") where they say that someone has conjured away something, for example footballs, and then they know that Häxan did it, and they tell Häxan to conjure it back and play with them so she understands that it's funny to do it.
In the end, Häxan always becomes angry; she listens to what the prince and the princess say through the walls:
- (The Prince) "Vad gör man om hon fortsätter vara dum fast man är snäll?" ("What may one do if she continues being stupid, even if one is kind?")
- (The Princess) "Ja då kan man kalla henne för "fisrumpa"." ("Yeah, then one may call her "fart-ass".")
Aktiebolaget Häxan Surtant[3][4]
This TV series was broadcast as Jullovsmorgon 2006/2007 and had 15 programs.
Häxan Surtant has nothing to do. She wants to work but hates mates, so she works alone for herself in her new-founded company Aktiebolaget Häxan Surtant ("The Häxan Surtant Joint-stock company"). (In one of the programs) She puts a pizza box at the display window, and she doesn't know why she puts that she puts at the window; she doesn't know what she should do in her company.
Everyday, after fixing the display window, she stands at the disc and hopes that no customers'll come, but every day a customer, Trollet Trygve, comes. When he sees for example a pizza-box at the window, he believes that Häxan is pizza baker, and Häxan is forced to fix a pizza for him because she thinks that if she doesn't do it, Trollet'll continue with disturbing her, and she always tells Trollet to "komma tillbaka i eftermiddag" ("come back at afternoon") for getting that he wants. She can't fix her "mission" alone so she goes out and meets soneone who can "help" her, for example Riddaren Ragnar in the program about pizza.
But when she comes back, the "mission" has been failed; for example in the pizza-program it's long time left until Trollet'll come back and then Häxan wants to taste the pizza; she can't stop eating and suddenly she has eaten the whole pizza and nothing is left! Then she becomes so angry that she conjures away every pizza in the whole world. But when the TV program Sagonytt is broadcast and the reporter Älvan Ellen comes to Aktiebolaget Häxan Surtant and tells Häxan that if the things have disappeared, she can't do something "bad" with the things, Häxan understands that she must conjure it back. Then she must fix her "mission" before Trollet comes back for getting the thing (she often goes away to another place and forces the people there to do that she wants them to do).
- (Häxan Surtant) "Vad gör jag här, ja, vad gör jag här egentligen? Jag gör väl vad JAG vill!" ("What am I doing here, yeah, what am I really doing here? I do what I want to do!")
- (Pratgubben) "...och hoppades att det inte skulle komma några kunder." ("...and hoped that no customers would come.") - (Häxan Surtant) "Hoppas, hoppas, hoppas... Nej, inte Trollet Trygve...!" ("I hope, hope, hope... No, not Trollet Trygve...!")
- (Trollmor) "Idiot!" (to Trollet Trygve)
- (Trollet Trygve) "Jutt de' ja." ("That's right")
- (Monstret Margit) "Nu misstänker jag..." ("Now I'm suspecting...")
- (Trollet Trygve) "Hur mycket pengar blir det här då?" ("How must will this cost?")
- (Häxan Surtant) "12 000 kronor!"
- (Trollet Trygve) "12 000 kronor? Det var dyrt." ("12 000 SEK? That was expensive.")
- (Pratgubben) "Det verkar som om Aktiebolaget Häxan Surtant går med vinst." ("It seems that Aktiebolaget Häxan Surtant makes a profit.")
- (Pratgubben) "Vad ska du jobba med imorgon då?" ("What will you work as tomorrow?")
- (Häxan Surtant) "Imorgon ska jag inte jobba alls, då ska jag koncentrera mig på att vara otrevlig mot kunderna. Sen ska jag stå och tjura bakom kassan." ("Tomorrow I won't work. Then I'll concentrate on being unnice to the customers. After that I'll stand and sulk behind the disc.")
Häxan Surtant och den fruktansvärda fritiden[5]
This TV series ("The Sour-Hag Witch and The Terrible Playtime") was broadcast first during November 2008–January 2009 and had 10 programs.
Häxan Surtant hasn't paid her apartment for more than 200 years and Gråtmilda Gråvätten Greger, Häxan's landlord, wonders if she'll pay soon. Häxan doesn't want to pay and it's difficult to find a new apartment so she must move back to her mother, Halvgalna Häxmamman Harriet. But she's not so "halvgalen" (half-mad), she is very kind and Häxan hates that she is kind and nice and goes away.
Häxan wants to go to work but can't because it's Sunday and Sundays are work-free days. Then she gets a "play-time-hobby" (for example ceramic in the 2nd program) and goes to Sagofolkets hus ("House of Story-people") where Trollet Trygve works as chief and 2 other story-figures are there and have fun with the same hobby as Häxan. But suddenly it doesn't go as Häxan planned and she becomes angry and conjures away everything which has to do with the hobby. When she suddenly hasn't some hobby, she must go home to her mother who tells her that they said on TV that someone conjured her favourite things, so she can't go out and have fun. Häxan wants to be alone and her mother promises to leave her alone at home if she conjures the things back, so she does it.
After that she sleeps in her mother's sofa until the next Sunday, when she finds a new hobby but becomes unhappy on the hobby. And when she sleeps, she dreams about "elaka saker man kan göra mot barn" ("bad things one can do to children").
- (Häxan Surtant) "Du är ju världens sämsta mamma!" ("You are the worst mother in the world!")
- (Häxmamman Harriet) "Ja du brukar säga det! Och du är så söt när du blir arg...!" ("Yeah, you always say it! And you are so sweet when you are angry...!")
- (Häxan Surtant) "Nu går jag till jobbet!" ("Now I go to work!")
- (Pratgubben) "Jobbet...? Men det är ju söndag! Du är ju ledig ju!" ("Work...? But it's Sunday! You are work-free!")
- (Häxan Surtant) "Åååh! Jag hatar söndagar! Ledig är det absolut värsta man kan vara!" ("Oh! I hate Sundays! Work-free is the absolutely worst one can be!")
Häxan Surtant och landet Häxania
"The Sour-Hag Witch and the country Häxania" was broadcast first during January–March 2012 and had 10 programs.[6]
Häxan Surtant hates nice people on the streets etc. She is so angry that she goes to forest where she believes she can be alone but suddenly she finds two princesses and a prince who stop her from coming into their country Kojania where they live in a tree house (koja in Swedish). Then she also wants to start a country where she can be alone. She buys Gråtmilda Gråvätten Greger's holiday village and pays only a banana and forces away Greger, and calls the new country Häxania.
But suddenly she isn't alone, she is together with Riddaren Ragnar, Fen Felicia, Trollet Trygve and Trollmor who are on holiday in the "former" holiday village. Riddaren Ragnar says that they may stay in Häxania because they are citizens and citizens can't be forced away. But Häxan has an own house where she lives alone and sulk.
The next day Häxan becomes angry when she wakes up and sees something "nice" so she goes angrily to forest. She meets the children in Kojania who says that they are doing something and then Häxan goes back to Häxania and tells that the citizens of Häxania should also do it.
But in the final program Greger gets his holiday village back, but Trollet Trygve thinks it's "expensive", because Häxan Surtant says that "it costs 12 000 SEK". In the final program Kojania is also cancelled; the children say that they miss their home and are "trötta på att leka land" ("tired on playing country").
- (Häxan Surtant) "Nu går jag till skogs!" ("Now I go to forest!")
- (Häxan Surtant) "Pratgubbe, vad är...?" ("Narrator, what is...?")
- (Pratgubben) "Vet inte du det???" ("Don't you know it???")
- (Häxan Surtant) "Jo. Jag ville bara kolla om DU vet det. Det vore ju förfärligt om du berättade en saga som du inte förstår." ("Oh yes I do. I only wanted to see if YOU know it. It had been terrible if you told a story you don't understand.")
- (Trollmor) "Idiot!" (to Trollet Trygve)
References and sources
- ↑ http://www.finest.se/imageGallery/?igid=5807
- ↑ http://www.dvdkritik.se/recension.php?id=1143
- ↑ http://butiken.svt.se/system/search/product.asp?id=749
- ↑ http://svt.se/svt/jsp/Crosslink.jsp?a=735299
- ↑ http://butiken.svt.se/system/search/product.asp?id=1096
- ↑ http://svt.se/svt/jsp/Crosslink.jsp?d=74537&selectedDate=20120106&shortVersion=true&showWeek=false