Guobiao Majiang

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Guóbiāo Májiàng (simplified Chinese: 国标麻将, literally National Standard Mahjong) is a rule of Mahjong founded by All-China Sports Federation in July 1998.

Features in the rule

  • There are exactly 4 hands for each Prevailing Wind, because Game Wind always changes after each round of 4 hands. So one match consists of exactly 16 hands.
  • According to player's tiles, situation of hand's completion etc., points called "fan" (番) is given. Any player can declare winning of the hand only if he/she has 8 or more points with his/her hand's completion.
  • Winner of a hand receives points from the other 3 players according to this system:
    • If the winner completes the <var>x</var>-points hand with his/her draw of a tile, he/she receives (8+<var>x</var>) points from all the other 3 players.
    • If the winner completes the <var>x</var>-points hand with a tile discarded by another player, he/she receives (8+<var>x</var>) points from the player having discarded the tile, and 8 points from each of the other 2 players.
  • There are no restriction of the last tile of hand completion because of discarded tiles. (There are restrictions in some rule, e.g. Japanese one.)
  • Positions of seats are changed between first and last half; i.e. beginning of the third(West) Prevailing Wind.
  • With meld of closed quad (暗槓, angang), all 4 tiles are placed faced down in front of the player. (What tile they are is not revealed). They are revealed at the end of the hand.


88 points

Big four winds

(Chinese: 大四喜 dà sì xǐ)

  • A hand with all four winds be triplets or quads.
  • These points are not counted: "Three winds triplets", "All triplets", "Game wind triplet", "Prevailing wind triplet" and "Terminal or non-special wind triplet".
ex.1) with "All Terminals or honors" and "One suit plus honors"
ex.2) with "All honors"

Big three dragons

(Chinese: 大三元 dà sān yuán)

  • A hand with all three dragons be triplets or quads.
  • These points are not counted: "Dragon triplet" and "Two dragon triplets".
ex.1) with "Terminals or honors in each set" and "Lack of one suit"
ex.2) with "All honors" (and "Game wind triplet", "Prevailing wind triplet" and "Terminal or non-special wind triplet" if applicable)

All green

(Chinese: 绿一色 lǜ yī sè)

  • A hand consisting of only green tiles, i.e. .
  • Point of "One suit plus honors" is not counted. If you do not have green dragon in your hand, Point of "One suit only" is counted.
ex.1) with "Four tiles collection" and "Dragon triplet"
ex.2) with "One suit only", "Three step triplets", "All triplets" and "All simples"

Nine gates

(Chinese: 九莲宝灯 jiŭ lián bǎo dēng)

  • Collecting number tiles 1112345678999 of one suit without melding, and completing with any one tile of that suit. If you collect the form of 1112345678999, any one tile of that suit can complete your hand. (See the figure below.)
  • These points are not counted: "One suit only" and "Terminal or non-special wind triplet".

ex.1) with "Four tiles collection" and "One suit through"
ex.2) with "Two closed triplets" and "Chain six"

Four quads

(Chinese: 四杠 sì gàng)

  • A hand with four quad melds (regardless of open or close).
  • These points are not counted: "Open quad", "Closed quad", "Two open quads", "Two closed quads", "Three quads" and "All triplets".
ex.1) with "Large three only", "Three suits step triplets", "Two suits triplets" and two "Terminal or non-special wind triplet"
ex.2) with "All Terminals or honors", "Three suits triplets", "Five types" and "Dragon triplet"

Chained seven pairs

(Chinise: 连七对 lián qī duì)

  • Seven pairs hand with successive seven numbers in one suit.
  • These points are not counted: "Seven pairs", "One suit only", "Self tiles only" and "One tile wait for a pair".
ex.1) "Chained seven pairs" only
ex.2) with "All simples"

Thirteen orphans

(Chinese: 十三幺 shí sān yāo)

  • Collecting all thirteen terminal and honor tiles for one, plus one of them.
  • These points are not counted: "Five types", "Self tiles only" and "One tile wait for a pair".

64 points

All terminals

(Chinese: 清幺九 qīng yāo jiŭ)

  • A hand consisting of only terminal tiles, i.e. number 1 or 9 tiles.
  • These points are not counted: "No honor", "Two suits triplets", "Three suits triplets", "Terminal or non-special wind triplet" and "All triplets". Point of "Seven pairs" can be counted if so.
ex.2) with "Seven pairs" and "Four tiles collection"

Little four winds

(Chinese: 小四喜 xiǎo sì xǐ)

  • A hand with three winds be triplets or quads, and rest of wind be pair.
  • Point of "Three winds triplets" is not counted.
ex.) with "One suit plus honors", "All triplets" (and "Game wind triplet", "Prevailing wind triplet" and "Terminal or non-special wind triplet" if applicable)

Little three dragons

(Chinese: 小三元 xiǎo sān yuán)

  • A hand with two dragons be triplets or quads, and rest of dragon be pair.
  • These points are not counted: "Two dragon triplets" and "Dragon triplet".
ex.) with "All terminals or honors", "Lack of one suit" and "Two suits triplets"

All honors

(Chinese: 字一色 zì yī sè)

  • A hand consisting of only honor tiles.
  • These points are not counted: "All triplets" and "Terminal or non-special wind triplet". Point of "Seven pairs" can be counted if so.
ex.1) with "Two dragon triplets" (and "Game wind triplet", "Prevailing wind triplet" and "Terminal or non-special wind triplet" if applicable)

All closed triplets

(Chinese: 四暗刻 sì àn kè)

  • A hand with four closed triplets or quads.
  • These points are not counted: "All triplets", "Three closed triplets", "Two closed triplets" and "Closed hand".

Twin edge sequences plus center pair

(Chinese: 一色双龙会 yī sè shuāng lóng huì)

  • A hand with two Edge sequences pair and pair of number 5 with one suit, i.e. 11223355778899 in one suit. This cannot be treated as Seven pairs hand.
  • These points are not counted: "One suit only" and "Simple sequence hand".

48 points

Four same sequences

(Chinese: 一色四同顺 yī sè sì tóng shùn)

  • A hand with four identical sequences.
  • Point of "Four tiles collection" is not counted.
ex.) with "One suit only", "Less than five" and "Simple sequence hand"

Four step triplets

(Chinese: 一色四节高 yī sè sì jié gāo)

  • A hand with four number triplets or quads in one suit with successive numbers.
  • Point of "All triplets" is not counted.
ex.) with "Symmetric tiles only", "No honor" and "Terminal or non-special wind triplet"

32 points

Four step sequences

(Chinese: 一色四步高 yī sè sì bù gāo)

  • A hand with four sequences in one suit with number difference 1 or 2("1" and "2" can not be mixed).
ex.1) with "One suit plus honors"
ex.2) with "Simple sequence hand"

Three quads

(Chinese: 三杠 sān gàng)

  • A hand with three quad melds (regardless of open or close).
  • These points are not counted: "Open quad", "Closed quad", "Two open quads", "Two closed quads".
ex.) with "Less than five" and "Three suits step triplets"

All terminals or honors

(Chinese: 混幺九 hùn yāo jiŭ)

  • A hand consisting of only terminal and honor tiles.
  • These points are not counted: "Terminal or non-special wind triplet" and "All triplets". Point of "Seven pairs" can be counted if so.
ex.) with "Three suits triplets", "Dragon triplet" and "Five types"

24 points

Seven pairs

(Chinese: 七对 qī duì)

  • A hand with seven pairs. Four identical tiles can be treated as two pairs. (If so, point of "Four tiles collection" is counted.)
  • These points are not counted: "Self tiles only" and "One tile wait for a pair".
ex.1) with "Five types"
ex.2) with "All green", "One suit only", "All simples", "Symmetric tiles only" and three "Four tiles collection"

Seven honors and knitted

(Chinese: 七星不靠 qī xīng bù kào)

  • Honors and knitted hand containing all 7 honors.
  • Point of "Honors and knitted" itself is not counted. Other point addition limitation is same as Honors and knitted.

All even

(Chinese: 全双刻 quán shuāng kè)

  • A hand consisting of only even number tiles. This point applied only if the hand is form of All triplets.
  • These points are not counted: "All triplets" and "All simples".
ex.) with "Symmetric tiles only" and "Two suits triplets"

One suit only

(Chinese: 清一色 qīng yī sè)

  • A hand consisting of only one suit of number tiles.
  • Point of "No honor" is not counted.
ex.) with "One suit through", "Two same sequences" and "Four tiles collection"

Three same sequences

(Chinese: 一色三同顺 yī sè sān tóng shùn)

  • A hand with three identical sequences.
ex.) with "Small three only", "Terminals or honors in each set", "Simple sequence hand", "Lack of one suit" and "Two suits sequences"

Three step triplets

(Chinese: 一色三节高 yī sè sān jié gāo)

  • A hand with three number triplets or quads in one suit with successive numbers.
ex.) with "One suit plus honors" and "Four tiles collection"

Large three only

(Chinese: 全大 quán dà)

  • A hand consisting of tiles of number 7, 8 and 9.
  • Point of "More than five" is not counted.
ex.) with "Three suits sequences", "Simple sequences hand", "Two same sequences" and "Terminals or honors in each set"

Medium three only

(Chinese: 全中 quán zhōng)

  • A hand consisting of tiles of number 4, 5 and 6.
  • Point of "All simples" is not counted.
ex.) with "All triplets", "Three suits step triplets" and "Two suits triplets"

Small three only

(Chinese: 全小 quán xiǎo)

  • A hand consisting of tiles of number 1, 2 and 3.
  • Point of "Less than five" is not counted.
ex.) with "Four same sequences", "Terminals or honors in each set", "Lack of one suit" and "Simple sequence hand"

16 points

One suit through

(Chinese: 清龙 qīng lóng)

  • A hand with three sequences 123, 456 and 789 in one suit.
ex.) with "Simple sequence hand", "Lack of one suit" and "Two suits sequences"

Three suits edge sequences plus center pair

(Chinese: 三色双龙会 sān sè shuāng lóng huì)

  • A hand with two Edge sequences set in two suits, and pair of number 5 with remained suit.
  • Point of "Simple sequence hand" is not counted.

Three step sequences

(Chinese: 一色三步高 yī sè sān bù gāo)

  • A hand with three sequences in one suit with number difference 1 or 2("1" and "2" can not be mixed).
ex.1) with "Number 5 in each set", "Simple sequence hand" and "Two suits sequences"
ex.2) with "One suit only", "Simple sequence hand" and "Two same sequences"

Number 5 in each set

(Chinese: 全带五 quán dài wŭ)

  • A hand with number 5 tiles be contained in all four set of three tiles and the pair.
  • Point of "All simples" is not counted.
ex.) with "Middle three only", "Three suits sequences", "Simple sequence hand" and "Two same sequences"

Three suits triplets

(Chinese: 三同刻 sān tóng kè)

  • A hand with three same number triplets or quads in all three suits.
ex.) with "All even", "Middle three only"

Three closed triplets

(Chinese: 三暗刻 sān àn kè)

  • A hand with three closed triplets or quads.

12 points

Honors and knitted

(Chinese: 全不靠 quán bù kào)

  • A hand consisting of fourteen tiles from these 16 tiles: number 1, 4 or 7 of one suit; number 2, 5 or 8 of another suit; number 3, 6 or 9 of remained suit; and all honor tiles.
  • These points are not counted: "Five types", "Self tiles only", "One tile wait for a pair".
ex.2) with "Knitted through"

Knitted through

(Chinese: 组合龙 zŭ hé lóng)

  • A hand with following form of 9 tiles: number 1, 4 or 7 of one suit; number 2, 5 or 8 of another suit; number 3, 6 or 9 of remained suit. These 9 tiles is treated as three sequences(see examples), or as a part of Honors and knitted.
ex.1) with "Simple sequence hand"
ex.2) with "Five types" and "Dragon triplet"

More than five

(Chinese: 大于五 dà yú wŭ)

  • A hand consisting of number tiles of 6, 7, 8 or 9.
  • Point of "No honor" is not counted.
ex.) with "Three suits sequences", "Two same sequences" and "Simple sequence hand"

Less than five

(Chinese: 小于五 xiǎo yú wŭ)

  • A hand consisting of number tiles of 1, 2, 3 or 4.
  • Point of "No honor" is not counted.
ex.) with "One suit only", "Three step triplets", "Symmetric tiles only" and two "Four tiles collection"

Three winds

(Chinese: 三风刻 sān fēng kè)

  • A hand with three winds be triplets or quads.
ex.1) with "All honors" and "Dragon triplet" (and "Game wind triplet", "Prevailing wind triplet" and "Terminal or non-special wind triplet" if applicable)

8 points

Three suits through

(Chinese: 花龙 huā lóng)

  • A hand with three sequences 123, 456 and 789 by three suits.
ex.) with "Two same sequences" and "Simple sequence hand"

Symmetric tiles only

(Chinese: 推不倒 tuī bù dǎo)

  • A hand consisting of tiles whose picture is point-symmetric. Available tiles are: .
  • Point of "Lack of one suit" is not counted.
ex.1) with "Two suits triplets", "No honor" and two "Terminal or non-special wind triplet"
ex.2) with "One suit only" and "Seven pairs"

Three suits sequences

(Chinese: 三色三同顺 sān sè sān tóng shùn)

  • A hand with three same number sequences in all three suits.
  • Point of "Two suits sequences" is not counted.
ex.) with "Simple sequence hand" and "Chain six"

Three suits step triplets

(Chinese: 三色三节高 sān sè sān jié gāo)

  • A hand with three number triplets or quads in three suits with successive numbers.
ex.) with "Large three only", "All triplets", "Two suits triplets" and "Terminal or non-special wind triplet"

Avoid points

(Chinese: 无番和 wú fān hú)

  • Hand completion with no points other than Flower tiles points.
completion: or (discarded by another player)
Note. In this case, "Avoid points" point is not given if this completion is corresponded to any of Last discarded tile, Appended tile to melded triplet or Last tile other than revealed.

Last drawn tile

(Chinese: 妙手回春 miào shŏu huí chūn)

  • Hand completion with last tile of the wall.
  • Point of "Completion by draw" is not counted.

Last discarded tile

(Chinese: 海底捞月 hǎi dǐ lāo yuè)

  • Hand completion with last discarded tile.

Supplemental tile of melding quad

(Chinese: 杠上开花 gàng shàng kāi huā)

  • Hand completion with supplemental tile when you melding quad.
  • Point of "Completion by draw" is not counted.

Appended tile to melded triplet

(Chinese: 抢杠和 qiǎng gàng hú)

  • Hand completion with other's melding one tile adding to melded triplet. This is treated as your hand is completed by discarded tile discarded by the melding player.
  • Point of "Last tile other than revealed" is not counted.

6 points

All triplets

(Chinese: 碰碰和 pèng pèng hú)

  • A hand with four triplets or quads.
ex.) with "Three step triplets", "Two suits triplets" and "Symmetric tiles only"

One suit plus honors

(Chinese: 混一色 hùn yī sè)

  • A hand consisting of one suit and honor tiles.
ex.) with "Dragon triplet" and "Edge sequences set"

Three suits step sequences

(Chinese: 三色三步高 sān sè sān bù gāo)

  • A hand with three sequences in three suit with number differs by 1.
ex.) with "Number 5 in each set" and "Four tiles collection"

Five types

(Chinese: 五门齐 wŭ mén qí)

  • A hand containing these five types: character tile, stone tile, bamboo tile, wind tile and dragon tile.
ex.) with "Terminals or honors in each set", "Dragon triplet" and "Two suits sequences"

Others' tiles in each set

(Chinese: 全求人 quán qiú rén)

  • Melding four times other than closed quad, and completing the hand with discarded tiles.
  • Point of "One tile wait for a pair" is not counted.

Two closed quad

(Chinese: 双暗杠 shuāng àn gàng)

  • A hand containing two closed quad. Point of "Two closed triplet" is also counted.

Two dragon triplets

(Chinese: 双箭刻 shuāng jiàn kè)

  • A hand containing two dragon triplets or quads.

4 points

Terminals or honors in each set

(Chinese: 全带幺 quán dài yāo)

  • A hand with terminal or honor tiles be contained in all four set of three tiles and the pair.

Self tiles only

(Chinese: 不求人 bù qiú rén)

  • A hand without melding (other than closed quad) and completed by drawing a tile.
  • Point of "Completion by draw" is not counted.
  • Note that if the hand does not have the format of four sets of three tiles and a pair, i.e. Thirteen orphans, Seven pairs or Honors and knitted format, this point is not counted. In that case, point of "Completion by draw" is counted instead.

Two open quads

(Chinese: 双明杠 shuāng míng gàng)

  • A hand with two open quads, or one open and one closed quads.

Last tile other than revealed

(Chinese: 和绝张 hú jué zhāng)

  • Hand completion with a tile when same other tiles of three are already revealed to all player (discarded or melded).

2 points

Dragon triplet

(Chinese: 箭刻 jiàn kè)

  • A hand with a triplet or quad of dragon tile.

Prevailing wind triplet

(Chinese: 圈风刻 quān fēng kè)

  • A hand with a triplet or quad of prevailing wind.

Game wind triplet

(Chinese: 门风刻 mén fēng kè)

  • A hand with a triplet or quad of game wind.

No melding

(Chinese: 门前清 mén qián qīng)

  • A hand without melding (other than closed quad) and completed by discarded tile. If you complete your hand with your draw, point of Self tiles only is given instead.

Simple sequence hand

(Chinese: 平和 píng hú)

  • A hand with four sequences and number tile pair. There are point criterion of same name in Japanese mahjong, but criterion itself is different.

Four tiles collection

(Chinese: 四归一 sì guī yī)

  • A hand with same four tiles, other than melded quad.

Two suits triplets

(Chinese: 双同刻 shuāng tóng kè)

  • A hand with two same number triplets or quads in two suits.

Two closed triplets

(Chinese: 双暗刻 shuāng àn kè)

  • A hand with two closed triplets or quads.

Closed quad

(Chinese: 暗杠 àn gàng)

  • A hand with a closed quad.

All simples

(Chinese: 断幺 duàn yāo)

  • A hand consisting of no number 1, 9 and honor tile.
  • Point of "No honor" is not counted.

1 point

Two same sequences

(Chinese: 一般高 yī bān gāo)

  • A hand with two identical sequences.

Two suits sequences

(Chinese: 喜相逢 xǐ xiāng féng)

  • A hand with two same number sequences in two suits.

Chain six

(Chinese: 连六 lián liù)

  • A hand with two successive sequences in a suit, like 234567.

Edge sequences pair

(Chinese: 老少副 lǎo shǎo fù)

  • A hand with two sequences 123 and 789 in a suit.

Terminal or non-special wind triplet

(Chinese: 幺九刻 yāo jiŭ kè)

  • A hand with triplet or quad of number 1, 9 and non-special wind (i.e. neither game nor prevailing wind) tile.

Open quad

(Chinese: 明杠 míng gàng)

  • A hand with open quad.

Lack of one suit

(Chinese: 缺一门 quē yī mén)

  • A hand containing exactly two of character, stone and bamboo tiles.

No honor

(Chinese: 无字 wú zì)

  • A hand without any honor tile.

One tile wait for a edge sequence

(Chinese: 边张 biān zhāng)

  • A hand completion with the situation there are only one tile name to complete, because you have the incomplete sequence in edge(12 or 89).

One tile wait for a holed sequence

(Chinese: 坎张 kǎn zhāng)

  • A hand completion with the situation there are only one tile name to complete, because you have the incomplete sequence lacking center(like 24 and 79).

One tile wait for a pair

(Chinese: 单钓将 dān diào jiāng)

  • A hand completion with the situation there are only one tile name to complete, because you have the incomplete pair.

Completion by draw

(Chinese: 自摸 zì mō)

  • A hand completion by draw.

Flower tile

(Chinese: 花牌 huā pái)

  • Whenever a player have or draw a flower tile, declare "huā" (meaning "Flower" in Chinese) and get supplemental tile. This is counted as 1 point.
  • Note that Flower tile points can not be counted for winning criteria of 8 points.

See also

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